Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 228 Slander and slander [please vote]

Konoha Village, Kitahara Izakaya.

Unlike those big restaurants located near Konoha Avenue, Kitahara Izakaya's drinks are very strong and affordable, and it is very popular among middle genin with low income.

Uchiha Nobuo walked into the room and found a familiar position against the wall.

Before Nobuo could say anything, the waiter at the izakaya asked: "Are you the same?"

Nobuo nodded, then sat silently on the table, looking at the seats diagonally across the table.

His family is not in embarrassment, and he is not an alcoholic, but recently he has only been able to erase the pain in his heart by using alcohol.

Although he was born in Uchiha, he only had ordinary ninja talent, went to school, graduated, and performed tasks.

His strength is not outstanding, so he did not join the police department. Instead, he teamed up with his two best friends from school, Katsuri Komaki and Mahiro Dohashi, to perform some ordinary tasks.

Catching cats and dogs, delivering letters and farming every day was tedious and boring, but it was still a happy life.

Every time after completing a mission, the three of them would have a drink at the Kitahara Izakaya without telling their teacher. It was a rare good time for them.

He originally thought that his life would be spent in such an ordinary way. Although he was a little regretful, he had no regrets.

However, God played a joke on him. During the mission last week, their team encountered a powerful wandering ninja.

Because of their lack of strength, all three of them were beaten to the point of retreat.

At the critical moment, the young Zhenhong couldn't bear the pressure and chose to escape.

He and Katsuri did not blame Mahiro, but made a tacit understanding to stop the enemy for Mahiro.

The three of them were originally at a disadvantage. After Mahiro escaped, they quickly fell completely below, and Katsari was killed.

Despair and hatred filled Nobuo's heart. In an instant, his eyes turned red, and he exploded with strength far beyond normal, killing the careless wandering ninja.

Masahiro came with the Konoha ninjas who rescued him. Seeing the dead Katsari, he asked: "You are obviously powerful, why did you let Katsuri die in front of you?"

Nobuo shook his head with a bitter look on his face, and then took another sip of wine.

How could he be willing to let Shengli die in front of him?

Suddenly, a young ninja of sixteen or seventeen years old opened the door curtain, and then glanced at the corner where Nobuo was.

Mahiro Dohashi stepped forward and said coldly: "Nobuo Uchiha, Katsuri is dead, but you are still in the mood to drink here?"

When Nobuo saw it was Dohashi Mahiro, a bitter look appeared on his face and he said, "Mahiro, I'm just recalling Katsuri here."

"Remember, stop being hypocritical!" Mahiro Dohashi said, "I now know that you Uchiha had to kill your relatives and friends in order to awaken the Sharingan. You killed Katsuri just to awaken the Sharingan, right?"

"how come?"

Nobuo looked at Mahiro Dohashi in disbelief and explained: "Mahiro, we have known each other for so many years, and you know me. How can you doubt the bond between us?"


Mahiro Dohashi shouted angrily, "You Uchiha are demons, right? Sacrificing your relatives and friends to pray for power is really disgusting!!"

"How could you say that?"


The quarrel between the two gradually attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd, and people from nearby shops gradually gathered around.

Listening to Dohashi Mahiro revealing the "truth" about the awakening of the Uchiha Bloodsuccessor, passers-by and ignorant ninjas couldn't help but whisper.

"Let me just say, can those eyes be human eyes? They're bloody!"

"I heard before that the Uchiha clan is the reincarnation of demons, and they can gain power by doing bad things..."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's a kind of blood inheritance limit, and the Uchiha-sama is still on the front line to resist the invasion of Iwagakure!"

"But how do you explain that Uchiha's Sharingan awakens after the death of his friends?"


"You can't explain it! I think this young man is right. They sacrificed their teammates to awaken the Sharingan!"


Nobuo listened to the slander against Uchiha from all around, and in anger he opened the single magatama's Sharingan, and his eyes became increasingly scarlet.

Staring at Mahiro Dohashi, Nobuo said: "Mahiro, stop talking!"

Mahiro Dohashi looked at the people around him and the extremely angry Nobuo, and said: "Why don't you tell me? Today I will expose the evil nature of you Uchiha and let the villagers know your true face!"

Nobuo drew his knife and said angrily: "Shut up!"

"I won't shut up!" Dohashi Mahiro said.

As he spoke, he pointed at Nobuo and said, "Look, everyone, this is Uchiha. He must be furious after his family's secrets were revealed!"

Seeing Dohashi Mahiro constantly inciting the villagers around him, Nobuo was furious.

Chakra exploded under his feet, and the long knife in his hand drew a silver moon in the air.

Looking at Nobuo who was slashing with a knife, what appeared in Dohashi Mahiro's eyes was not panic, but relief.

Nobuo, who brandished his sword, already had some regrets. After all, the person in front of him was his friend for nearly ten years. Even if the other party had forgotten their friendship, he had not forgotten it.

Seeing the helpless Dohashi Mahiro, Nobuo's heart softened and he tried to deflect the blade.

But just when he was about to exert force, he suddenly found that his body was no longer under his control.

The knife slid smoothly, and the end was Dohashi Mahiro's neck. The "panicked" Dohashi Mahiro was about to die at Nobuo's hands.


I saw a flash of white light, and Nobuo's long sword beside them was cut into two pieces. The remaining half of the long sword passed in front of Dohashi Mahiro without injuring Dohashi Mahiro at all.

To the side, Qingkong's figure suddenly appeared between the two of them.

After Qingkong and the other three heard the roar, they immediately left the Ichiraku Noodle Shop and rushed here.

Finally, before the incident, Qingzora stopped the conspiracy against Uchiha in advance.

He noticed many anomalies at a glance. Among other things, the people surrounding the three floors outside and on the three floors here were extremely abnormal. Although the neighborhood is also very prosperous, the usual flow of people is definitely not that large, and it is impossible to get there faster than the three of them.

Glancing at the two of them coldly, Qingkong said: "The police department is handling the case, put down your weapons, raise your hands, and arrest them without mercy!"

Kudai and Muhiko appeared at the same time, showing off their vests and the logo of the police department.

Seeing this, Nobuo immediately dropped half of the long sword and raised his hands.

Although Tsuchibashi Mahiro felt the heavy pressure from Aozora and the others, he did not raise his hands as instructed. Instead, he said angrily: "It's obvious that he wants to kill me, why should he arrest me?"

There were also a few voices complaining about him from the surrounding crowd.

"Why should we arrest him? What has he committed?"

"I understand. The police department belongs to Uchiha. Is the new Uchiha working with the Uchiha who wanted to kill someone before?"

"You want to put people in the police department's jail and torture them if you can't kill them?"

"We can't let the police department do whatever they want!"


As these people spoke out, the crowd gradually became excited, and each one of them wanted to transform into a messenger of justice and stop the police department from handling the case.

Aozora stopped Muhiko and Kudai who were about to take action.

He could feel that there were more and more people outside the izakaya, and there were even many ninjas standing on the roofs around the izakaya.

Is it really a conspiracy against Uchiha?

If Aozora hadn't stopped Nobuo from killing Mahiro Dohashi in advance, the current situation might have been uncontrollable.

Staring at the crowd coldly, Qingkong remembered each person who spoke out in his heart, and then said: "This person wantonly slandered meritorious ministers, incited and incited relations between villagers, and the police department arrested him. Do you have any doubts?"

Qingkong's cold and stern voice clearly appeared in everyone's ears, making the indignant hearts of everyone around calm down a little.

Someone in the crowd immediately said: "What does it mean to slander a meritorious official? What does it mean to instigate relations between villagers? Didn't we hear that?"

And as this man spoke, many villagers agreed.

Qingkong glanced around, and then said loudly: "Uchiha is not only the clan that founded the village of Konoha, but also an inseparable member of Konoha. This person slandered and slandered Uchiha. I said he 'wantonly slandered meritorious ministers and provoked Is it wrong to incite relations between villagers?"

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