Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 216 Loquat Juuzang dies [please vote]

Iwagakure camp.

Hinata Kusaku stood next to Shikaku, moving his head from side to side from time to time, like a radar.

Suddenly he saw something abnormal in the sky behind him, and said quickly: "Lord Shikaku, the camp in the rear has been attacked! Danger level: A level!"

Shikaku turned around and saw the red clouds in the distant sky, his face serious.

He did not give the order immediately, but stood at a high place and constantly observed the battlefields around him. Then he clasped his hands in front of him and squatted down to analyze the battle situation.

There must be a reason for this attack. The situation in Iwagakure is urgent. It must be planned by Iwagakure in order to make Konoha return to defense...

Judging from the signal, it is already the highest danger level. There are no large-scale ninja forces nearby, so those who attack Konoha must be an elite ninja team or a powerful shadow-level expert...

Judging from the current situation, unless we are willing to sacrifice casualties, we cannot break through the Iwagakure Camp...

If we don't return to defense, the Konoha camp will be broken, especially if the medical ninjas in the camp are killed, then the casualty rate on the northwest border will be very high...

Thoughts appeared in Lu Jiu's mind one by one, and the pros and cons were considered in his mind.

After a while, Shikaku ordered the troops to withdraw, and soon Konoha's messenger ninja spread Shikaku's order throughout the battlefield.

"Retreat! The rear team becomes the front team, the front team becomes the rear team, retreat!"

"The genin will retreat first, and the middle jounin will take the rear! Retreat in an orderly manner!"


Seeing this, Loess knew that the Akatsuki organization had succeeded in attacking the Konoha camp, and joy flashed across his face. He immediately led the elite Iwa ninja to harass and intercept, refusing to let the Konoha ninja leave easily.

However, Shikaku had anticipated that Konoha's Nakajonin stayed at the forefront of the battle and contained the Iwa Ninja's counterattack.

After the genin withdrew from the camp, the middle and jounin showed off their magical powers and exited the battlefield in an orderly manner.

Huangtu looked at the Konoha ninja army slowly leaving, feeling unwilling to do so, and said: "Akatu, you are responsible for guarding the camp, Han and Hunting, lead the demolition team and follow me!"

The Iwa Ninja are now short of manpower. If they forcefully leave the camp to pursue the Konoha Ninja team, they will easily be killed by the Konoha Ninja.

But he didn't want the Konoha ninjas to return to camp easily, so he prepared to lead a demolition team to harass them.

Fugaku was the last one to evacuate the camp, and quickly appeared next to Shikaku and asked: "Shikaku, what's wrong?"

He also saw that he might not be able to break through the Iwagakure camp today, but he felt that it was okay to take this opportunity to cause more damage to Iwagakure.

Lu Jiu said seriously: "Someone attacked the rear camp. Looking at the distress signal, the camp has been destroyed."

"What?" Fugaku was shocked and angry, "How is it possible, all the Iwa ninja are here!"

Shikaku said: "I suspect it's Lao Zi, and only a shadow-level powerhouse like him can break through the Konoha camp!"

Hearing this, Fugaku immediately said: "The troops will be left to you and Zhiwei. I will take Fuyukawa Go and Kashan Haruto to support."

In addition to medical ninjas and strategic supplies, there were also juniors he valued in the camp, so Fugaku couldn't help but worry.

As the commander on the front line, Fugaku did not forget the other Konoha ninjas.

Therefore, he only chose to take away two jounin with average strength, leaving all other elite jounin such as Aburame Shiwei.

Shikaku noticed Fugaku's eagerness, thought about it, and nodded: "Lord Fugaku, be careful! We will rush back as soon as possible!"


Before he finished speaking, Fugaku and the two people behind him instantly turned into black shadows and disappeared.

Fighting is not a treat, it is not a fuss, it is not a painting or embroidery, it cannot be so elegant, so leisurely, so gentle, so gentle, courteous and thrifty.

Fighting is a riot, a violent act in which one person kills another.

Therefore, in Qingzong's view, the battle does not need to be exciting, as long as the result is what you want.

Qingzora's battle is different from ordinary sparring.

During the sparring process, he will try to use his own abilities, and at the same time test the opponent's abilities.

But when fighting, Aozora was very boring.

What he likes most is to hide his strength, make others look down upon him, and then directly use his unique skills to deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

He used this method to kill his first Jonin when he debuted, and now he is facing Orochimaru in the same way.

Naturally, this routine will not last long. As his achievements become more and more gorgeous and his reputation grows, it will be difficult for him to be cunning.

But today, he still made Orochimaru let down his guard with his childish face.

Looking at Orochimaru who was hurriedly delivering his head, Qingzora opened his mouth wide.

"Fire Release - The Technique of the Fire Dragon!"

Orange flames like the rays of the sun erupted from Qingkong's mouth. The bright light instantly tore through the darkness, and the scorching temperature quickly heated up the inside of the giant snake.

Orochimaru, who was shooting like a poisonous snake, met the scorching golden dragon spraying head-on. His neck instantly shortened and he retreated.

But he was too close to Qingkong, and the fire dragon sprayed too fast.

At such a close distance, Orochimaru could clearly see the exquisite scale claws on the fire dragon's body, the fire-attribute chakra rolling and flowing like magma inside it, and the surrounding space that was instantly burned by high temperature and distorted.

Without any precaution or worry, the golden fire dragon just appeared in Orochimaru's eyes, bringing him endless horror and fear.

The golden dragon hit Orochimaru, who looked like a demon snake, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​blazing flames. No, the solid flames were like hot magma, drowning and surrounding Orochimaru.


In this golden flame magma, the black red cloud windbreaker on his body was instantly burned, and a large amount of chakra immediately surged out of Orochimaru's body and enveloped his body.

But the chakra did not stop the orange flames. Instead, it became the source of the orange flames and was also ignited.

The endless high temperature and flames caused the cells near Orochimaru's skin wrapped in flames to rapidly die, fall off, and melt. The pain of the burning fire made Orochimaru couldn't help but roar.

The fire storm swept forward, instantly melting a large hole in the giant snake's belly. The giant snake suddenly suffered such serious injuries, and turned into white smoke with a bang and returned to the spiritual world.

On the other side, Loquat Juuzang was besieged by two people and was defeated steadily.

Thinking that with Orochimaru's strength, even if he didn't defeat Aozora, he must still have an advantage, he immediately approached the battle between Aozora and Orochimaru.

The three of them fought all the way, only to see the big snake entrenched on the ground.

Seeing this, Loquat Juzo's face showed joy, Hattori Chaoichi was horrified, and the Sharingan in Inabi's eyes became even more bloody because of this scene.

Regret for letting Aozora face Orochimaru, sadness for Aozora's death, anger at his own powerlessness...

Suddenly, something happened that stunned the three of them. A huge, blazing and solid pillar of fire suddenly penetrated from the belly of the giant snake like a giant sword and stabbed diagonally to the ground.


The giant snake roared and turned into a huge burst of white smoke!


The huge flame pillar pierced the ground and exploded instantly, splashing huge smoke and dust. Waves of blazing fire spread out in all directions, forcing the three of them to retreat backwards.

The giant snake suddenly disappeared, all restraints and supports disappeared, Qingkong fell from the sky and stood firmly on the ground.

The three of Loquat Juzo looked at the orange fire balls scattered in all directions, and then looked at Orochimaru, who was struggling painfully in the giant pillar of flames and had no human shape. They couldn't help taking a breath of cold air and retreated unconsciously. A few steps.

Just a small fire ball that spread out was so hot that it was hard to imagine how Orochimaru, who was in the center of the fire pillar, would be burned.

For a moment, Loquat Juzo was a little glad that his opponent was Inari and other three Konoha jounin.

"He...he actually wants to kill Lord Orochimaru!" Hattori murmured to Kaichi in a low voice.

Although he had seen the power of Aozora Gou's Fire Dragon Technique before, given ten heads, he could not imagine that Aozora was about to kill Orochimaru, who was like a god and a demon in his heart.

The scarlet in Dao Huo's eyes faded a little, and his eyes were full of surprise, and he whispered: "Qingkong, is this your true strength?"

Even if he had great trust in Qingzong, he couldn't believe that Qingzong could do this.

In the giant pillar of flame, Orochimaru was now naked and turned into a white monster with a human upper body and a snake lower body.

However, even in this form, facing the orange flame that burned everything, it was quickly burned to black and fell to the ground.

Looking at the lifeless monster body, which had completely lost its chakra, Loquat Juzo felt cold all over. If Orochimaru was dead, how could he escape from Konoha?

Hattori Toichi was stunned, Orochimaru was really dead?

Dao Huo's face was also full of astonishment, obviously he could not imagine such a result.


While everyone stood stunned, the ground beneath Qingkong's feet suddenly collapsed, and then Orochimaru's head jumped out like a python.

Aozora reacted quickly and jumped away to avoid it, but Orochimaru spit out a snake head from his mouth, and the snake head spit out a long sword. The long sword grew in the wind, and instantly became longer, spanning the distance between him and Aozora.


The sharp sword pierced the blue sky like tofu, hanging him in the air.

At this time, a wet figure slowly crawled out of the ground. After shaking for a while, his unscathed body was revealed.


Hattori Chaoichi took a long breath when he saw this, and then trembled: "Is it really invincible?"

Inohuo's eyes widened, and he clearly remembered that Orochimaru in the flames was his true form.

He quickly turned his head to look at the place where the giant flame pillar appeared, and saw that the orange fire was still burning, but Orochimaru inside had turned into ashes.

Sharingan's eyes now saw a crack appearing where Orochimaru was.

He instantly knew that Orochimaru had escaped with earth escape, but he couldn't figure out why Orochimaru was unscathed now.

"This is too outrageous! He who was seriously injured and dying recovered instantly. What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Loquat Juuzang was ecstatic, it seemed that he would not have to die in this mission.

"Unprinted Ninjutsu...the secret of Flame Escape..."

"You're such a great kid, you almost killed me!"

Orochimaru's expression was very gloomy, and his eyes were serious.

If his body hadn't been improved, he would have been wiped out by the first wave of the Fire Dragon Technique's attack, and would have had no chance to use the Orochi Style Substitute Technique.

Therefore, he used the Grass Pheasant Sword to hang Qingkong in mid-air during this surprise attack.

He didn't want to face Aozora's Muji Flame Release Ninjutsu again.

Looking at Orochimaru's cold eyes, Qingkong, who was hanging high in the sky, said coldly: "Do you think you have won?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blue sky hung by the Grass Pheasant Sword had turned into a ball of white smoke.

"Shadow clone? Interesting!"

Orochimaru showed an evil smile on his lips. He didn't expect that the seemingly immature Aozora could surprise him one after another.

Originally, Shisui was the body he was determined to get, but after testing and fighting, he had changed his target to Aozora.

Although there is no unpredictable kaleidoscope, Qingzora's powerful physical talent is still higher than that of Shisui, and his young body is more attractive to him.

He formed a seal with his hands, and the huge chakra and spiritual power spread out instantly, causing ripples in the air.

He has mastered thousands of ninjutsu. Although he has no blood stains on the pupil technique, he has mastered his own unique perception ninjutsu and can instantly perceive everything around him.

What surprised him was that Qingkong seemed to have disappeared and was not lurking around.

Isn't his target me?

Orochimaru frowned slightly, his belief suddenly changed, and he had the answer instantly.

Apart from him, Qingzong only has one target.

Loquat Juzo!

Orochimaru quickly looked at Loquat Juzo in the distance and reminded: "Little——"

Before Orochimaru finished speaking, Loquat Juzo suddenly felt a lightness under his feet.

"Earth Release-The art of beheading in the heart!"

In an instant, half of his body fell into the ground. He quickly put away the knife and prepared to insert it into the ground.



Two sounds reached Loquat Shizang's ears from behind in no particular order. The former was the sound of a flying knife breaking through the ground, and the latter was the sound of a flying knife piercing his heart.

Looking at the blood flowing continuously on his chest, Loquat Juzo felt that his life force was also draining away, and his eyes were filled with confusion.

He held the broken knife tightly in his hand. This time the knife was not broken, but the other person was about to die.

For some reason, at the last moment of his life, Loquat Juzo let go of his life-long partner, the beheading sword.

Touching the blood flowing from his heart with his free hands, he murmured in a low voice: "It turns out that my blood is also hot. I am not just a killing machine..."

After saying this, he lowered his head and became silent again.

Sensing dozens of golden water droplets that instantly appeared on the heavenly book, Qingkong was sure that Loquat Juuzang was dead, and then slowly emerged from the land in front of him.

At first, Qingzora just wanted to tangle with Orochimaru, but when he saw the greed in Orochimaru's eyes, he instantly decided to try to kill him.

In order to let Orochimaru fall into the trap, Qingzora did not use any powerful ninjutsu or secret techniques at first, but simply used the ninjutsu commonly used by the Uchiha clan to fight against the enemy.

When Orochimaru was about to place a curse seal, Qingzora instantly used the Flame Release Chakra to perform the Muji's Fire Dragon Technique to maximize the damage to Orochimaru.

A fire escape ninjutsu that was close to S level would have seriously injured other shadow level experts even if they were not dead.

However, facing Orochimaru, Qingzora was not sure that he was dead or seriously injured.

Qingzora, who saw the original work, knew that Orochimaru was not the strongest group of people in the ninja world in terms of strength.

But in terms of life-saving ability, Orochimaru is ranked second among all ninjas, and no one dares to be ranked first.

Therefore, the moment he fell from the giant snake, Qingkong used the shadow clone technique, and his true body escaped into the earth.

In the soil, Qingkong secretly planned.

If such a good opportunity did not kill or seriously injure Orochimaru, then the subsequent Immortal-killing Flying Knife must not have much effect on Orochimaru.

Since Orochimaru can't open a gap here, why not try the other side and liberate his own Jonin?

Just in time, Loquat Juzo approached the battlefield between himself and Orochimaru without dying.

Thousands of miles to give away someone's head, don't take anything for nothing!

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