Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 81 Color? no it's just a cat

"White Cat" was very swollen, so it really came out again.

This time there are eleven different kinds of food, plus the previous ones can make a big meal, the only thing to be gratified is that the last one is special food for Ninja Cat, which is considered to be a little blood back and only loses 700 points.


Sure enough, the lottery draw can't be used on the top, once it is on the top, accidents are easy to happen.

It's annoyed.

"Heh, Jiraiya-sama has white hair, so it's really a good match for you to become a white cat."

Obito said "unintentionally" in front.


Qian Ming was in a bad mood, and when he heard this, he was very angry. He jumped forward and jumped on Obito's head, then bowed left and right to grab his hair. After a while, Obito's hair became bumpy.

By the time it escaped back to the medical kit, Obito had already received a free "hair break" trim.

Well, much handsomer than before.

At least in the cat's eyes, this hairstyle is more handsome than before, and it seems that he has gained more than two hundred points, which is not too much but not too little.


Obito was so annoyed that he wanted to eat the cat alive.

"Obito, you can't say that, Mr. Ziraiya."

Nohara Lin said so.

These words...why are you so unreasonable!

Qian Ming fell into deep thought when he heard this, and didn't quite understand what Lin meant. It was obviously scolding that this cat is as good as Zilai, why can't I say that about Zilai?

Could it be that she also thinks I'm perverted!

"White Cat" looked up and stared at the little girl.

Akai couldn't understand this stalk, because at the moment he was contemplating—who is Zilai?


"Master Jiraiya is a good man, I don't allow you to talk nonsense behind his back, understand?"


Obito admits it aggrievedly.

Zilai is also a good person?

Ghost letter!

A while ago, rumors spread that Jilai was also interested in the "princess" of the Qiudao clan, and wanted to peek at her bathing by the side of the bathhouse, but luckily a cat broke through.

The thing is such a thing, it sounds like there is nothing wrong with it, on the contrary, we should praise this cat for its "brave action", but taste it carefully——

Why do cats appear next to the bathhouse?

Obito felt that there was nothing wrong with his thinking logic, and then contacted the past to see through the "truth" of this cat abandoning himself and choosing Xiaolin, and decided that it was a perverted cat.

There's nothing wrong with logic and guesswork, however...

"In addition, Qianming is just a cat. It has a different logic from our human thinking, so don't put our human thinking on cats."

Lin continued.

As expected of a medical student, he said one thing and another, Maitekai heard "unclear", and Obito couldn't help but feel sad and angry when he saw the cat's snarling.


"I see."

After he finished speaking, he quickened his pace and rushed forward——

This is coercion and lure, torture into tricks, and I, Obito Uchiha, will never be convinced.

Qianming was lying on the medicine box in a very happy mood. This is the advantage of being a cat. If you can be cute, you will not lose too badly anyway. At least compared to him, Obito is now more like a defeated dog.

At this moment, Maitekai was able to interject: "Who is Master Jiraiya?"

"It's not important meow... I found an enemy again, do you want to chase it?"

"Lead the way quickly."

Nohara Lin is full of drive. According to the four "black households", there must be a lot of clues about "passing the customs" in this forest, but judging from the conditions they have mastered, it is entirely possible for each of them to get two foreheads. other.

Qian Ming was very glad that he had urinated, otherwise how could he easily find the enemies around him?

The point is that the ones marked are all relatively weak rookie ninjas, so don't worry about accidentally kicking the iron plate.

Although Obito was angry, he could only follow along.

There is a leading party,

Finding someone is not difficult.

But what surprised everyone was that after finding the source of the smell, what everyone saw were two corpses hidden in the jungle. Their forehead guards had not been taken away, and no wounds could be seen from the surface, but...

"It's poison."

Lin squatted to observe for a while. With the help of Kai, she turned the corpse over and carefully opened the neck. Everyone saw a pinprick-sized wound.


The puppet Scorpion came to Qian Ming's mind, and generally those who took the exam would gather in small groups to avoid being singled out. There were only two corpses here, and obviously one of them was taken away.

It sniffed around.

It was indeed the smell of the three people, but the smell of the third person disappeared halfway. It may be that the corpse was sealed in the scroll after death, and the scorpion may have taken some method to cover up the smell.

It shouldn't be too difficult for him.

"what's going on?"

Obito followed, very nervous - he vaguely felt that what happened here had something to do with the previous "scorpion".

"Meow~ It may be a scorpion, there is no way to track it."

Qian Ming replied, and then returned to Lin's side. Seeing the tragic state of the corpse, his heart trembled.

This is the lethality of the scorpion.

The reason why it retreated with one blow before was because it was afraid of invisible attacks such as poisonous smoke and gas, and once it was poisoned, death would not be far away.

The researchers in the ninja world are too scary!

The black cat was full of emotions, and a little regretted coveting the more than 2,000 points before and after Scorpion... Forget it, the points were thrown into the prize pool, and it is useless to regret it, so it is better to think about how to solve it.

The scorpion does not know how to eliminate the smell, it is difficult for it to detect the other party, so it must be careful at all times to avoid being attacked.

Fortunately, they got two foreheads, and now they only need to find the exit.

The message should be engraved somewhere in the woods.

But the forest is so big, where can I find the place where the words are engraved?

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, it seems that I need to find a leader to torture me...

There are not many iron men under this cat's paw. Its interrogation methods are certified, and even Namikaze Minato gives him a thumbs up, and he can also earn some hard points by the way.

After searching again, they found two more bodies.

Same death.

This time, Obito was frightened. Before Qianming said that "the scorpion was observing in secret", if Qianming hadn't discovered and chased him away, he would be one of the corpses lying on the ground now.

"Let's... let's run, feel, feel..."

"We have to inform the examiners and teachers."

Lin took a deep breath, glanced at Obito, Kai and Qianming one by one, and finally fixed her eyes on Qianming, "Qianming, please run for a while."

It's not a player, so it doesn't matter even if it climbs up the mountain. In addition, if there is any danger here, she can use spiritism to call Qian Ming back.

This is the optimal solution.

Of course Qian Ming knew it too, but he was worried, now even he couldn't find any trace of Xie, how could the three of them escape if they were ambushed?

Therefore, Hinata's ninja must be found

The Hinata family sent three ninjas, as long as they can find any one, the function of Baiyan is not too bad anyway, the problem is that the forest is too big, and there may be poison traps arranged by scorpions.

Although the purpose of the scorpion is to hunt and kill the blood follower limiter, but he is a lunatic, who can guess what the lunatic will do?

At least Qian Ming couldn't guess.

Fortunately, the trap can be solved by "smell", so it thought about it for a while, and told everyone about its plan, which was soon unanimously approved.

First look for the Hyuga tribe, and then Chiaki will inform Orochimaru and Ebizo, but in fact, at the moment behind them, a small snake climbed up the corpse and stared at it for a few seconds.

On the top of the mountain, Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly, and then raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The scorpion in Hidden Sand Village...


He didn't know if this Hai Laozang knew what Xie was doing down there, so he decided to observe it again. It would be the best if he could take advantage of this to trap Shayin Village.

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