
Qian Ming called out.

Orochimaru squatted down, gently stroking the black cat's hair, not paying attention to its slight trembling, and after a few seconds of silence, said lightly: "Speak human."

"Master Orochimaru meow?"

Qianming tilted his head and tried to be cute, but Namikaze Minato couldn't be counted on, that guy was obsessed with gentleness, and he was late for saving people, so expecting him would be better than hoping that he would be able to run faster than Orochimaru with four legs.

"Hehehehe, you are also very interesting, little guy. I also heard from Zilai that you have the ability to perform ninjutsu such as Muji. I wonder if you can let me see it."

Orochimaru licked his lips, showing his signature expression.

Qian Ming immediately went through the cause and effect in his mind. Coming to see Dou was just an inducement, and it was Jiraiya who really attracted Orochimaru's attention. Who knows what the damn white-haired pervert said in front of Orochimaru.

It was annoyed.

Sure enough, all the gifts of fate have already been secretly priced. It seems that I have gained a lot of points from Jiraiya, but the retribution will arrive soon.

The system hurt me!

"is it not OK?"

"Of course you can meow~"

After Qian Ming finished speaking, he made a certain movement, and then the hair on his body quickly grew out and wrapped around Dashewan.

Orochimaru poked the cat's fur with his finger interestingly. It was indeed the kind of hair that was born with chakra. It was exactly the same as Jiraiya's technique, and the principle of nature change was the same.

He studied it a bit, and then said, "You try another variation."


Qian Ming obeyed obediently and used Jizo.

Orochimaru observed it many times, and at the end there was an extremely fanatical emotion in his eyes, which made Qian Ming feel terrified, for fear that he would go to his old man's research platform today.

"Sure enough, this is not a simple Muyin, but another action to replace the seal, which belongs to the simplified seal of beasts. If humans can also replace seals with actions like beasts..."

Orochimaru feels inspiration gushing like a spring, and thoughts are rolling out of his mind. This is a topic worth studying. If this idea is realized, then the troublesome seal may become a thing of the past.

Qian Ming looked at him and couldn't help shivering.

Life in the ninja world is full of dangers, and we really can’t slack off at all times, otherwise we might become ingredients on other people’s tables or guinea pigs in the laboratory.

Being a psychic beast is really hard!

Orochimaru has been distracted now, and it stands to reason that he can take this opportunity to escape, but it understands that Orochimaru has not yet rebelled at this moment, and his prestige in Konoha is very high, so it will be the same in the end when he fled back in a hurry.

Besides, the other party seems to be just a little more curious...

"Heh heh heh heh, it's good that you didn't take the opportunity to run away. I like a well-behaved cat. I'm going back to Konoha, do you want to take you for a ride?"

Orochimaru laughed a few times.

His curiosity has been satisfied, although he is still very interested in this cat, but he has no idea of ​​killing it or forcibly robbing it——

At any rate, it's Ziraiya's cat, who doesn't look at the monk's face but also at the Buddha's face.

"No no... no need meow."

Qianming immediately refused, because it was too much pressure to go with Dashewan, and it was really not so courageous.

"Then I'll go first. When we meet again, I'll give you a gift as compensation."

Orochimaru raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

In the next second, the figure disappeared in place, and it turned out to be just a shadow clone squatting in the grass.

Think about it, too, how could Orochimaru have so much free time to stay here to talk nonsense with himself, but even if it is a clone, it is quite easy to kill a cat.

Qian Ming didn't feel annoyed by this, but Dashewan's sentence "give me a gift" made her heart skip a beat—I really can't bear your gift.

It follows this path,

All the way back to Konoha.

After walking for a while, it felt that it was too afraid to lose money just now. If Dashewan helped to take the ride, it might be able to get some points from Dashewan to make up for the shortfall.

This is one of the Sannin!

Of course, given the chance to choose again, Qian Ming would probably choose to refuse.

God knows what the road of Orochimaru is.

Cats have cat ways, snakes have snake ways.

Orochimaru said that the way to bring it back to the village might be to psychic a snake out, then let it swallow itself, and then come out from Konoha psychic...

No guarantee.

Qianming returned to Konoha, told Nohara Hui that he might sleep for a few days, and then quietly changed to a luxurious cat food.

After losing a thousand points, it swallowed cat food in the den.

A few seconds after swallowing, a huge force gushed out of the body, and then it fainted again.

But this time at least I didn't just go into a coma after eating it, and I didn't feel much pain. It can be seen that my body has become much stronger during this time, and I can more easily accommodate the natural energy contained in the one thousand points cat food.

The symptoms of Qianming's drowsiness had already appeared before, so Nohara Lin didn't panic this time, just wait for it to wake up safely, and she should do whatever she usually does.

Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina came to the door the next day, and after learning that Qianming had passed out, they left Nohara's house with great peace of mind.

It is worth mentioning that Nohara Ze finally regained consciousness after several days of recuperation.

At the beginning, he couldn't accept the result of his retirement, and cried out that he would still be able to go to the battlefield and go on missions, etc., but after hearing from the third generation that he was arranged to enter the ninja school to take charge of teaching, Nohara Ze happily agreed.

Although the bone injury is difficult to heal, since Nohara Ze does not plan to go to the battlefield again, the treatment plan is much simpler and faster.

Medical ninjutsu is amazing, it can make wounds heal quickly.

So, every two days, Nohara Ze was discharged from the hospital.

The Nohara family was finally reunited again. Seeing her husband returning home safely, Nohara Megumi burst into tears, and the husband and wife hugged each other and cried.

It's a pity for Nohara Lin.

Qianming didn't wake up, otherwise it would be considered a real family reunion. It is really thanks to the help of Nohara Ze that he can come back this time. Of course, Obito is undoubtedly the biggest contributor.

It's a pity that Obito has been studying in the clan during this time, and even Maitekai, who returned to the village, couldn't find Obito, and even the few of them couldn't see it. Nohara Lin was even a little worried that their seventh class would be like this Are you leaving?

It's not impossible.

Her worry is not groundless, Obito's strength is already close to Chunin, but now that he has awakened Sharingan, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is comparable to Chunin.

There is one Jōnin and two Chunin in a team, and they are not an elite combat team. It is a bit reckless in the current lack of talents.

However, a few days later, while Qianming was sleeping, the Minato class called for a mission out of the village again, but Qianming missed the opportunity because he was still sleeping.

This time I slept longer than before, but the degree of digestion after waking up was obviously higher than before. My stomach was not as big as the first time, and my body was a lot bigger than before.

It has not found the existence of Xianju Chakra for the time being, but its physical strength and Chakra have increased a lot. It can be seen that the high-priced cat food is indeed very effective.

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