Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 319 Holy Land? no comment no comment

The last time I was in Longdi Cave, it was not easy to speak directly. After all, the boss of the White Snake Immortal is also one of the leaders in the world of ninja beasts. It is not good to eat snake meat in front of people's territory. What if someone turns around and eats cat meat in its territory? manage?

Although it is not afraid of itself, those little brothers really can't stand it.

They are too weak.

Not every cat works so hard to become stronger like myself. Most cats are lazy by nature, and they don’t want to work too hard if they have a bite to eat. In short, they all lack ambition.

Even the four cat generals are all the same.

For example, the orange cat with thunder and fire attributes can lie down for a day and not stand up. Looking back, Qian Ming was thinking about whether to share the multiplication technique with it, it is definitely suitable...

After thinking so much, Qian Ming still felt regretful.

Just now, I should have acted more aggressively and accidentally killed Wan Snake in Miaomu Mountain, so that there would be a feast of snake meat.

It is also a snake who practiced magic chakra.

Wentai was silent while bouncing around. It had a lot to say, but it didn't know where to start complaining.

It's fine to sell toad meat in front of the toad, even the idea of ​​the Longdi Cave Snake Clan?

I'm really not afraid to start a fight.

The behavior of the black cat accurately expressed the meaning of a sentence.

It's no big deal to watch the excitement.

It thought to himself.

"We're here ahead. If you want to find the two adults, go down and don't stay on top of me."

Wen Tai said in a muffled voice.

Although it has been seen by many toads before, those toads can't beat it, so the embarrassing black history can be stopped with fists, and if you enter Miaomu Mountain like this, you don't have to stop it.

Everyone knows, what's the difference between solving and not solving?

"Meow~ Don't be so troublesome, you walk fast, take me a few more steps."

Qian Ming lay on its head.

Toad Wen is too big, his head is lying on the floor like the floor,

Other than a little pimple, there is nothing wrong with it.

When did Mrs. Wen suffer this kind of anger?

It brows furiously and is about to explode on the spot, but after holding it back for a while, it finally holds back.

Ten thousand snakes and pearls are ahead, so they can't repeat the same mistakes again.

Who invited it to Mount Miaomu?

What the hell.

Plague God!

Mrs. Wen bit her head and ran into Miaomu Mountain. At the foot of the mountain, Qian Ming saw a field of petrified toads.

This is the place where Miaomushan practiced the immortal mode?

It glanced at it, and there were many densely packed ones.

How many people has the old toad harmed...

Looking at it this way, the system's production is worthy of the system's production, and the system's fairy mode has almost no strong side effects except for the loss of the luxury cat food worth a thousand.

Nothing like these.

Qian Ming secretly shook his head.

It hides on Wentai's head, so Wentai can only catch a glimpse of the hair by looking up with his eyes, and he can't see what the black cat is doing at all.

"Here we are, come down."


The bus has arrived at the station, and it is estimated that it will not leave any further.

Qian Ming jumped down from the top.

Huge and weird plants, waterfalls flowing with toad oil, and stone frogs...

This is Mt. Myogi.

It is similar to the anime in the previous life, but in reality, it is much more shocking than anime and manga. It is different from the eerie atmosphere of Ryuji Cave. At first glance, it feels very unusual here. Although it is not a fairyland, it is comparable Other places in the world have to be more aggressive.

"The two adults should be on the mountain. You can go up the mountain by yourself, and I won't go."

Wen Tai smoked a cigarette.

The nightmare journey is finally coming to an end.

Hurry up and send the plague god away, let the old man and the old lady have a headache, anyway, don't come to harm us.

It secretly thought.

"No need, we're already here..."

"Cough, Mrs. Wen, you really are, why don't you send the guests to the mountain, it's really impolite."

Fukasaku and Shima Senjin quickly appeared.

They have sensed the existence of Qianming before—no way, there is such a strong sense of celestial chakra, and the type of celestial chakra is different from Mt. Miaomu, shining like a lighthouse in the dark.

Mrs. Wen was silent after listening.

What the hell is it sent down the mountain, and you want it to send people up the mountain?

These two guys don't think it's a big deal to watch the fun.

It didn't have any birds, so it just skipped and walked away. Anyway, Fukasaku and Immortal Shima arrived, so there's no need for it to meddle in their business and make the two toads have a headache.

"Hey, it's just like that, don't worry too much about it."

Sento Fukasaku was embarrassed.

It coughed lightly, and then landed in front of Qianming. Fukasaku and Shima Sensei were almost the same size as the small Qianming, and the three of them looked pretty decent standing together—provided that Qianming didn't use the doubling technique.

"Meow~ It's okay, young people should be impulsive and angry."

Qian Ming said old-fashionedly.

Mrs. Wen who hadn't jumped far heard that and almost drew a knife and slashed at her. You're a dead cat who's only over a year old, so what are you pretending to be.

Taking advantage is not the way to take advantage!


Still the same sentence, can't beat it.

To deal with guys who can fight, Wentai never uses words to communicate, only to deal with enemies who can't beat, but this black cat is not a guy who plays cards according to common sense, Wan Snake just laughed at himself, and was beaten like that hanging sample.

Forget it.

Mrs. Wen pretended not to hear, and ran away on her own.


Qian Ming secretly sighed in his heart.

If Mrs. Wen comes back to argue, I can beat it up again. With its face-saving personality, it will definitely give me a lot of points...


Immortal Zhima spoke half a sentence, but was interrupted by Qian Ming's words, she suddenly forgot what she was going to say.

Can't blame it.

For Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage, it is not too difficult to roughly observe each other's age.

Qianming's body is strong and full of xianju chakra, but judging from his physical condition, even if various factors are taken into account, it is no more than ten years at most, and Wentai's age is much, much older than this.

How shameless it is.

"Hey, are you here at our Miaomu Mountain?"

Fukasaku Sage skipped this topic.

"Meow, thanks to the top of the mountain, it's a pity that the gift was eaten by Wen Tai. The snake soup is delicious, and some special ingredients are added in it."

Qian Ming felt very sorry.

If the two immortals ate it and told them it was toad meat, they would definitely get more points. Letting a big man like Wentai eat it is like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit.


Immortal Shima didn't know what the special ingredient was, but she just felt that it was not a good thing to tell her, so she and Immortal Fukasaku looked at each other and decided to continue skipping the conversation.

Immortal Fukasaku thought about the meaning of "worshiping the top of the mountain".

Probably to say hello?

"Meow~ I have set up a Galin Tower, and I am going to compete for the ranks of the Holy Land, so I will report to everyone in the Three Holy Lands."

"Holy place..."

Sento Fukasaku was silent for a moment after hearing this.

This thing still needs competition?

It was born in Mount Miaomu, so it doesn't pay much attention to these things, and it doesn't realize the convenience and benefits of being a holy place.


You are so strong, who dares to have any opinions?

But if Qianming doesn't have a system, it won't fight for it.

What's the use?

If you become a Holy Land, everyone may not respect you, and you will think about it day and night to challenge, but if there is a system, it will be different when you go out and meet ninja beasts, and the registration number will be louder than others.

Even if we meet the ape demon, we will be superior, and the points will roll in after a wave of ridicule.

Especially after getting stronger.

Not strong enough, the opponent can hit you after taunting, but now taunting Wentai, it is not just a Buddhist way of dealing with it that can only obediently leave, choose not to listen, not to see, or not to think.

Sulking gives the most points.

Fukasaku didn't understand, but after thinking about it for a while, he still said decisively: "You cat clan has already mastered your own fairy model, so we Miaomu Mountain have no objections."\u003c/div\u003e

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