Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 301 The first target, Longdi Cave

'As long as it is strong enough, I am not afraid that the old toad will not admit it. '

From the perspective of Qianming and Otsutsuki Kaguya, the old toad is definitely an out-and-out old Yinbi.

Qian Ming thought for a long time, and finally felt that there is no need to worry too much, because the strongest ability of Hamawan is dreaming and prophecy, and it does not have too strong hands-on ability.

In a real fight, I'm afraid that the old guy can't be swept away by flicking his tail.

The only thing to worry about is the two immortals, and the nepotism of Jiraiya and Minato, but this is a challenge to the Holy Land promotion, not a life-and-death battle, and Minato and Zilai are also familiar with themselves, so there is no reason to intervene.

"Three Holy Lands!"

Qian Ming licked his paws, feeling quite high-spirited.


After a few seconds, it freezes.

Here comes the problem.

Where are the three holy places?

The ones with the most clues are Longdi Cave and Miaomu Mountain. One can start searching as long as you find the Chongwu clan, while the other is more troublesome. You have to go to Maze Mountain to solve the secret door of space hidden in the maze, and enter Miaomu Mountain through the secret door.

But there are exceptions to everything.

If they can conquer Longdi Cave, they should have a direct passage to Mount Miaomu—otherwise, the toads would not encounter snakes in Mt. Miaomu. Obviously, the snakes in Longdi Cave found them through secret passages.

The first target, Longdi Cave.

Qian Ming had a plan, returned to Ninja Cat Castle, and began to think about the next plan.

It is definitely not advisable to find it yourself.

The right way is to mobilize the vast ocean of the masses. With so many cat soldiers and cat generals under his command, what time are we waiting?

Back in the castle, it listened to Zhili's report on the situation during this time.

After the cat left again, everything was fine.

Not only that, since the cats left again, the three major cats who stayed in the castle will have a sharp increase in their control over their subordinates, and the division of power has been completed by now.

However, Zhili mentioned the issue of strength at the end.

Among the three cat generals Amakusa, Shota and Orange Fire, Amakusa and Shota are both of the wind attribute and have practiced the wind escape ninjutsu taught by Qianming, while the orange cat Orange Fire only has hair ninjutsu. It stands to reason that the first two cats should be stronger, but ...

In fact, the stronger one is the orange fire.

Because its chakra amount is much larger than that of Amakusa and Xiang, so the power of ninjutsu and body skills are also stronger.

Qianming resisted the urge to complain about Oriri's ability to choose names. Although they didn't sound very good, they were already very good compared to Minato's ability to choose names. At least it didn't sound like embarrassment.

It pondered for a moment, and then passed the version of the cat clan who walked hard and hard to Zhili.

Ori can't control it by himself.

After all, this is the cat version of ninjutsu. Unless she can become a cat, it will be difficult to use this kind of ninjutsu. She just memorizes it forcibly and then teaches it to other cats.

Then, Qian Ming gave her another pack of luxurious cat food.

Lin has mastered the fairy mode, and it can't treat its subordinates favorably, and besides...

I'm very curious what state Zhili will be in if she masters the fairy mode.

Cat ears, cat tail?

The black cat began to speculate secretly in his heart, and he couldn't help being a little excited.

If there are enough points, it would also like to give other ninja cats a luxurious cat food, but unfortunately, Qian Ming just exchanged for a fairy body, plus a cat food for Zhili, now the total points have dropped to more than 8,000 Some.

This part of the points should be kept for backup, so the luxurious cat food belonging to the ninja cats can only be discussed later, and a wave of 300 cheap cat food will be dealt with for the time being.

The most urgent task now is to distribute the tasks, and the other is, where to go to collect points.

Open source and cut expenditure, open source is very important.

One tail is dead.

Erwei has become a fat man, Qi Rabi can't use common sense to judge, and the previous wave of points does not seem to be very effective.


Go to Taki Ninja Village to see?

It seems that there is no need for this. There are waterfalls everywhere in Takinobu Village. In history, except for Kakuto, all of them are chickens. Even if someone Churiki wants to come, he can't get any points. Going there is a waste of chakra and energy.

Qianming was lying at home doing nothing, Zhili massaged him affectionately.

It's comfortable and enjoyable, but this kind of life is too corrupt...

It sighs.

I have to leave and build my own holy land.

Ninja Cat Castle is not suitable as a holy place. As Nizuzu said, it has too much connection with Uchiha, and most Uchihas have a little crazy essence.

With this group of people, sooner or later you will be dragged into the water.

Among other things, if you get too close, it is impossible for Madara or his heirs to let the cat clan go.

Qianming doesn't plan to go with Uchiha, so it is imperative to separate Ninja Cat Castle. Now is a very good opportunity. The cat is not here, and the cat generals have gradually cultivated their prestige.

As long as you give the order, the cat clan will migrate without any resistance.

The destination of the migration is the Land of Snow, but before moving, Qian Ming must first get one thing—the treasure of the Land of Snow, the environmental modifier.

This thing is still in the research and development stage. According to the original development, the wind, flowers and waves will attack the king before it is about to be completed, and the environmental reformer will be nothing.

Qian Ming wants to fund the king to complete it.

Only the place in winter is too scary, it doesn't want to live in that kind of place, heating is a necessary medicine.

"My lord, are we really going to the north?"

Zhili was a little apprehensive.

Different from before, this time Qian Ming will take her out together so that she can see the light of day again.

This made the girl very uneasy.

In her heart, only the castle is the safest place in the world, while the outside world is full of dangers and terrible persecutions. These are the shadows left over from her previous life, Qian Ming can understand, so Qian Ming feels that she must be taken out.

"Meow~ Of course, you don't really want to stay in the castle for the rest of your life, do you? I'll take you to the Snow Country, where no one knows you, and there will be someone to protect you, and you can help them yourself."

Qian Ming tried hard to persuade.

Yahiko and Konan are quite reliable in a certain sense, especially Yahiko. Compared with the future version of Nagato, Yahiko's brain is much more flexible. He knows how to adapt and how to curve to achieve his own peace.

The entrapment of Hanzo and Danzo made him no longer as naive as before.

But Yahiko didn't give up.

He intends to build the Snow Country into a peaceful country first, which is consistent with Qian Ming's goal.

"This... well, then let's go and see."

Ori agrees.

Qian Ming put his paw on her shoulder, ready to fly Thunder God to teleport.

Before exchanging for a fairy body, it might not be able to bear the consumption of taking her to the Land of Snow, but now its chakra is much stronger than before. After taking her to teleport...

It felt it, and it only consumed half of the chakra.

In the past, the black cat had no ability to teleport her.

"here it is?"

"Meow~ Xueyin Village, this is the Land of Snow, as for him..."

Qian Ming lowered his head.

It randomly picked a target to teleport before, so it didn't care who he was. Now this guy seems to be drunk, lying on the floor and sleeping soundly, so he didn't notice the arrival of the black cat and Zhili at all.

This vigilance is too bad, right?

The black cat secretly complained in his heart.

"Drunkard, don't worry about him, go out and meow."

"It's my lord."

Zhili took the black cat, opened the door and walked out from the house. The house here is very strange, it is a type she has never seen before, and the key point is that it is very, very cold.

When she left the house, she sneezed immediately from the cold.

"Meow~ I forgot that you are not resistant to cold, you stay indoors first, I will go to Xiao Nan to get you a set of warm clothes."


The Land of Snow is too cold, and Xueyin Village is on the edge of the snow mountain, this kind of cold is not something she can resist.

She hurried back into the house.

Qianming made a clone to find Nagato and the others, and went back to the house with Zhili.

Still warm in the house.

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