Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 63? Open your eyes? that's all right

"Senior Cang..."

"Escort them to the vicinity of Konoha until they wake up or meet new responders. In addition, you use the psychic beast to tell your partners that the enemy is very powerful, so don't be too scattered."

Uchiha warehouse is very decisive.

Even Namikaze Minato is so miserable, it can be seen that the enemy is really strong, and the Kirigakure ninja sneaked into the border without a sound, this is their major mistake, and they must be held accountable.


The ninja channeled many crows and sent them away.

These crows have been quite intelligent since he was raised. Finding people, scouting and other tasks are very simple for them. Qian Ming observed carefully and found that this ninja was somewhat similar to Yamashiro Aoba, who was in the same class as Nohara Lin.

Yamashiro Aoba's father?

Qian Ming glanced at it, couldn't help but jumped up and took one of the crows down and pressed it under his paws.

"Huh? Don't kill!"

When Yuki Yamashiro saw the crow's frightened and struggling expression, his heart ached.

The black cat let go of its paw.

The ninja crow struggled to fly away, but was quickly held down by another paw. Although Yuuki Yamashiro wanted to protect his crow, he was afraid that the kitten would kill the crow without knowing how serious it was, so he never dared to use it. Hard line.

"Qianming, don't make trouble."

Finally, when Namikaze Minato opened, Qian Ming let go of the poor crow and let it fly away to complete his task, while the little black cat opened the system panel and took a look.

It has increased by more than 400, so happy!

This was just a small episode, and everyone didn't pay much attention to it. Besides, Uchiha Cang's attention was not on this side, but was watching the surroundings vigilantly, and at the same time observing the comatose Uchiha clansman.

He had a vague impression of this clansman.

Because in the whole family, it seems that this family is the only one who uses goggles to protect their eyes all day long and also carries eye drops with them.

But what's the name?

He fell into deep thought and observed for a few more seconds. He found that the injury on this clansman could not cause a coma, so he asked curiously, "How did this child get injured?"

"He wasn't injured, he may have collapsed from exhaustion."

Namikaze Minato seemed to mention something casually.

"Open your eyes?"

Uchiha Cang was stunned for a few seconds, and then said a little happily, "Then I'll be fine after I sleep, and I can help carry people later."

Heartbroken old man.

Qian Ming silently lighted the wax for Obito, before he woke up, the labor force was missed first, but fortunately he was small...

This further made him make up his mind that he must not grow too big in the future. If he is too big, he probably has his own share of the job of carrying people, so it must not be done.

But what if the fairy chakra is too much and can't be controlled?

It couldn't help but worry in its heart.

After a long rest, Namikaze Minato almost recovered, and Obito also woke up. After learning the news that he opened his eyes, the child smiled like a fool, and almost threw away the goggles when he was happy.

Then, he hurried to the river to confirm.

Through the image on the water surface, Obito vaguely saw a Gouyu turning in his eyes.

Only one hook jade?

He was a little regretful, but he was very satisfied when he thought about it carefully.

How many people in the clan failed to open their eyes in the end, and at least they took the first step. I heard from the old people that the eyes can be evolved later, and I can develop it into three-pointed jade in the future!

Obito thought so in his heart.

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound of running water, this sound...

The boy turned his head and saw the upper reaches of the river, where the black cat was urinating into the river.

"Damn it, can't I act like a normal cat if I pee on it while you're down there?"

Obito was so annoyed that he got up to argue with the little black cat.

But Qianming didn't look at him at all, and swaggered back to Fengshuimen and the others,

As if it wasn't the one who deliberately did bad things in the upstream of Obito just now.

Obito, however, chased from behind, while the black cat ran faster, and after arriving at Namikaze Minato, Nohara Rin said with a smile: "Obito, you are finally back, and Kura-senpai and Yuuki-senpai have already prepared a stretcher. You can go back."

"Huh? I'm sorry, I was too excited just now, so..."

"It's okay, let's go."

Minakame stroked his hair, then went to get the stretcher.

Under Nohara Rin's suggestion, Uchiha Cang and Yamashiro Yuki made two simple stretchers to avoid causing secondary damage to the injured during transportation.

It will take at least half a day to return to Konoha here, but the speed of carrying two people will definitely be greatly reduced. During this period, Nohara Lin treated Nohara Ze and Kakashi many times.

Kakashi was fine, but his ribs were broken and his internal organs were injured by the shock. After rectifying his body and repairing it with medical ninjutsu, he was basically fine. He also used a stretcher to prevent the fragile joints from accidentally cracking again.

Qian Ming followed behind, thinking about the scene he just saw in his mind.

Obito actually only opened a hook of jade.

It seems that Kakashi "almost died", and the stimulation to him was not that deep. If Nohara Lin was knocked to the ground by a hammer, it is estimated that it might not be possible to open a three-pointed jade or even a direct kaleidoscope.

Tsk, man...

It's a pity, I won't give the enemy a chance to hurt Xiaolin, if you want to open your eyes, you should rely on Kakashi.

The little black cat was full of malice.

It is not aimed at someone in Uchiha, but it is completely out of the heart to protect Nohara Rin, so I can only say "sorry".

On the way back, Obito and Yamashiro Yuki carried Kakashi in a group, Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Cang carried the seriously injured Nohara Ze, and Nohara Rin followed and took care of them.

The easiest one is Qianming, it only needs to go ahead and scout the surrounding situation.

With a cat's nose, it's easy to do.

All the way back, everyone was unimpeded. Uchihakura and Yamashiro Yuki didn't meet another cat-catching team until they were around the village. They alternated the wounded and hurried back to the coast.

When we returned to the village, it was already the next morning.

Since he urinated and teased Obito yesterday, Qianming had no chance to collect his points again. Later, he ate some cat food, and his total points dropped a lot, but he felt that the future was bright——

Obito Uchiha, his most stable source of points, can contribute more points after opening his eyes, and this point will be earned back sooner or later.

On the other hand, the Nohara family is currently facing a major problem.

Although Nohara Ze was rescued, but returned to Konoha from the border, even with Nohara Rin's treatment and Jonin carrying a stretcher, it took more than a day, even Konoha's medical team could not completely cure him.

The result of the preliminary diagnosis is that although the right leg can walk in the future, it can no longer be used as a normal ninja travel task.

According to Qianming's understanding, Nohara Ze will lose his job.

Nohara Ze is the biggest source of income for this family. After retiring from the military, the family's income will inevitably drop sharply. It would be fine if there are follow-up arrangements in the village. If there is no follow-up arrangement, the family can only rely on Nohara Lin as a ninja to make money...

Oh yes, and myself.

But my own salary is counted on Lin's head, which is not too different from nothing.

Thinking of salary, Qian Ming couldn't help feeling sad.

If only I had money!

You can eat whatever you want, and you can buy whatever you want. It's not like Lin is in charge of money now, and you have to get her permission to buy food and drink. It's too difficult these days.

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