Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 253 Flying Tigers Training

The next day, Aozora took Itachi to Training Ground No. 35.

"Aozora! Itachi!"

Muhiko casually chatted with the two Uchiha who were standing guard. When he saw Qingzora and He came, he hurriedly said hello to them.

Aozora no longer has the identity of the chief instructor. In order to avoid any slap-in-the-face plot, Aozora told Yashiro in advance.

Yashiro directly arranged for the captain of the Flying Tigers, Muhiko, to receive Aozora and Itachi. With Muhiko there, the three of them had a smooth journey.

Aozora and Muhiko were chatting in front, while Itachi was looking around with his head swaying.

"Wuyan, I am just an ordinary tribesman now, why bother you to come and receive me?" Qingkong said politely.

Wu Yan waved his hand and said: "Your status and position are all empty. Your strength and appearance are here. I admire you."

Hearing this, Qingkong also praised him: "I think you are not bad either. You are a rare elite ninja in the family who has both good looks and strength."

When Wuyan heard Qingkong praise his appearance, he immediately felt sympathy for each other and became much more enthusiastic.

The three of them walked and chatted all the way, and soon arrived at the Flying Tigers training location.

Yashiro crossed his arms and watched the training of the Flying Tigers. When he saw Aozora arriving, he waved him over.

Yashiro said bluntly: "I have received the minister's letter. If you have any requests, I will try my best to satisfy you!"

He knows Qingzora's wisdom and his contribution to the family, so he has no qualms about Fugaku's orders.

For a family member he was very optimistic about, Yashiro was willing to actively cooperate with Qingzora.

"Then I'll thank you eighth generation uncle first!" Qingkong said sincerely.

After speaking, Qingkong moved his gaze to the training ground in the distance.

Today, the Flying Tigers are training on kunai throwing. Although Junpei has not retired, Dai Sinji has also been removed from his position as the Flying Tigers instructor. The instructor on the field now is Jin Tai's former guard Ryoichi.

Seeing Aozora's arrival, Ryoichi glanced sideways at Aozora, ready to show off his training results.

His eyes lit up and he quickly had an idea.

"Swift body!"

With a low shout in his heart, Ryoichi turned into a black wind and quickly swept across the entire training ground.

A moment later, he appeared again. At this time, the twenty targets in the field had been scattered everywhere, placed on different branches of the trees, facing different directions, and some were even placed on the back of the tree.

He said loudly to the Flying Tigers students below: "Next, test your kunai throwing skills!"

Pointing to the center of the training ground, Ryoichi continued: "Throw twenty kunai from here and score points based on the number of hits."

Seeing this, Yashiro nodded and smiled: "It's interesting!"

The targets are placed very trickyly, and in order to hit all the targets, you must master the more advanced ninja throwing techniques.

The advanced Ninja Tool Throwing Technique requires delicate thinking and precise chakra control, and not many members of the Flying Tigers, who are known as Uchiha elites, have mastered it.

Qingkong was also looking forward to it. He happened to also want to see the level of the Flying Tigers members.

Soon, the first Flying Tiger member walked to the center of the training ground with a cold face.

His scarlet pupils were seen jumping up and down, left and right, and then began to rotate with his right foot as the axis, while at the same time continuously shooting out kunai.

call out! call out! call out! ——

Each kunai shot through the sky, drawing beautiful arcs in the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang! ——

The targets vibrated, and the kunai hit the red hearts one by one.

Ryoichi glanced at it and said loudly: "Uchiha Hisa, hit 17 targets, totaling 17 points."

There are several targets in the field that are extremely tricky and have no shooting angle at all. Xishang was able to hit 17 targets, which is already a good result.

After scoring, Ryoichi immediately asked someone to put away the kunai on the target, and then restored the position of the target again.

Yashiro nodded with satisfaction and asked Qingzora: "What do you think of the members of my Flying Tigers?"

Qingkong pondered for a moment and said: "Not bad!"

Yashiro was about to say something, but suddenly thought that Qingzora was famous for throwing ninja tools earlier, so he shook his head and said: "Don't look at them by your own standards!"

Qingkong nodded and said, "I was the one who blamed him harshly!"

But Yashiro clearly saw a little disdain in Qingzora's eyes.

While the two were talking, each member of the Flying Tigers came on stage, and their performance was not bad. The poor ones scored 15, and the good ones scored 19. Only one target stuck between two conjoined trees remained missing. People can shoot.

"Uchiha Ryuuki!"

The last Uchiha slowly walked out of the crowd. Unlike most of the selling Uchiha, he was carrying a long sword, his arms were exposed, and his muscles were taut.

Without any fancy throwing techniques, he took out the kunai from his ninja bag and threw them out one by one.

His throwing movements were extremely standard, just like those taught by Ninja School.

His throws were powerful and accurate, and he hit the hearts of the targets one after another.

In the end he hit 17 targets!

His score was the same as that of most members of the Flying Tigers, but neither the instructor Liang Yi nor the surrounding players cast any approval glances at him.

Because he took advantage of it.

The rest of the Uchiha aimed a kunai at a target and threw them at the same time.

And he chose the 17 easiest targets. The first fifteen targets were hit in one shot, and the last two targets took five chances to hit the bullseye.

"Opportunistic, go down!"

Ryoichi scolded him, and then asked Long Xian to return to the team.

Seeing Long Xian's sad expression, Qing Kong reserved a spot for him in the Wolong group.

Long Xian and Wo Long are very destined, right?

After showing off his teaching results, Ryoichi came up and asked Yashiro, "Hello, Captain Yashiro, do you have any instructions?"

Yashiro affirmed: "You taught well. I will teach you the training of the team members. I can rest assured."

Ryoichi smiled sincerely when he heard this, then raised his eyebrows and asked Qingkong: "Qingkong, you were also an instructor of the Flying Tigers before. Can you give me some advice?"

Qingkong shook his head and said, "You are the instructor, you have the final say."

Ryoichi was reluctant and said to the members of the Flying Tigers on the side: "This is Uchiha Aozora, a rare genius boy in our Uchiha. And he happens to be good at throwing ninja tools. He finally came here, and you still haven't asked for advice. Him?"

Many of the members of the Flying Tigers on the side spoke under Liang Yi's instigation.

"Yeah, give us some advice!"

"Guide us!"

"Give me some face!"


Liang Yi glanced around, and then said to Qingkong: "Look at how enthusiastic the team members are, why don't you, the former instructor, say a few words?"

Qingkong said playfully: "You really want me to tell you?"

Liang Daidao: "Say it, you must say it, and the more pertinent the better."

He guessed that Qingzong might say some unpleasant words, which would be more to his liking, but Qingzong would only lose the hearts of the members of the Flying Tigers.

Yashiro also said: "Your ninja throwing is unique, it would be good to give them some advice."

"In that case, I will speak out."

Aozora smiled gently at Yashiro, and then his face turned serious.

Qingkong stepped forward and scanned the members of the Flying Tigers, and then said sincerely: "To be honest, I have never learned this kind of acrobatic technique, so I don't know how difficult it is, but everyone should perform well."

As soon as Qingkong finished speaking, the members of the Flying Tigers below were not happy.


"Why do you say that?"

"Do you know how difficult it is to do acrobatics?"

"Show your skills if you have the skills!"


When Liang saw that Qingkong offended the members of the Flying Tigers with just one word, he secretly laughed inwardly and pretended to be a peacemaker: "Qingkong, your demands are too high. Although it is a bit fancy, this training is still a bit difficult!"

"Is this difficult?" Qingkong couldn't believe it.

He seemed unsure of his judgment, so he turned back and asked Itachi: "Itachi, is this training difficult?"

Hearing this, Itachi took a respectful step forward, shook his head, and replied, "It's very simple!"

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