Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 249 Obito’s Recruitment [Please vote]

In the spring of March, the grass grows and orioles fly.

On a hill outside Konoha Village, the warm spring breeze blew by, and the continuous grass bowed down shyly, and the groups of wild flowers showed their smiles openly.

In a dense forest with few people around, Qingkong sat cross-legged on the lawn, resting his mind on the mountains and fields.

He heard the chirping of birds and insects, smelled the scent of grass and flowers, and seemed to be immersed in nature.

After the slug oil was used up, Qingkong was unable to attract a lot of natural energy, so he had to follow his intuition and choose a hill with slightly more natural energy to practice.

However, without slug oil, the efficiency of absorbing natural energy is greatly reduced, and Qingzora feels that there has not been much progress recently.

However, the natural energy attracted by slug oil did have certain problems. In the past few days, Qingkong felt that his silky skin had returned to as smooth as jade after practicing with pure natural energy.

Although they are both slippery, the former is a characteristic of the slug, and the latter is a characteristic of the stone body.

In the distance of the dense forest, a man wearing a whirlpool mask appeared and said calmly: "You said Uchiha Aozora is in this dense forest?"

Jue slowly leaned out half of his body from the tree trunk, nodded and said: "Yes, he has been practicing alone in this dense forest every day recently."

Obito looked at the vast dense forest and frowned: "Aren't you going to keep a close eye on me?"

Jue shook his head and said, "I tried to get closer before, but he almost discovered me."

Obito asked in surprise: "He has the gift of perception?"

As an investigator of the Akatsuki organization, Zetsu's perception and concealment abilities are definitely the best in the ninja world, and even he himself is very afraid of them.

Jue shook his head and said: "I don't know, but he seems to be very accomplished in earth escape. If I use the 'Emergency Technique' to be too close to him, he will feel abnormal."

Obito's right eye lit up and he said, "Interesting."

Zeu looked at Obito and asked, "What are you looking for him for? Kill him and take back the 'South' ring?"

Obito shook his head and said, "Don't you think he is a very good tool?"

"Tool?" Jue asked in surprise.

Obito did not answer him, but reminisced alone, murmuring: "Uchiha, who is full of love in his heart, once he loses that strong love, his love will be replaced by stronger hatred, and the whole person's temperament will change drastically. .”

Jue nodded silently. He knew the truth about Obito's awakening of the Kaleidoscope, and he also watched Obito fall from a sunny boy into darkness.

Obito Wanwei: "A talented young man full of the will of fire was betrayed by his village and family one after another. Guess what is filling his heart at this time?"

Back then, he was a young man full of love and determined to inherit the will of fire!

Therefore, he knows very well what it feels like to be betrayed by his village and his companions.

Jue pondered for a moment and said: "Hate? Despair? Anger?"

Obito said confidently: "Yes, this intense emotion will stimulate the evolution of Sharingan. If he has both eyes, he may encounter this betrayal and even awaken the Mangekyō.

Even if he didn't evolve into a kaleidoscope, he must have created a gap between Konoha and Uchiha at this time. "

Zeu nodded lightly. With Uchiha's character, there is a 90% chance of turning into a black man after encountering such a betrayal.

"You want to conquer him, but his right eye is blind and his potential is limited!"

Obito said coldly: "Who said that one eye cannot awaken the kaleidoscope? If not, it can only be said that he still has a glimmer of hope for Konoha and Uchiha. As long as I wipe out that glimmer of hope, then he will completely fall into darkness. "

Zetsu thought of Obito's example and nodded slightly.

"You wait here, I'll go see him!"

After saying that, Obito's entire body twisted into a whirlpool and disappeared silently.

While meditating with his eyes closed, Qingkong suddenly felt some fluctuations in the natural energy around him, and quickly stood up and jumped away.

I saw a masked man being thrown out of the whirlpool like a ghost.

Obito suppressed the surprise in his heart and said in a hoarse and deep accent: "Not a bad reaction!"

Qingkong recognized this person's identity instantly, made a warning gesture, and said: "Akatsuki Organization?"

He did not reveal that he knew the other party's identity, which helped to make the other party look down on him, and at the same time, he could take the opportunity to test the other party's purpose.

Obito said calmly: "Don't worry, although I am also a member of the Akatsuki organization, I am not your enemy."

Qingkong snorted coldly and said: "Why do you let me believe this guy who hides his head and shows his tail?"


Red light emerged from the holes in the mask, and Obito said: "Are these eyes enough for you to believe?"

"Sharingan?" Qingzora controlled the look of shock on his face, "How come you have the Sharingan of our Uchiha clan?"

At this time, he had discovered that Obito didn't seem to be here to kill him, but had an ulterior motive.

Obito said coldly: "My surname is also Uchiha. Isn't it normal to have the Sharingan?"

Qingkong suddenly said: "Did you plan the Nine-Tails Rebellion?"

Obito didn't hesitate and said directly: "Why do we keep him in such a village full of hypocrisy and betrayal? Am I right, Aozora!"

Qingkong's eyes flashed, Obito, what does this mean?

"For the village, you sacrificed your most precious Sharingan. And how did Konoha and the family treat you?

Just because of a little suspicion, you will be deprived of your ninja identity. Instead of seeking justice for you, your family is adding insult to injury. "

Qingkong was silent after hearing this. He found that Obito's purpose seemed to be to instigate rebellion against him.

To be fair, Obito's logic is correct.

If he hadn't taken advantage of the situation to retire, other Uchiha would have had their mentality exploded and turned black on the spot!

After a long silence, Qingkong clenched his fist tightly and asked: "Who are you? What is your purpose?"

Obito slowly flew into the air, crossed his chest and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I can give you what you want!"

It has to be said that the Uchiha clan is indeed rich in movie stars.

Obito's hoarse and majestic voice, coupled with his ability to fly, instantly created the image of a powerful and invincible villain.

If Qingkong hadn't read the original work, he would really have been deceived by him.

"Can you give me what I want? Just you?"

Qingkong sneered, with contempt in his eyes.

He is now a genius Uchiha, and his character cannot be defeated.

As he spoke, Aozora waved his hands, and dozens of shurikens flew towards Obito, and then he held the shuriken in his hand and rushed towards Obito.

Clang! Clang! Clang! ——

A long sword appeared in Obito's hand. He blocked, picked or knocked away all the shurikens shot by Aozora.

At this time, Qingkong had already rushed forward with a kunai in his hand.

"go to hell!"

Aozora was very fast and had already rushed in front of Obito before he knocked away the last shuriken.

Seeing that the kunai was about to slice across Obito's throat, a smile appeared on Aozora's lips.

However, the next moment, the kunai passed directly through the body without causing any blood. The clear touch told Qingkong that his kunai did not hit anything.

Aozora passed through Obito's figure as if he were passing through a phantom. Unable to wait for Aozora to be surprised, Obito had already stabbed him with a knife.

Qingkong reacted very quickly, chakra exploded under his feet, and left the place in an instant without being stabbed in the back by Obito.

Squatting on a big tree, Qingkong frowned with surprise on his face.

"That's a good reaction. No wonder you managed to save your life under Orochimaru!" Obito praised Aozora in the same tone as a senior commenting on a junior.

Aozora snorted coldly, opened the Sharingan in his left eye, and the three magatama in the scarlet pupils slowly rotated.

Feeling the terrifying pupil power of Aozora's left eye that surpassed the ordinary three-magatama, Obito once again confirmed his judgment in his heart. The pupil power of the ordinary three-magatama Sharingan could never be so strong!

Looking at Aozora's scarlet left eye, Obito whispered to himself: "Have you really fallen into darkness?"

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