Konoha’s Love Master

finish this chat

Finally finished.

In order not to let Wuye break the dimensional barrier and kill me, it ended in a happy ending.

What Wuye complained about in the monologue is also the dilemma I encountered in the process of writing this book.

The conflict between the world of Naruto and the theme of love, the constraints of key time points and events, and the adoption of girls across such a large age gap, had to introduce the power of time, and the result almost collapsed the outline...

Fortunately, I am a person with extreme control, and I will not allow myself to write hi, so I can pull it back on the circle.

This kind of control of the overall situation has its advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is that it will not completely collapse, and the bad thing is that some plots will feel deliberate.

This book has countless pitfalls and various poisonous points. I never imagined so many difficulties before opening the book...

Finally, all circles came back, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, I can't wait to open the next book!

Make full use of strengths and avoid weaknesses, and this time I really write about what I am good at.

I understand what everyone wants to see!

Instead of writing fandom and being limited by these frameworks, it is better to integrate the things that everyone likes and the things I am good at into the world we are all familiar with.

Tentatively, "When Anime Heroine Comes to Reality"!

When Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue come to reality, when Yun Yun and Medusa come to reality, when the most famous flame girl in Chinese manga comes to reality...

Also, Eliyi, written by the Jiangbei old thief, has come to reality!

There are many stories to write about the daily life of love, film and television shooting, changing the fate of the heroine, and even forming a girl group.

Of course, I still have an alternative outline, "Love Variety Show: Don't Fight Anymore!" "

Cloaked in the cloak of entertainment, love Shura field articles, writing about divorce variety shows, actors' variety shows, and shooting TV dramas and movies. Of course, the most important thing is that there is nothing that cannot be Shura field.

One cuts in from saving Erika, and the other cuts in from divorce variety shows. Which one do you want to see and what ideas you can put forward.

There will be a vote in the all-order group later, everyone remember to vote.

Give me about two weeks to perfect the outline and preparations. During the window period, you can read the previous completed book, which has the same taste, and is not bound by a framework like Naruto, so you feel better about yourself.

Finally, there are no book friends who have fully subscribed, so here is a request for a fully subscribed book. Your support is the motivation for me to persevere! Thank you!

At the same time, in the future, there will be no such knife as life and death. In the real world, there will be small knife like breakup. You can rest assured.

Any news about the new book will be synchronized with everyone here.

Goodbye to our new book!

Be there or be square!

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