Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 308 Cell Leakage? Definitely Danzo...

"Meow~ It's really tall."

Qian Ming felt a little emotional.

Even it took several minutes to climb to the top of the tower. It can be seen how exaggerated the height is. Ordinary ninja cats may not be able to reach here even with chakra. As for Nagato...

Practice again.

Perhaps when his physical skills are improved, it will be possible to go to the top of the tower to see the scenery.


It is said to be a view, but in fact, there is nothing to see if it is too high. The snow country itself is full of snow, and it is white from a high place, and there is no scenery at all.

It pressed a Flying Thunder God spell.

There is the Flying Thunder God Art here, and I can come back anytime I want, but I have to say that I ran so high when I was full. Before the development of large-scale heaters, air conditioners, or ninjutsu barriers to maintain temperature, it They didn't even think about coming up.

I'm freezing to death!

Flying Thunder God down, it kept warm by the hot spring, and it took a long time to get used to it.

it's too cold.

The tower is settled here, and then just wait for Fenghuazaoxue to come over.

It's not the first time Qian Ming pretends to be godlike.

But if you really want to live here for a long time, food is another problem.

It's really not easy to find some food in this icy world. As for the short-term, it's not too difficult. Whether it's Bingliangwan or the food and snacks accumulated in the lottery in Qianming's item space, it's enough to fill your stomach.


There are still many problems.

It pondered for a while, and prepared to use the ice escape to create an igloo.

This kind of igloo is similar to the igloo of the Eskimos, the only difference is that the ice escape creation is more tightly stitched, and it looks like a natural carving.

When the igloo was outside, Qian Ming specially opened a relatively thin translucent "ice window".

Through the ice window, you can see the scene of Nagato falling outside—it’s a pity that Nagato is still in a coma,

Couldn't appreciate the scene of him bungee jumping and the squeal that made the cat gloat.

After resting here for a while, Qian Ming took out food under Xiao Nan's shocked eyes, and happily ate it.


Qian Ming won't eat alone, everyone who sees will get a share, Xiaonan and Zhili will share some, and Nagato, who is in a coma, will not have this kind of treatment.

It ate something and then fell into a drowsy sleep.

Running back and forth for a day consumes a lot of chakra.

After a day's rest, it's time to do the next step, such as renovating the surroundings of the Jialin Tower. If you still have the energy, you have to go to Orochimaru to finish the matter of the Ryuji Cave, and it should be done early.

However, the matter of Longdi Cave came after the establishment of the territory.

It has to build its territory first.

Ice escape is very useful in this respect. Although in the icy snow country, even ordinary water escape can be frozen into ice escape, but Qianming's ice escape can be more hard-hard when integrated with fairy chakra. Under such an environment, it is impossible for the ice escape creation to melt.

The next day, it carried out a large-scale renovation around the Galin Tower.

The first is a jungle maze formed by a pile of icicles and ice trees. These icicles and ice trees can not only disorient outsiders, but also block the strong wind from the ice sheet.

It was a big project, and even Qian Ming took several days to complete it.

Nagato is still exercising, the difference is that now there are more Xiaonan and Zhili——

Xiaonan is exercising physical skills, while Zhili is exercising fairy mode.

During the construction of the ice forest, Qianming caught another Baijue, sealed it and kept it according to the old method, and took it to Dashewan when the ice forest was finished here.

With white stimulation, Nagato trained even harder.

The development of his reincarnation eye is progressing very fast, and he can now manipulate repulsion and suction as he likes. Although the rest of his abilities are still to be developed, they are much better than before.

After a few days, Qianming decided to go to Dashewan.

For a while, Zhili has mastered the Chakra fluctuations of the Baijue people. As long as Baijue is close, she can use her perception talent to detect it instantly. Not hard to catch.

In real danger, Zhili still seals Qianming's shadow clone.

So, it's not a big problem.


In Orochimaru's research room, a white zealot is stored in the middle container, and a bunch of people surround it for research. Some of these people are root members, and the other part are some ninjas in the medical class.

The youngest is none other than Pharmacist Dou.

"It is indeed a strange creature, do you have any conclusions?"

In the small room on the side, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Sandai Hokage sat together, staring at Bai Ze in the distance with serious faces.

"First of all, I want to say that this has nothing to do with me or Danzo."

Orochimaru tapped on the table.

He knew that he and Danzo had a bad reputation, and Tsunade and Sandai knew more or less about their affairs, so before explaining Bai Ze's situation, he added a special sentence.

"Don't worry, I'm still clear about this."

Tsunade said.

The third generation also nodded. Orochimaru may have many shortcomings, but there is no need for him to lie about this kind of thing. After all, the research on interstitial cells has long been known.

"Its internal structure is very strange, but what is certain is that it has been artificially cultured and researched, and it is mixed with a lot of cells from Mr. Hashirama, which is enough to prove that someone has obtained Mr. Zhujian's cells, and has been studying them for so many years. "

Orochimaru couldn't help but smiled playfully when he said this.

Few people in Konoha can touch the cells between the pillars, and almost no one in the ninja world can get them, so who is it?

That's why he added that sentence at the beginning.

Tsunade looked sideways.

The meaning is obvious, Danzo has never sold cells?

The third generation opened his mouth, but closed it again and sat on the sidelines doubting his life. Of course he believed in Danzo, but if it wasn’t Danzo, who took away the cells between the pillars and studied it secretly?

It is impossible for other ninja villages. No one could hurt the first Hokage back then.

After more than ten seconds, still no one spoke. At this time, the space fluctuated, and the black cat appeared next to Orochimaru.

There's something wrong with the atmosphere, is there a small meeting here?

It glanced at Tsunade and Sanyo.

The two stared at it, as well as Bai Jue tied to its tail, and the atmosphere became even more awkward in an instant.

Caught another one...

"Another one?"


Qian Ming nodded.

Orochimaru ground his teeth, and even he felt a bit pained.

This thing is a Chinese cabbage, why did they bring another one over in just a few days, and they still have no clue...

"Qianming, what's going on?"

Three generations are very confused.


"What is this thing, where did you come from?"

Tsunade followed suit.

She was really curious, the more she researched, the more curious and puzzled everyone was about Bai Jue's situation, but the key now is how the intercolumnar cells leaked out.

This is related to whether there are ghosts in the village.

"It spied on me, so I caught it, and that was meow."

Qian Ming simply explained.

It is very simple and easy to say, but Tsunade knows that it is definitely not that easy, because this white genus is very strange, it is difficult to detect their existence based on perception alone, even if it is stored in a petri dish, it must be carefully explored to find it.

Another one is, why did the people behind send it to chase Qian Ming?

She was lost in thought.

Could it be...

The opponent's target is the inheritance that Qian Ming belongs to?

Not impossible.

"Meow~ Do you still want this one?"

Qian Ming put down the sealed Bai Jue who was unconscious.

"Yes, of course!"

Orochimaru hastily agreed that he paid the price, and if one was lost due to Sandai or Tsunade, it would be a very painful loss for him.

It sent Bai Jue over.

Orochimaru dragged it out, leaving Tsunade and Sandai in the small room, as well as Qian Ming who had just arrived here.

The black cat has a feeling of being cheated.

But on second thought...

It was itself that made Orochimaru report to Tsunade before, so in the end it was me who cheated me?


"Qianming, what are these..."

"Cough, how are you doing recently? How is the territory going? Do you need help?"

Tsunade coughed and interrupted Sandai's cross-examination, and at the same time reminded Sandai with words——

Qianming is not just Konoha's jounin, but also the "patriarch" of a quasi-sacred place. Even if the number of ninja cats is small now, they are qualified to enjoy the transcendent status if they master the immortal mode.

Three generations shut up.

I have to admit that Tsunade is more thoughtful than him here.

"It's been built today. I'll take you to see it when I have time. It's a spectacular cat."

The current Jialin Tower has ice forests, hot springs and high towers. The next thing to do is ice sculptures. In the end, it plans to create a ninja version of the ice and snow world.

"Okay, sure."

Tsunade smiled sweetly.

Then, she took Qian Ming to chat about some household matters, and didn't ask about Bai Jue's origin or other things, but was worried that it would be in danger outside.

Qian Ming chatted here for a while.

Whether it is going out or not, it is not the case, but fortunately, it is not the only one that hurts, but also Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The three generations are sitting on the side like wax.

He was thinking about Bai Jue's matter in his heart, but Qian Ming really didn't seem to know, and Orochimaru...

With Orochimaru's character, it should really have nothing to do with him, but in this case, where did the cells between the columns come from?


It's a pity that Danzang is dead, otherwise you can ask Danzang.

No one thinks about Madara, because the news of Madara's death was confirmed by the first and second Hokages. If it is only the former, it may be Senju Hashima's soft-heartedness, but Senju Tobima is absolutely impossible. tenderhearted.

‘Forget it, eat something to restore your chakra, so that you won’t run out of chakra when you go to Ryuji Cave later. '

It has consumed more than 10% of its chakra from the Snow Country to here. Even if the immortal's body has recovered amazingly, it is better to eat a bag of cat food to replenish it if there is nothing to do now. What if the chakra is just a little short?

However, after glancing at the system, Qian Ming unexpectedly discovered that his points had increased by more than 4,000.

Because of Bai Jue?

It glanced outside and saw a group of people surrounding Baijue No. 1 and Baijue No. 2, and made a rough guess in its heart.

It must be that they still have three generations and Tsunade's contribution, especially the third generation. Looking at his expression sitting over there, you can tell that he is in a bad mood.

comfortable! \u003c/div\u003e

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