"Don't worry, what's going on?"

Tsunade rubbed his temples in annoyance, this guy was still there at such a critical time.

Heart tired.

Being Hokage is really troublesome, if not being Hokage, how can I be so busy, and also have to deal with a problem child Well, that's not quite accurate, it should be called a problem cat.

The black cat's strength grew too fast, giving Tsunade a strange feeling of "it's just a child" but it turned out to be a strong man who disdains the ninja world. She took a deep breath to suppress her irritability, and shifted her attention to Things come up by themselves.

"Meow, everything is settled. Heijue has been sealed by Madara and I, and Madara will not return to the ninja world in the future."


Tsunade's eyes widened slightly.

This means that Madara is not dead, but from now on he will not return to the ninja world, but live in an alien world?

What a hassle.

To deal with this kind of enemy, Tsunade doesn't mind using his own mind to speculate on the other party, like Madara is a troublesome person, who knows if he will make trouble in secret, and it is really unreasonable to let him stay outside.

think about it

Letting Madara stay in an alien planet is much better than staying in Konoha. It is a time bomb, and it may explode at any time and razed Konoha to the ground.

Thinking about it this way, it seems not bad?

Tsunade comforted herself in her heart, but then, what Qianming took out surprised her, and at the same time, the worry in her heart was a little less.

reincarnation eyes.

These are Madara's eyes.

"What are these eyes?"

"It's an apology for Meow Ban to Shishui."

Qian Ming told the truth.

Tsunade pondered for a moment, then nodded, took it over and looked it over, then sealed it with a sealing technique, and then said: "When Shisui returns to the village, I will give him the eyes."

"Meow! Where's Zhishui? Are you still looking for a way home?"

Qian Ming was a little strange.

Could it be that no one is going to pick that brat home?

This is too miserable.

"Zhishui found the Eastern Border Patrol by himself, and they are now in the eastern camp. Cang has already rushed there first."

Tsunade explained.


Qian Ming nodded.

It still believes that Tsunade is a human being, at least he has a lot more credibility than the Third Hokage, and he will not be so wise in dealing with Uchiha issues, so he will still give what should be given.

After all, Madara was going to hand over to Shisui.

However, some censorship of Shisui is inevitable. After all, Shisui has studied with Madara for a while, and Madara's charm has been planted in his body. Who knows if Madara will manipulate Shisui to hide himself the goal of?

Konoha's ninjas quickly dispersed.

The miracle of the second moon really shocked everyone at first, but after knowing that the instigator was Qianming, everyone felt very complicated, especially the emotions of the jonin.

Konoha has a powerhouse that is at the same level as the Sage of the Six Paths,

It seems cool to say it, but

Let's talk about it in detail.

This strong man is a black cat, and it is not in Konoha now, but has opened a psychic beast shrine called Galinta, so in a sense, the two parties are a cooperative relationship.


Many people knew that Tsunade seemed to like the black cat very much, and Senshou gave the black cat some of Senshou's few belongings, such as the precious necklace.

Back in the village, Chiaki didn't go to Hyuga's house.

Although the Hamura family is inextricably linked to the Hyuga family, the current situation is obviously not suitable for them to meet, and it is not good for the Hyuga family to get the deeper blood of the Otsutsuki family. So anxious.

Madara left the ninja world, Black Jue was sealed, and these Bai Jue settled down at once.

As for the heretic golem

Although it is still in Wuyin Village, Qianming used the power of the Six Paths to cooperate with Nagato to channel the golem from Wuyin Village to Jialin Tower at once. Mizukage originally planned to catch a leak, but the outsider golem was pulled halfway It flew straight away.

no way.

Even if they knew who made it, but the thing belonged to someone else, of course, Wuyin Village is not so polite to know that it will be returned to the original owner, and it will be reasonable only if it can't be beaten, otherwise they will definitely say "the thing is in the country of water, then it is of the Land of Water" or something like that.

With a six-level cat on his head, no one in the ninja world dared to deal with Konoha.

in addition

After Qianming was strong enough to suppress the ninja world, the reputation of Galinta gradually spread. Ninja beasts helped spread the news, and soon everyone knew that the legendary Galinta might exist somewhere mysterious in the Snow Country place.

Now, even Snow Country can't afford to mess with it.

After hearing the news, Onogi and Hanzo were the most uncomfortable. Onogi felt uncomfortable because the Snow Country was just to the north of their Land Country. The former Daimyo of the Land Country also asked him if he could annex some land to the Snow Country.

Well, forget it.

Ohnoki is sensible.

As for Hanzo, his egg hurts because of the news from Xueren Village.

Snow Ninja Village has also started to accept missions recently, so everyone soon learned that there is a small village that is not weaker than many Ninja Villages in the Snow Country. After investigation, it is found that this is the dawn that was driven away by him before?

Knowing this, Hanzo didn't need to think about it carefully, the news passed through his brain and instantly understood who the murderer who killed Danzo was.

Chiaki the black cat.

Unexpectedly, you turned out to be the one who threw the pot on my head!

Thinking of this, Hanzo couldn't help being annoyed, obviously it was Konoha's own people who killed his own people, but at that time, no matter whether Orochimaru or the third generation, Konoha's various forces wanted him to pay the price, and in order to calm the matter, he was arrested Konoha knocked a bamboo stick hard.


So what if you know the truth?

Don't Konoha know?

Compared with Qian Ming, the strong man who quelled the ninja war, the latter must be more valuable. Both Sandai and Tsunade know how to choose. Hanzo doesn't think it will be wrong to ask this question Getting preferential treatment, on the contrary, he may die unexpectedly in the end.

That cat's heart-eye is only a little bigger than a mung bean. After picking it up, I'm afraid it will be sent back to Yuyin Village the next day at dawn.

Hanzo was scared.

When a demigod meets a god, they will be caught blind.

Qian Ming is not a god, but his strength is already comparable to a god.

The time after peace is very boring, and Qian Ming only occasionally goes to Yunyin Village, teases Qi Rabi, this wonderful flower, and Ai and his son to collect some points. It is worth mentioning that the suggestions it put forward I really did.

They built bridges and roads in the mountains, and they built a thoroughfare in the rugged mountains enough for merchants to enter and exit. Thanks to this, the economic development of the country of Thunder is much better than before.

Although there is no way to compare with Konoha, it is not enough to compare with the top and has more than the bottom. It is safe to crush the country of water.

more than a year later

"Qianming, Kushina may be giving birth today, please come and have a look, because Kushina will be very weak when giving birth, which may cause the seal to loosen"

Minato Fei Lei Shen sent a message.


So, Naruto was born early?

Qian Mingfei Leishen went back to Konoha and asked, only to find out that Kushina had already entered the operating room, and Tsunade and Nohara Rin were in charge of delivering the baby. They are now the strongest medical ninja lineup in Konoha.

"Qianming, I'm sorry to return"

"Meow, it's okay, I'm here and it doesn't dare to mess around, but do you have an idea for the child's name?"

"Hahaha, I discussed it with Kushina. I'm a commoner so I don't have a surname, so I just use Uzumaki's surname from Kushina's family. As for the name, I use the male protagonist in the teacher's first book as the name, Uzumaki Naruto! How about it, sounds good, right?"

"Meow Jiraiya's naming style is very stupid, why not call it Uzumaki Noodles."

"I think it's good, so I'll call Naruto."

Talking about children, Namikaze Minato's smile is very bright, this is the bright smile when he was a father for the first time.

"Speaking of which, the youngest son of the Fu Yue family seems to be born recently, and I heard that he will be named Sasuke Uchiha."

Naruto and Sasuke?

Qianming was a little bit emotional, but he knew that there might be a big gap between the two and the comics. After all, Ashura Chakra and Indra Chakra would not be reincarnated again. He was just him and would not be affected by Chakra.

What the future holds depends on how well they teach.

"I heard you speak ill of me as soon as I came back, can you show some respect to senior?"

"Meow? Are you ready to pay back the money you owe me?"

"Hey, I mean, the name Naruto sounds nice, but Mimi is also good, but Minato, you will choose Naruto as your son's name, I'm very happy."

Jiraiya coughed lightly, and then quickly changed the subject.

As a result, the hospital was filled with a happy atmosphere. Suddenly, the door opened, and several medical ninjas walked out, and then they heard loud crying.

The child is born.

Qianming was very emotional, Naruto and Sasuke were born, but the future is already different, at least there is no Kuroze and Madara to deal with, and Otsutsuki Kaguya has no chance to escape from the moon.

The only thing to consider is

In the future, when Tao and the others arrive in the ninja world, shall we do it ourselves, or let the two boys deal with them?

This is a problem.

However, that will be thirty or forty years later, and I will definitely make a move when it really comes down.

That's all points!

Looking at the system, Qian Ming looked forward to it.

The system seems to have been updated recently, and many new things have appeared on it. It feels that no matter how hard it earns points, it may be possible to achieve a new evolution from Xianmao one day, and even return to its original home.

But how many points it will take, it is not known.

Let's make money first.

If it wasn't for not knowing where the Otsutsuki Clan was, and being too lazy to travel the universe, it might really have gone out to find the Otsutsuki Clan.


It also considered releasing Kaguya Hime and imprisoning Kaguya Hime to pluck the wool every day, but considering the strength of that girl, it's fine, if the wool is not plucked enough, it will be troublesome.

So be it.

Take it slowly, you will be able to go back sooner or later, and you still have hundreds of years to live, so there is no need to be so anxious.

Live a good life and enjoy yourself, let’s wait for the future to talk about the future, if you really can’t get it by yourself, then open the vest and create opportunities for yourself, there will always be a day when you meet the conditions.

To be a fairy cat, you must be a Buddhist.

Qianming is lying in a ninja cat service center in Konoha, served by Yao Shidou personally, and his little life is very nourishing.

Outside, a fifth stone statue stood up.

Five generations, Namikaze Minato.


Someone also proposed to let Qianming be Hokage, but Qianming himself rejected it. Hokage is too tired. It is not his job. It is better to rest and play every day. Statues of cats and giant towers.

It symbolizes the friendship between Konoha and Galinta.

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