Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 212 Qingkong’s plan [asking for monthly votes]

Qingzora will return to Konoha sooner or later, so Fugaku did not appoint any position to him.

In the afternoon, after a day of training, Aozora walked out of the camp and found Fugaku and Shikaku who were patrolling the stronghold.

Looking at the bustling camp, Qingzora couldn't help but admire the ninja's super productivity.

Qingzong sighed: "If Konoha's ninjas engage in production, they can at least feed the people of ten big cities, which is far greater than the benefits of waging war against small countries."

Fugaku pondered for a moment after hearing this, and then said: "You are right, but a ninja's hands are used to hold swords, not hoes."

Shikakuya said: "The most important thing is that if you pick up the hoe, others will not put down the sword in their hands. Then the food you cultivate will be taken away by the enemy, the houses you build will be burned down by the enemy, and your relatives and friends will also be destroyed." The enemy kills.”

Aozora nodded. Ninjas were not unaware of their own productivity. Many of the low-level tasks in the five major ninja villages involved production tasks.

But the ninja world is not peaceful. When other countries are in an arms race, you can't stop and develop productivity, otherwise you can only make wedding dresses for others.

Of course, this is not the whole reason, but Qingzora has no intention of going into details.

He has always believed that where you sit is where you worry.

Now he is only Fugaku's assistant. It is not his turn to think about the development of Konoha and the peace of the ninja world.

Fugaku didn't bother with Qingkong's casual emotion and asked, "Why did you come to me?"

With Qingkong's laziness, he would probably not take the initiative to find him if nothing happened.

Qingkong chuckled and said: "Clan Leader, I suddenly thought of another strategy to deal with Iwagakure."

Fugaku's eyes lit up and he said: "Tell me, your previous surprise attack plan caused Iwagakure to suffer a big loss. What good ideas do you have this time?"

Fugaku directly let it slip, but he had never said before that the surprise attack plan was his idea, so it couldn't be considered a gangster.

Shikaku didn't dwell on this. He knew that the surprise attack strategy was proposed by Qingzora. He couldn't help but look at Qingzora with admiration. At the same time, he also wanted to hear the strategy that Qingzora came up with.

Qingkong said: "Are we going to attack again tonight?"

"Another night attack?"

Fugaku looked surprised and said doubtfully: "Loess is not a fool. After last night's night attack, he will definitely strengthen his defenses and even set up a large number of sentries, traps and barriers outside the camp. If we go for a night attack now, wouldn't it be like a sheep?" Entering the tiger's mouth?"

Looking at Aozora's faint smile, Shikaku immediately knew that Aozora must have thought of Iwagakure's heavy defense.

It turned out that Qingkong had already guessed Iwagakure's movements, so the night attack must not be to cause casualties like last night, then...

Shikaku's eyes lit up and he said, "Are you trying to interfere with Iwagakure's rest?"

"That's right!"

Aozora looked at Shikaku with a hero's look on his face, "Now we and Iwagakure have fewer elites and more elites, and one side has fewer elites and more people, so it's hard for us to face each other head-on. In two or three days, we will have a large number of Jonin again." To return to Konoha, it would be the greatest waste to have such an elite and not make full use of them.

Loess wanted to take this opportunity to let the wounded injured last night rest in peace, and wait for reinforcements to arrive before competing with us in Konoha.

In this case, how can we let their wounded have a good rest as he wishes? "

Fugaku also reacted instantly and said: "You mean to let the Jonin team pretend to attack Iwagakure at night, constantly harass Iwagakure, and make them sleep uneasy?"

Shikaku shook his head slightly and said: "Not only! A fake attack can also turn into a real attack. We disrupted them for two days in a row. If they really relax their guard, then we can make another surprise attack on the rock before the second batch of Jonin returns." Hide once."

Even though Shikaku said this, he didn't mean to agree with Aozora's plan.

Fugaku also pondered for a while with a calm expression, and then said: "Qingkong, although your strategy is good, but there is a loophole?"

"Oh?" Qingkong asked, "Clan leader, please tell me."

Fugaku said: "A night attack on them can indeed make Iwagakure into a frightened bird, but it is also easy to be ambushed by them. Even if Hinata, Aburame and Inuzuka check together, they may not discover all the traps. If Iwagakure has the intention An ambush will most likely cause a large number of casualties to the Jonin participating in the night attack."

Shikaku nodded. If Loess was lurking in the soil, no one would be able to detect anything unusual.

Loess's sneak attack wouldn't cause much harm to a shadow-level powerhouse, but it was fatal enough to an ordinary jounin.

"Oh~" Qingkong nodded with understanding, "You are worried about this! But I didn't say that I would let them go forward in person to attack at night!"

"Shadow clone?" Fugaku and Shikaku said in surprise at the same time.

Qingkong smiled slightly and felt that he really should order a feather fan.

"The shadow clone is too fragile and is not suitable for battlefields or frontal combat, but it can be used for night attacks to disturb the enemy's sleep. Iwagakure Camp is not far from us, so we can give full play to the combat capabilities of the shadow clone.

Anyway, the chakra in the Jonin's body is idle, so he might as well use his shadow clone to attack Iwagakure at night. Not to mention killing people, it would be worthwhile to waste their detonating talisman. "

Fugaku objected: "Not only can we jounin use shadow clones, but so can Iwagakure jounin!"

This time Aozora didn't speak, and Shikaku explained: "It would be better if they really did this! Their jonins don't have as much surplus as us. If the jounin consumes too much chakra and cannot resist our jounin, then the middle genin can't either. Play a role."

After many battles, Shikaku knew that most of Iwagakure's joint attack ninjutsu was dominated by the jounin, and the middle genin often just continuously strengthened and thickened the soil release ninjutsu cast by the jounin.

Shikaku continued: "And their Five-Tails Jinchuuriki Han has not fully mastered the power of the Five-Tails. Unless he wants to go berserk, he will never use a large number of clones."

The seals of other ninja villages are not as perfect as Konoha's. If it is not a perfect jinchuriki, there is a high chance that the tailed beast will take control of the body when it loses its self-awareness.

Fugaku considered it for a moment and nodded.

Night fell, and when the time was approaching midnight, a team of ten jonin shadow clones left the Konoha stronghold.

"Dema, the safety of our team depends entirely on you, you must investigate carefully!" Qingkong said to the white-eyed young man in front.

Hyuga Hidaka left on the second day of the surprise attack, but the Hyuga clan still left three jounin on the front line, one of whom was Hyuga Dema.

Hyuga Dema snorted and said: "I know! As a shadow clone, you are so afraid of death. Don't you know how weak your body is?"

Qingkong shook his head slightly after hearing this. His body may have endless life in the future, but his life is as short as a meteor, so he must cherish his life.

"Dema, the captain took the lead yesterday, tonight he just wants to complete the task perfectly!" said a thin middle-aged man.

Qingkong remembered him. This man's name was Tsuruoka. He was standing next to him when he was performing the echo ninjutsu last night. A C-level "big breakthrough" forced him to use a power close to that of an A-level wind escape.

This not only shows his excellent wind escape attainments, but also explains his embarrassment.

Qingkong knew that it was not easy for civilian ninjas, so he approached him and said, "Heoka, if we work together better tonight and make great achievements, we will definitely be able to learn a few more advanced ninjutsu from the village!"

Hegang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's not that easy!"

Qingkong patted his shoulder and said: "It's okay, even if the village doesn't give it to me, I will steal a few B-level ninjutsu for you! You are one of the most talented ninjas I have ever seen in wind release. .”

Hearing this, Tsuruoka looked grateful. His talent was neither high nor low. The instructor ninja who graduated was a chuunin. He has learned several B-level ninjutsu since graduation, but he has never been able to obtain a suitable ninjutsu for his proficient wind style. technique.

After easily expressing his kindness to a jounin, Aozora followed Hyuga Dema with peace of mind.

Not far from the Iwagakure camp, Hyuga Dema in front suddenly turned pale and said, "Back off!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was incinerated by a soaring fire, and then everyone heard a loud noise.


The ground exploded instantly, earth and rocks flew everywhere, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

The remaining nine people jumped a few steps and were not affected by the explosion.

Looking at the Iwa ninja flying out of the Iwagakure camp, Qingkong did not evacuate, but said: "Let's create a big fireworks together!"

Several other people also nodded.

"Fire Release - The Technique of the Fire Dragon!"

"Wind Escape-Big Breakthrough!"

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Turong-Tulong Spear!"

"Thunder Release-Thunder Ball!"


In an instant, several people drained the chakra from their bodies and used their best ninjutsu.

In an instant, huge fire dragons, fierce winds, continuous earth thorns, and blazing thunderballs rushed towards the Iwagakure camp.

The Iwa ninja who rushed from the camp used continuous earth walls and earth thorns to stalemate with Aozora and the others.

During this period, the ground between the two teams was turned over, and the clay and detonating charms buried inside exploded. The loud noise woke up everyone in the Iwagakure camp.

One by one, Iwa Ninja woke up in fear from their tents, holding kunai and looking at the fire in the distance in panic.

After setting up a big firework, Qingkong and the others were about to do it again, when suddenly the ground sunk, and thick rock walls instantly rose up from the surrounding earth.

"Tudun-Tuluo Tangwu!"

Loess emerged from the ground, and his hands were placed on the earth wall. Instantly, bursts of adsorption force came from the earth wall, continuously extracting the chakra of the ninja in the dungeon.

"Do you really think that the same trick can still work on us Iwagakure?"

"Repent! Ninja of Konoha!"

As he spoke, he sped up the chakra extraction. He wanted to extract all the chakra from these ninjas before they committed suicide, so that he could capture these Konoha jounin alive.

The corpses of dead jounin are of astonishing value, and the bodies of living jounin are even more valuable, and valuable information can be obtained from them.

However, within two minutes, he felt that chakra could no longer be extracted from the dungeon.

Huangtu frowned, and the chakra instantly moved in and out of his hands.

"Earth Release - Rock Suceng!"

The earthen prison instantly collapsed and turned into huge boulders falling down.

In the middle of the gravel-strewn pit, there was only a scarred ninja with his back facing him.

Huang Tu said coldly: "Who are you?"

The ninja turned his back to him and made a vicissitudes of voice: "As far as the sea ends, the sky is the shore, and at the end of the road of ninja, I -"

Before he finished speaking, the figure turned into a streak of white smoke.

Loess looked at the empty pit, gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Shadow - clone - body -!"

Soon, Han came from the other side of the camp with several Iwagakure jounin.

Han asked: "Did Konoha attack your side by surprise? Why is there no one there?"

Huang Tu said with a dark face: "The one attacking is the shadow clone!"

Han and the other Iwagakure Jōnin were speechless and choked up when they heard this, and looked at each other in confusion.

Huang Tu said: "I guess they also guessed that we were on guard, so they asked the shadow clone to come and test it."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Huang Tu's judgment.

Huang Tu ordered: "Don't let your guard down, continue patrolling, and others should go back and have a good rest!"

"Yes!" The rock ninjas nodded in response and returned to the camp.

Everyone passed down Loess's order and asked the panicked Iwa ninjas to return to their tents and then lie down to rest.

After receiving the memory from the shadow clone, the corners of Qingkong's mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he almost let him pretend.

Fugaku looked at Qingkong and asked, "How is it?"

Qingkong said: "Iwagakure is indeed on guard. It is probably Huangtu and Han who are ambushing them one after another."

Shikaku nodded and said: "The next group of ninjas, let's make a surprise attack from behind!"

Qingkong nodded and said, "Yes, let's consume their detonating talisman and clay first. This thing is too lethal!"

After saying this, Qingkong said: "Clan leader, I'll go back and rest first. We'd better pay attention to vigilance, lest Huangtu and the others jump over the wall in a hurry."

Fugaku nodded and said: "Thank you for your hard work, go and rest!"

With Qingkong's chakra, he can naturally create shadow clones many times, but he is afraid that using too many shadow clones will cause schizophrenia.

The Aozora Kai camp lay down and rested peacefully, but the ninjas of Iwagakure did not have a good sleep.

Less than two hours after the Iwagakure ninja lay down, there was another loud noise outside the camp.

This time, Han, who was in charge of rear defense, rushed to the battlefield quickly with steam coming from his back, but he also only left a few streaks of white smoke behind.

Huang Tu arrived and took a look at the battlefield without any blood stains. Huang Tu said coldly: "It seems like another shadow clone."

Han nodded and said, "Yes, Konoha ninjas are all cowards."

Loess and Han returned to the camp with a few Iwagakure Jonin who had reacted.

In the camp, most of the Iwa ninjas had already walked out of their tents and looked at them in panic.

Seeing this, Huangtu's heart moved and he said to the rock ninjas: "Konoha wants to harass us and prevent us from having a good rest!"

"Despicable Konoha ninja!"


"Treacherous villain!"


For a moment, the Iwa ninja couldn't help but curse, but this did not solve the problem.

Even if Loess analyzed Konoha's intentions, the Iwa ninjas were helpless. Although the shadow clone is fragile, the harm caused if left alone is no different from the real person.

As for dealing with Konoha in the same way, that's not realistic.

If their middle genin wants to participate in a jounin-level battle, they must be led by the jounin to perform combined strike ninjutsu.

The number of Jonin in Iwagakure Camp is only about half of that in Konoha Stronghold, and they cannot waste chakra like the Jonin in Konoha Stronghold.

Huang Tu frowned and pondered for a long time, and suddenly turned his attention to Qiu, "Qiu, prepare some clay for me that is easy to detonate, and at the same time ask the demolition team to make a batch of clay for me to make a loud noise!"

Shou heard the words and nodded quickly: "Yes!"

Loess sneered and said: "Konoha thinks we don't want us to have a good sleep, so we won't let them have a good dream either!"

After speaking, he comforted the ninjas in the camp, saying that it was Konoha's conspiracy and asked everyone to have a good rest.

Although he said this, Huang Tu knew that it was of no use.

Ninjas have very sensitive senses, and ten jounin shadow clones set off fireworks outside the camp. Who can sleep peacefully?

Soon, the sound of explosions sounded again outside the camp, and the fire started again...

But at the same time, Qingkong, who was already sleeping peacefully, was awakened by a loud noise outside the stronghold.

Fugaku led people to track him down, but the opponent had already used earth escape to escape.

Qingkong had some guesses in his mind, so he walked out of his tent, and soon saw Fugaku returning with a team of jounin.

Fugaku smiled bitterly and said: "It should be an elite Jonin who is proficient in earth escape. He detonated the clay from a distance and ran away!"

After hearing what Fugaku said, everyone in the stronghold was dumbfounded.

After all, Konoha's side was attacking at night, but Iwagakure made it clear that they were here to harass them.

Fugaku said helplessly: "Go back and rest! Remember to stuff a cotton ball and trust the brothers who are keeping watch."

Everyone listened to Fugaku's words, but the Jonin's senses could still detect the vibrations and faint sounds on the ground.

The next day, the faces of the ninjas at Iwagakure Camp and Konoha Stronghold all showed signs of exhaustion.

The only good news for Konoha is that the jonins have higher endurance, and nearly half of these jonins will have to rush back to Konoha sooner or later.

Therefore, Fugaku has no intention of stopping this exchange of blood.

In order to prevent Iwagakure from slowing down, he went to Iwagakure to blow several fireballs and threw several bundles of detonating charms during the day.

Loess returned the favor, running over and throwing the clay specially made by the demolition team.

The war on the northwest border of the Land of Fire has once again resumed, but this time, the thunder was loud and the rain was light, and there was no blood yet.

However, both Loess and Fugaku knew that this was just the prelude to the violent storm.

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