Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 346 Naruto is still numb?

"By the way, Rizu has been thinking about you recently. Whether you want to build a relationship or something, you'd better go there, so that he won't be too tired to look for me every day."

Tsunade sat down and began to deal with official duties feebly.

Shizune is still young, going to school every day, there is no way to help her share the pressure, and the only reliable person in the office is Shikajiu, but Shikajiu is also the head of the Nara clan, so I am embarrassed to ask him to do chores every day...


Hokage, it really is the seat where a fool would sit.

Tsunade secretly complained in his heart.

"Nizu misses me?"

Qian Ming was surprised for a moment, and then remembered some of Rizu's attitude tendencies. Presumably, he also wanted to conclude a contract with the cat clan - Rizu had such an idea before, but Qianming didn't follow the words at the time.

This old boy...

It feels a bit strange. Last time Fujigaku asked Tsunade Curve to save the family, he also wanted it to join the cat family. Now you have offspring on Nizuzu's side, right?


According to the original trajectory, wouldn't Hinata have to wait three years later?

what the hell.

Is it possible that after the Japanese Football War, I was bored at home after the Japanese Football War, and made people at home every day to play, but now something happened to the game?

Not impossible.

According to the original timeline, the war between Konoha and other villages will continue for at least three to four years, and Hyuga Hizuru, as the head of the Hyuga clan, is naturally duty-bound in the Konoha War, and his role is still very important, almost Equivalent to partial command.

If the war continues, it is almost impossible for him to return to the village, let alone create a human.

But Hinata was born early, what about the prince?

Oh no.

The prince's father failed to be the fourth generation, so there is a high probability that he was not the prince.

Maybe it's the whirlpool, so to speak...

Is this still a parallel world?

Qian Ming surmised maliciously,

Although Namikaze Minato doesn't have the same personality as in the world of Infinity Tsukiyomi, who can say clearly about raising children, maybe a naruto who accidentally raised a two-pillar template.

In case it's really numb, it's interesting.

It thought of this and smiled.

But just think about it, Madara is not dead now, and according to the battle between Asura and Indra, Naruto has a high probability of not being born, unless Madara has given up thinking about fighting with Senjuzhu, as a reincarnation that is completely approved "Asura".

In this way, there will be no reincarnation of the next generation.

It is still unknown.

The avatar is settled, Madara is quite cooperative now, and Orochimaru has also shown a strong interest, although the opponent is Uchiha Madara, although the opponent once ruled the roost for a while, he is now his research object.

Nothing to be afraid of.

Ninjutsu research far exceeds Orochimaru's fear of Madara, not to mention that Madara is still sealed, which is equivalent to a horse with a lame leg. What's the use of running fast?

Needless to say, the research is done.

There is even less pressure on Qianming's side, even Madara has been dealt with, unless the Otsutsuki clan is airborne at this moment, it is really hard to imagine that there is anyone in the ninja world who can threaten his life.

Otsuki Kaguya?

That guy is still sealed on the moon. For the time being, only her body has been psychically released through the eyes of reincarnation, but only the body has no egg function. First, she has no consciousness, and second, she does not have too strong ability. It is just an indestructible meat shield—— Still a dead thing.

It's a little bloated and has an invincible feel to it.


The fact is true, even those aliens Qianming are not necessarily afraid of them. Although the reincarnation eye is powerful, it is not impossible to crack it, but it is a little troublesome to deal with.

Our ability comes from the system, but there are no embarrassing version patches like Naruto and Sasuke. Even if the Otsutsuki clan invades it, it is confident to hit a dozen. The strength lies here, so there is nothing to worry about.

After arriving at the Hyuga Clan, Chen Ye could even see some Uchiha people patrolling around the Hyuga Clan.

After Uchiha surrendered, the village no longer needed the Hyuga clan to confront Uchiha to check and balance.

The two naturally turned enemies into friends, and now everyone is working for the guards and Konoha. Although they all have the intention to compete for the next generation of Hokage, there is no deep hatred in essence.

"Meow~ Rizu's location... well, it's a small teahouse again."

Qian Ming sensed the direction.

The location of Nichizuki is impressively the place where I chatted and drank tea with him last time, but the Hyuga clan seems to have a lot of medical ninjas these days, and there are a lot of people coming in and out.

Running all the way, it didn't take long before it arrived outside Rizu's house.

Before going in, it took a special look, not because it was afraid of being discovered, but because it would be embarrassing for both of them to rush in suddenly if they did something that was not suitable for meeting people in the house one day.

Fortunately not.

"Well, let's leave it at that for now. You go back first on the daily errand, and we'll discuss this matter later."


Another person in the house responded, and then walked out of the house to the yard. He looked up, and then bowed his head to the roof where Qian Ming lived.


Qian Ming replied, and then disappeared with a whoosh.

The speed is too fast.

Nisashi felt very emotional, the scene where Chiaki was proposed by him to be promoted to the superintendent seemed to be still yesterday, but today she has become the most powerful pillar of Konoha, an existence that is unmatched in the whole ninja world, and it has been less than two years in total. .

It's amazing!

"I hope my elder brother's wish can come true. In this way, even if the family is not sure..."

Riza's gaze was fixed on this house for a few seconds, and then he walked away.

Originally, he wasn't that urgent, but after knowing that Rizu had a child, Rizu suddenly became anxious - he was almost the same age as Rizu, and Rizu was about to have a child, and he was almost of age.

The disciples of the branch family will be released from the cage when they are three years old. No one can break this rule, even if his brother Hinata Hyuzuru is the head of the main family, he can't change this.

It would be different with Qianming's help.


This is because the Hyuga clan doesn't know the news that Madara was captured alive for the time being. If Nisashi and Nichizuru know that they are going to jump for joy now, Chiaki can even capture Madara alive, and these people in the clan dare not say anything.

"Qianming, I didn't expect you to return to Konoha today. If I was free, I should have visited you by myself, but I've been busy recently, and I don't know where you are now, so I had to ask Tsunade-sama to convey it to you. .”

"Meow, it's nothing, I happened to pass by on something."

Qian Ming explained a sentence, and then looked around. There was only Rizuru in the room, and Rizuru was a boring gourd. Even if he had a child, he would not show anything on the bright side.

Rizu didn't ask anything.

If he should know, Qian Ming would naturally say that if he should not know, it would be a waste of asking, and it would hinder his status as Patriarch Hinata. He first poured Qian Ming a cup of tea, even though Qian Ming might not drink it, but the process still needs to be done.

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