Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 328 You Look So Pretty When You Get Beaten


"Then let's see the real chapter under my hand."

Kakudo had no expression on his face, and quietly activated ninjutsu while speaking.

From Qianming's feet, silk threads broke through the ground one by one.

The ground resents Yu.

This kind of silk thread is condensed by chakra, and its penetrating power is stronger than that of ninja tools. At this time, it is very fatal if Kakudo cooperates with Tudun to sneak attack, but the next second...

The black cats in place gradually dissipated.



No, it's too fast.

Jiaodu felt a burst of killing intent coming from behind, and instantly released the black line to attack behind him. In his script, his secret skill of resentment can definitely resist the opponent's attack and even counterattack.

But the reality is too skinny.

At the moment of contact, he felt a huge surge of power, followed by a cold chill.

Turning his head, he saw that the cat had become extremely huge, and the hair on its body had turned white like ice crystals, as if there was still a frosty flame burning.

not good!

Jiao knew it was not good, but it was too late.

With one claw, the black thread was torn apart ruthlessly like thatch, and then the cat's tail swept over quickly and fiercely, and all obstacles were turned into ice crystals before being touched and then shattered.


With a single blow, even though the horns were in the soil spear state, they still spit out a mouthful of blood.

The power is too strong.

The key point is that the black cat's attack also has a strong freezing air, so that even if he blocks the attack on the outside, it is still affected inside him.

This is "magic damage".

Another hit...


The horns flew out.

He used the secret technique of earth grievances and used the black line to change his position in the air, but then he discovered that these methods were useless at all.

The enemy is too fast.

In the face of absolute speed and strength, any strategy and combat wisdom are pale and powerless—unless you have a certain amount of strength, enough to allow yourself to use these strategies.


Compared with Qianming, Jiaodu is still a little bit less interesting.

Although his strength is strong, but more lies in his strangeness, immortality, and variety, but these are meaningless in the face of Qian Ming.

Change the type of ninjutsu?

Ice escape may be restrained, but it is difficult to be restrained with real fists and strange strength.

At least the horns don't have the ability to do it yet.

bang bang bang~

There was a muffled sound, and the horns were thrown in the air like a ball and kicked around.

This time, Jiao panicked.

The biggest illusion in the world is "I can fight back".

At that time, Madara thought that he could fight back with Kyuubi, but it turned out that he was still on the street. Although he used "the purpose is to get flesh and blood" as an excuse to cover up, he still couldn't cover up the fact that he was defeated.

The same goes for Kakuto.

He thinks that he can fight back by not dying, but in fact he is still on the second floor, because the opponent doesn't care whether you are dead or not, just keep fighting anyway.


You are so dead, I will whip the corpse as well.

No matter what ability you have, you can't pose any threat to me anyway. If you are strong, you can do whatever you want.

Qianming is fearless and continues to beat Kakuto.

In the middle, he had actually broken two hearts, but there was no way to fight back. The corners could see that if it was changed to the world of cats, he would probably be a scurrying mouse now.

The mouse felt that he was not dead and had a chance to struggle, but in fact...

No matter how you run, isn't that the case?

In front of the cat, the mouse is irresistible, and there are only two endings in the end, being played to death or being eaten.

The horns gave up struggling.

"what on earth do you want?"

"Meow, pay first."

Seeing that the other party finally gave in, Qian Ming slapped him on the ground.

Myojinmon is useless.

No need, the horns are different from Heijue and Madara. Although this guy is not dead, he has no ability to resist himself. You can catch it wherever you run.

In the distance, Huangtu witnessed this scene, and his heart was deeply touched.

Although he didn't know who the opponent was, the way he was beaten was really like his old man Onoki. He seemed strong and invincible, but he could only smash the air with ninjutsu crazily in front of Qian Ming.

Incapable of fury.

But the question is, who is this guy?


Jiaodu asked blankly, "You won't kill me if you pay the money?"

"Meow~ depends on your mood."


There is nothing to hide.

Too straightforward, right?

The horns are very painful. On the one hand, he thinks the black cat is disgusting and a jerk, but on the other hand, he has to admit that this guy is very powerful, and judging by the strength he has shown now, he has no chance to escape.

He took a deep breath and said, "What the hell do you mean?"

"You seem to be the traitor of Longin Village. If you are handed over to Longin Village, you should be able to exchange a lot of money, and your ninjutsu seems to be very interesting. It seems that Takinin Village is rarely able to get it. Ninjutsu..."

Qian Ming counted them carefully, as if calculating the value of Jiaodu.

This is something Kakudo likes to do.

Now replace yourself.

He felt aggrieved by it, and understood that the other party did not let go of his thoughts, but he didn't even have the idea of ​​​​repentance, confession or something, this life is long enough.

He formed the seal silently, replaced the main body with the clone, but he himself used the earth escape to sneak into the ground.

Corners are ready to run.

But where can he escape?

In just a split second, Qian Mingfei Thunder God passed by, this time it didn't intend to hold back.

After Flying Thunder God passed by, it used Earth Dungeon to follow Kakuzu, and Kakuzu also used Earth Dunjutsu to fight back, but before his attack reached the surrounding soil, it had all turned into frozen permafrost.

In an instant, Jiaodu found himself back in the air again.

He was floating in the air with the clod, and there were heavy wooden doors falling from above. Kakudo had the honor of seeing this kind of ninjutsu in the hands of the first Hokage.

It's called Myojin Gate.

This is a very powerful sealing technique, and even tailed beasts look weak under this kind of ninjutsu.

It turned out that the previous one was Mingshenmen.

He sighed inwardly.

Soon Jiao was suppressed, Qian Ming treated him very well, even prepared a head cover for him, so as to avoid the pain caused by too much struggle, he walked away peacefully...

"I didn't expect that the ninja of that era would survive to this day. It's a pity that he unfortunately met the most notorious guy in Konoha now."

Huang Tu watched from a distance, silently lighting the wax for Kakudu——Qian Ming mentioned Taki Ninja Village, and he finally remembered who this guy was.

It is said that both Kakuzu and Senjubashima have fought against each other.

Such a ninja is not Qian Ming's opponent, Konoha is really lucky to have such a support.

Seeing the black cat throw the lump over, he immediately caught it with earth escape ninjutsu.

The horns are surrounded by torii gates, and they cannot move at all.

"give to me?"

"Meow~ You think so beautifully. This is my trophy, of course it is mine. I just want you to fight it for me."

Qian Ming glanced at him, then replied angrily.

It threw it to the loess, but it just didn't want to take it by itself.

Kakuzu himself refused to reveal the whereabouts of the money, but Konoha is best at obtaining information, and with the presence of the mountain clan, sooner or later he will be able to figure out the whereabouts of the money from his head.

In addition, Earth Resentment is also a good thing.

Qian Ming didn't need it, but Orochimaru would be interested, and he should be able to get a lot of things from Orochimaru.

Money is second, mainly all kinds of materials, ninja tools and so on.

Loess is very sad.

But when he turned his head and saw the four-tailed Jinchuriki in the sealed state, he thought of a very serious question-how to seal this guy?

"Lord Qianming, do you know the sealing technique?"

"Meow~ No, but I have a paid sealing service, do you want it?"


Huang Tu took out the signal flare.

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