Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 36 Are you the one who brought the enemy here?

It's easy to find Kakashi, Qianming doesn't need to look for it deliberately, just follow the smell and he can easily find him.

A few minutes later, on Konoha Street, Kakashi was coming out of the shop after eating, when he saw the two of them running towards each other with a cat.

His first reaction was to run.

However, after careful consideration of Akai's character, Kakashi calmed down again. He knew that Akai had a habit of never making trouble for himself until he fulfilled his oath, so this trip was probably just passing by.

So Kakashi walked on by himself, ignoring the three of them.

However, a few seconds later, two people and a cat stopped him. Kakashi was a little confused, and then he quickly reacted and asked calmly, "Are you finished?"

"Kakashi, I, my eternal enemy, in the name of youthful blood, let's have a duel!"

Obito blushed and stuttered a little.

The lines created by Maitekai are too mediocre. Obito has not given up on the shame of being an intelligent creature yet, so he is a bit speechless, but...

Think about the oath exercise method that Akai said, he gritted his teeth and finished this shameful sentence: "For example, if I lose, I will run fifty laps around Konoha."

Obito physical skill is much weaker than Akai, so it only needs half.

It makes sense.

Qian Ming nodded secretly, proud of his wit and excellent eloquence.

Kakashi froze.

What's going on here, isn't this guy Uchiha's, how did he completely become the second generation of Maitekai?

He looked at Obito, then at Akai.

Then Obito stretched out his hand, ready to do a wave of rock-paper-scissors like Maitkai before, but Kakashi remained silent for a long time, then looked into the distance and said, "This time, let's do something else, let's compare our eyesight."


Obito was stunned for a moment.

Uchiha is most proud of his eyes, and he wears goggles every day, and he also thinks that he will awaken Sharingan one day. Before that, he must protect his eyes.

Compare your eyes with us...

Does this mean that our eyes are not good enough?

He made up his mind, and immediately became annoyed, and said loudly: "If you come, whoever is afraid of you!"

"Very well, let's go a little further."

Kakashi was calm.

Qian Ming secretly sighed in his heart, dealing with this guy, he couldn't believe anything, he had to take the initiative by himself.

If Obito asks Kakashi to come up with a question, then the game is basically lost—that guy, in order to win, can even think of a race between a tortoise and a dog, so how can there be a lower limit?


"Did you see that store next to the Hokage Building?"


"There is a word on the balcony railing over there, can you see it clearly?"

Kakashi said lightly.

Obito opened his eyes wide but still couldn't see, he had to continue to move forward, but thought that he was fighting Kakashi, so he forcibly retreated and pushed the goggles up.

However, still invisible.

He was a little unwilling, and muttered: "It's too far away to see clearly."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said, "That's a blessing."

After speaking, he turned and left.

"Can you see this far?"

Obito rubbed his eyes, a little suspicious of life.

"It's amazing, Kakashi is indeed my eternal enemy."

As a bystander, Metkay watched with excitement.

'Well, I must have seen it beforehand. '

Qian Ming sighed, these two idiots were almost played differently when they met Kakashi, but it didn't matter, they had perseverance, fifty laps, one hundred laps were no big deal at all, and it was over when they turned around.

Come back when the time comes.

It had an idea in its mind, as long as Kakashi prevented him from escaping for a day, he couldn't let this kid go.

Not long after, Qian Ming took the two of them to find Kakashi again.

Kakashi was silent.

So, he racked his brains again and thought of a new "duel" to play with them, but he couldn't hold back their speed, and he found it again after a while.

At the end of the first day, Chiaki got three or four hundred points from Kakashi.

Not too much, just enough to offset the consumption.

Not a big problem.

This is only the first day, and the days to come are still long.

the next day.

Nohara Rin still handed Qianming over to Maitekai and Obito. It had already made up its mind to pluck Kakashi's wool, and he had to get that guy until he became impatient and actively cooperated with him to escape.

Kakashi was very patient. It wasn't until the third day that he couldn't stand being entangled.

By the fourth day...

Kakashi finally couldn't take it anymore and began to hide everywhere, but with Qian Ming, the leading party, unless he ran out of the village, he couldn't escape the ending of being found.

So, he began to contribute a lot of points to Qian Ming.

On the sixth day, the points reached 5,000 directly—this is still eating cat food every day, otherwise I would have saved enough.

The reason why Qianming's chakra and physique can grow rapidly is because of the special food for ninja cats, and ninjutsu can be put on hold for the time being, but the cat food must not be cut off.

Up to now, on the one hand, the cat food has started to take effect continuously, on the other hand, it is also the period when the body is rapidly strengthening at the age, and it can feel that it is getting stronger every day.

But the key is this ninjutsu.

Qian Ming has been watching for a long time, and he even wants to give up exchanging for a low-level illusion or wind escape ninjutsu, but after thinking about it carefully, he must exchange for a ninjutsu that can threaten stronger enemies.

The battlefield is no better than a mission.

The tasks assigned by the village generally do not exceed the level of the team members, but who cares if you are a rookie on the battlefield?

As long as they meet, three or four-year-old children can kill as long as they wear ninja vests and forehead protection, and the enemy can range from lower ninja to upper ninja and even shadows, no one can predict.

Qianming knew that there was nothing he could do about encountering Jōnin and Kage, but at least he had to have a skill in fighting Chunin.

Spiral pills must be replaced.

Of course, if it wasn't for the lack of chakra and points, he might hold back and try to get a tailed beast jade...

It tried it out at night.

The single-claw spiral pill is very easy, and any claw, including the mouth, can use the spiral pill.

Most importantly, it's stealthy.

Everyone may be afraid of Namikaze Minato and his disciples, but who would have thought that a cat in the team could use the ultra-difficult ninjutsu of the spiral pill?

After Qian Ming finished the experiment, he returned home and searched "Taobao".

According to the data of the mall, it guesses that among the basic chakra attributes, it is most suitable for wind and earth attributes, followed by water, and ninjutsu with changes in yin and yang attributes seems to have similar prices.

It stands to reason that its next step should be an illusion.

For example, the technique of seeing Naraku.

Narakumi can make people see death, which is in line with the needs of the bully system to gain points, but it also wants the other two ninjutsu.

One is the technique of chaotic lion hair.

One is doubling.

Both Narakumi and Luanshifa cost 3,000 points, but the doubling technique required 6,000 points—higher than Helix Wan.

After pondering for a long time, it thinks that it is most important to accumulate points first. If you have points, you can say anything. If you don’t have points, you can only become a part of the old horse’s mouth of “going to Taobao but not buying anything”.

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