Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 221 Xiao’s new stage [asking for monthly votes]

Senju Tobirama once used the pupil of spiritual reflection to describe the ordinary sharingan eye-opening process.

But in Qingzora's view, the pupil of the soul's reflection would be more appropriate to describe the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Qingzora reviewed the original work and found that the awakening ability of Uchiha Mangekyo was basically the ability they most desired.

Shisui desperately wanted to change people's will and let the family and the village understand each other, so he awakened the other gods who could control the will.

As for Obito, he wanted to escape reality and create another world with Lin, so he awakened the power of opening up different spaces.

Others, such as Fugaku, Itachi, Sasuke and others, have awakened abilities related to their deepest desires, which shows that this is no accident.

If Aozora was just a viewer of anime and a reader of comics, he would only read it as a setting and would not delve into it further.

But now that Qingzora is in the ninja world and has Uchiha bloodline, all of this is closely related to him, so he wants to know the real reason.

In his opinion, when the Mangekyo awakens, it seems that Uchiha can make wishes to the ninja world, and it is the kind that responds to requests. This is simply the treatment of a child of destiny.

So, why can Uchiha be favored by the ninja world?

After thinking hard for a long time, Qingkong could only think of a reasonably logical guess.

Uchiha is a descendant of the Sage of Six Paths, the first generation savior.

Just like Sanqing inherited Pangu's merits of opening the sky, Uchiha also inherited the legacy of the Six Paths Sage and was favored by the ninja world.

Of course, there may be other more complicated reasons, but this is not something Qingzora can understand now.

After all, Qingkong was still injured. After accepting the inheritance, he turned his mind and considered many things. Finally, he felt a little tired and fell asleep.

Yuyin Village.

Payne started the group chat.

In an instant, the waves of thoughts of the members of the Akatsuki organization passed through the ring, crossed mountains, rivers, seas, and seas of people, and appeared on the fingers of the humanoid colossus in the cave.

"Why are we having another meeting? With this meeting time, I can do another bounty mission." Kakuzu, who was focused on making money, complained.

Jue Dao: "Kakuzu, shut up and listen to the leader."

Kakuzu snorted when he heard this, and then looked at Pain.

Payne looked at the position next to Orochimaru and asked Orochimaru: "Onoki has delivered the bounty, where is Loquat Juzo?"

"He's dead." There was no emotion in Orochimaru's hoarse voice.

Hearing this, everyone in Kakudu had looks of surprise in their eyes.

Although Loquat Juuzang is weaker than the six of them, he is still an elite Jonin close to the Kage level. There are only a handful of people in the ninja world who can kill him. Moreover, Loquat Juuzang is partnered with Orochimaru.

"Encountered Uchiha Fugaku or Inogacho?" Kakuzu asked.

In his opinion, this is the only way to keep Loquat Juzo.

Orochimaru shook his head and said: "My heart was chopped into pieces by an Uchiha brat with a flying knife."

Hearing this, Kakuzu and others were quite speechless. The seven dignified Ninja swordsmen died unexpectedly with a small flying knife.

Payne didn't care about Loquat Juuzang's life and death, and asked coldly: "Where is the ring on his body?"

Juuzang Loquat knew very little about the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization. It didn't matter whether his body existed or not, but the ring on his body was a necessary medium for the magic of the lantern body.

The lack of one means that the Akatsuki organization will lose one official member in the future.

Orochimaru licked his lips, and then said sadly: "Loquat Juzo is dead, so naturally he and his ring became the trophies of that Uchiha brat."

Kakuzu was surprised: "You actually let a kid kill your partner in front of you, and you didn't even keep him?"

"Loquat Juuzang is not my partner, I just perform tasks with him."

Orochimaru shook his head and said: "Besides, that brat's name is Uchiha Aozora. He has awakened the three Magatama Sharingan eyes and masters fire escape and sharp flying knives. He is a bit difficult to deal with."

Now that Aozora has lost one of his Sharingan eyes, he no longer covets Aozora much, so he is happy to organize the Akatsuki to find trouble for Aozora.

After listening to Orochimaru's words, everyone in the venue looked confused.

Xiaonan thought that this was indeed the Ninja Village where the teacher lived, and there were indeed many geniuses.

Kakuzu is considering replacing his own with a flame heart.

Scorpion, on the other hand, wanted to create a human puppet of Uchiha.

There are still three rings in his hand. Payne is not in a hurry to recover the "South" ring. He said calmly: "Then issue a long-term mission to kill 'Uchiha Aozora' and take back the 'South' ring!"

After dealing with the matter of Loquat Juzo, Payne began to tell the reason why he summoned everyone.

"Your outstanding performance has allowed the name of the Akatsuki organization to spread in the underground world. The commissioned tasks received are getting bigger and bigger, and the rewards you can get are also increasing accordingly. Even the five major ninja villages have begun to entrust us, but this is just It’s just a means.”

Payne paused and then said: "Xiao is about to enter the next stage."

Hearing this, Orochimaru, Scorpion, and Kakuzu, who all had their own agendas, couldn't help but look at Pain.

"Next, our target is the tailed beast."

Kakuzu frowned and said, "Tailed beast? Are you talking about the nine monsters that can destroy the world?"

Pain said: "Yes, those are the nine monsters. Most of the nine tailed beasts are controlled by the five great ninja villages, but there are also a few tailed beasts whose whereabouts are unknown. Those who are free should investigate their whereabouts."

This is why Payne still accepts commissions from the Third Tsuchikage even though he is not making any money. The Akatsuki organization needs to gain Iwagakure's trust so as to better obtain information about the tailed beasts in Iwagakure Village.

Jue asked: "Is investigation enough?"

Orochimaru's yellow-brown vertical pupils revealed a curious look, "What will happen in the future?"

Pain said: "Collect all the tailed beasts"

Orochimaru said: "Then what?"

Payne said: "They can become weapons for our Akatsuki organization to conquer the ninja world."

"Tailed beast?" Orochimaru questioned, "I think there are many other ways to conquer the ninja world."

Jue immediately defended: "The leader's idea is not wrong."

There are naturally other ways to conquer the ninja world, but the way to save his mother must be to collect tailed beasts.

Hearing this, Orochimaru looked at the two of them with interest but said nothing.

Payne glanced at everyone in the Xiao organization and said, "Let's start assigning tasks now."

Pain first looked at Orochimaru and said, "You are responsible for discovering the identity of Konoha's Jinchuuriki and the surrounding guard forces."

This was the reason why he chose to let Orochimaru go after Orochimaru attacked him.

Orochimaru licked his lips and said, "No problem."

Then Pain looked at Scorpio, who was hunched on the ground, and said, "I'll leave the information about the Sunagakure Jinchūriki to you."

"Yes!" An emotionless mechanical voice came from under Fei Liuhu.

Then, Pain said: "Kakuzu, it's up to you to investigate the news about the Kumogakure Jinchūriki."


Kakuzu is somewhat reluctant, as gathering information affects his efficiency in making money.

Finally, Pain looked at Zetsu and ordered: "I will leave the remaining information on Iwagakure, Kirigakure's jinchūriki and other tailed beasts to you."

Wrapped in pitcher plants, the black and white Zetsu nodded.

Although Pain assigned him the most arduous task, Iwagakure already had contact with the Akatsuki organization, and Kirigakure was already under Obito's control. He actually only had to collect information about other tailed beasts scattered around.

After assigning the tasks, Payne said: "The tasks in the future will be more arduous and difficult, and Akatsuki needs new members. During the execution of the tasks, you can pay attention to the ninjas who are worthy of becoming companions."

With these words, the group leader Payne disbanded the chat group and kicked everyone's mental bodies back.

After the group chat ended, members of the Akatsuki organization continued to do their own things.

Payne and Konan still play gods and angels in Yuyin Village.

Orochimaru left the Country of Fire and headed to the Country of Fields. On the one hand, he needs to establish a base to research and develop the reincarnation of dirt, and on the other hand, he needs a safe place to conduct his first reincarnation.

After using Orochimaru's substitute surgery again, his body, which was already on the verge of collapse, could no longer hold on. His body couldn't wait for him to catch Shisui and Aozora.

Scorpion continued to travel around the ninja world in search of materials for making puppets, Kakuzu still traveled to the five major countries to do bounty tasks, and Zetsu used the art of mayfly to rush to Kirigakure Village.

Among the few people, only Zetsu seemed to be seriously collecting information on the tailed beasts.

The battlefield in the northwest of the Land of Fire suddenly calmed down.

Whether it was the Iwagakure ninjas who invaded brazenly or the Konoha ninjas who defended their homeland, they all tacitly ceased their activities and recuperated each other.

In a large tent in the Konoha camp, Fugaku, Ino Shikacho, Aozora and others gathered around a corpse bed.

Ignoring the rancid odor emanating from Loquat Juuzang's body, Haiyi stepped forward with a serious look and placed his right hand on Loquat Juuzang's body.

"The secret art - the art of reading minds!"

The condensed spiritual body flowed out of Haiyi's body and soon entered the mind of Loquat Juuzang.

After 5 minutes of exploring with his eyes closed, Haiyi put away his right hand and opened his eyes, the light no longer in his eyes.

Obviously, in these short 5 minutes, Haiyi consumed a lot.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Haiyi explained: "Loquat Juuzang has many illusion traps carved into his mind, which cost me a lot of effort."

Lu Jiu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Fugaku nodded in affirmation, and then asked: "What information was detected?"

Shanzhong Hai pondered for a moment and said: "There are two main pieces of information."

"First, after Goju Yagura became the Fourth Mizukage, he implemented a bloody and brutal policy. Many Kirigakure ninjas were dissatisfied with his policies and defected, and Goju Juzo was one of them."

After hearing this, everyone present was in an uproar. Kirigakure was isolated overseas, and Konoha was too busy taking care of itself. Everyone was unaware of the current situation of Kirigakure Village.

They could not imagine what kind of cruel policy would cause the elites of a village to defect one after another.

After Yamanaka Haiichi explained the blood mist policy to everyone, he continued to tell the second piece of information.

"After Loquat Juuzang defected, he joined a bounty organization called Akatsuki. There are very few official members of the Akatsuki organization, and there are only seven Loquat Juuzang. Through Loquat Juuzang's memory, we can see that the other six people are extremely powerful. Not under him, Orochimaru is also a member of the Akatsuki organization."

"What?" Fugaku and Shikaku both screamed in horror when they heard this.

How could a ninja of Orochimaru's level join a bounty organization?

You must know that ninjas of Orochimaru's level can easily manipulate and destroy small countries secretly, and money is not very attractive to them.

Haiichi emphasized: "Yes, and Orochimaru is only a member, not the leader."

"Hiss——!" Fugaku and Shikaku gasped.

Ninjas are respected for their strength, especially in bounty organizations. Since someone can be the leader of the Akatsuki organization, his strength must be above Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's strength is already comparable to that of the Five Kages, and they can't imagine anyone else in the ninja world who can overwhelm Orochimaru.

The two of them felt vaguely uneasy when they thought that such a powerful Akatsuki organization was targeting Konoha.

For a rebellious ninja like Orochimaru, even if they are alone, Konoha can't do much with them. And there are actually six strong men like Orochimaru in the Akatsuki organization now, and the two of them felt chills running through their bodies just thinking about it.

When Yamanaka Kai saw the ugly expressions on the two people's faces, he comforted softly: "The Akatsuki organization aims to take on war missions to make money. Judging from the memory of Loquat Juzo, they are taking on missions issued by Iwagakure Village this time, not specifically. Targeting Konoha.

Now that the mission has been completed, and Loquat Juzo died on the spot, the Akatsuki organization must not dare to take on any more missions against Konoha in the short term. "

Fugaku's face brightened slightly when he heard this, and he continued to ask: "Is there any other information?"

Yamanaka Haiichi shook his head, "Loquat Juzo has been dead for a day, and there are not many memories left in his mind. The remaining information needs to be analyzed slowly from his body."

Fugaku nodded, and then said seriously: "Please continue to investigate and compile the information, and then report it to Lord Hokage. A powerful and bold bounty organization like Akatsuki is a huge threat to Konoha. Please pay attention to it, Lord Hokage." "

Qingkong silently listened to everyone's conversation, with a hint of regret flashing in his eyes.

He originally thought that Haiyi could obtain a lot of information from the body of Loquat Juzo, but he did not expect that Haiyi would get so little information.

Of course, this may also be because Haiyi concealed important information.

However, no matter what, Konoha will at least focus on this secretly rising Akatsuki organization.

After explaining the follow-up, Fugaku took Qingzora and Shisui out of the camp.

"Aozora, thanks to you this time, if I hadn't killed Loquat Juzo and lured Orochimaru away, the consequences would have been disastrous." Shikaku said gratefully.

Shikaku regards the ninjas of Konoha as compatriots, so Aozora's act of coming forward is quite appreciated by him.

Hearing this, Qingkong said righteously: "Where the leaves are flying, the fire is endless. I just happen to have this ability. I believe that any Uchiha who has my ability will do the same thing as me." Same choice.

We Uchiha just can't speak, but we believe that facts speak louder than words. "

After everything has been done and his eyes are blinded, Qingkong naturally wants to maximize his profits.

If nothing else, at least try to gain Zhuludie's favor.

Feeling the will of fire in Aozong's words, Shikaku said sincerely: "Fugaku, I'm sorry, I had some prejudice against you Uchiha clan before."

Fugaku understood Qingkong, so he gave Qingkong a strange look, and then said to Shikaku, "Our tribe is usually a little bit ahead of their heads."

Shikaku chatted with the two for a while, then said goodbye and left.

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