Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 255 Recruiting Team Members [Asking for monthly votes]

In Yashiro's office, Aozora and Yashiro were sitting opposite each other.

"Tell me, you didn't come to Training Ground No. 35 just to save Ryoichi's face, right?"

"That's the idea."

Qingkong smiled, and then said: "I want to select a few members of the Flying Tigers to work."

"Okay, how long?" Yashiro said cheerfully.

"It's not a matter of how long."

Qingkong shook his head, "I am not borrowing, but calling. Now the family is in a special stage, and there are many things that need to be handled by someone."

Yashiro's eyes lit up when he heard this, he was thoughtful, then nodded and said: "I understand."

He walked to the cabinet, performed several sealing spells, took out the file, and handed it to Qingkong.

"Take a look first! Tell me which one you like!"


After receiving the file, Qingzora quickly browsed it, asking Yashiro a few questions from time to time, and then pulled out some information.


“This is okay too”

"and this!"


"so much?"

Yashiro took the information and read it over, frowning and said: "Aozora, although the ones you drew are not the elites of the Flying Tigers, and their interpersonal relationships are not complicated, you have transferred five members of the Flying Tigers at once, and their actions are also It’s too big.”

The Flying Tigers had only a small number of people, only forty or fifty people, and it was difficult not to attract attention if they were one-tenth of the number at once.

Qingkong said: "I have wishes for these five people, but I have to ask them what their wishes are!"

Yashiro said: "What are you asking? It's their luck that you value them."

Qingkong shook his head and said, "Uncle Yashiro, I might want to borrow your office."

Eight o'clock said: "No problem."

The morning training of the Flying Tigers ended quickly, and the five people whose names were called by Aozora were called to Yashiro's office one by one.

Yashiro silently closed the door and left the office to Aozora.

After the five members of the Flying Tigers wearing police department vests said hello, they stood in a row and waited quietly for Qingkong's instructions.

Qingzora sat in the middle of the bench, crossed his arms, and slowly glanced at the five people with a scrutinizing gaze.

As his eyes glanced around, Qingkong slowly stirred up the chakra in his body and released his momentum.

The high temperature seeped out of Qingkong's body, making the space around him look a little distorted, making him look like a devil or a god.

In an instant, the five people in front of Qingkong felt as if they had fallen into magma purgatory. The scorching flames were about to burn them, and huge beads of sweat flowed uncontrollably on their faces.

"What a powerful momentum!"

"Why is he so strong? He is only thirteen years old!"

"I can't move! Why can't I move?"

"Is this the genius Aozora who lured Orochimaru away and escaped alone? He is really strong!"


Feeling Qingkong's powerful aura, the five of them worked hard to drum up the chakra in their bodies, with fighting spirit igniting in their eyes.

"Not bad! It didn't disgrace Uchiha!" Qingzora said calmly, "Now there is a task related to the family's future that requires you. Are you willing to do it?"

Hearing this, the five people didn't have time to wipe away the cold sweat on their foreheads. They straightened up their chests and said in unison: "Yes!"

Qingkong gave the five people a serious look and said, "Don't blame us for not reminding you. This mission is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die!"

Long Xian took the initiative to speak: "Master Qingkong, there is no one else in my family, I am not afraid of sacrifice!"

Others also expressed their assurances.

Qingkong nodded, this was the reason why he chose these people.

Although the five of them are not all orphans, their elders died young, their interpersonal relationships are simple, and their performance is not outstanding.

For example, Long Xian, although his basic skills are very solid, he has no elders to teach him personally, so he is unfamiliar with the Uchiha-style ninja tool throwing method.

The five of them are young people with simple interpersonal relationships, good talents, and eager to get ahead.

"Not being afraid of sacrifice is nothing? No one in Uchiha is afraid of sacrifice!"

After Qingkong finished speaking, he picked up a document on the table and handed it out: "You should read it first before talking."

"Yes, Master Aozora!"

Uchiha Yoshitoki, who was standing on the far right, took the document with both hands, glanced through it quickly, and then handed it to the next person.

The content of the document is very concise. It only states the general nature of the task, the rewards, and the price that must be paid.

After reading the document, Uchiha Satsuki, who was last in line, handed the document back to Aozora and returned to the team again.

Then the office fell into silence. The five people's expressions remained unchanged, but their eyes flickered, obviously weighing the gains and losses.

Just as Jiudai had originally considered, the Uchiha people were proud of their surnames, and none of the five of them were willing to work as undercover spies incognito.

Qingkong spoke first: "Do you know why I chose you in the Flying Tigers? Because you are excellent?"

Qingkong shook his head and asked himself: "On the contrary, you five are inconspicuous people in the Flying Tigers. No one will remember you five if you disappear."

Hearing this, the five people were angry, but could not refute.

There is no Uchiha who is not talented enough to join the Flying Tigers. Others have been taught by their elders since childhood. They started late and did not stand out in the Flying Tigers.

"If you continue to stay in the Flying Tigers, you will always be a mediocre Uchiha. Even your descendants will have a hard time remembering your names a hundred years from now."

The expressions of the five people turned a bit gloomy. Qingzora was right. There were countless Uchihas like them, and they were easily forgotten.

"This mission is very dangerous and difficult, but it is related to the future of the family.

If the mission is completed perfectly, then you will all be Uchiha's great contributors and will surely be recorded in the history of Uchiha, the history of Konoha, and even the history of the ninja world.

Then the entire Uchiha will thank you, praise your name, and be proud of you. "

Seeing the eagerness and expectation in the eyes of several people, Qing Kong nodded slightly in his heart, and his mouth escape had some effect.

After talking about the prospect, Qingkong knocked on the table and slowly talked about the generous conditions.

“The clan leader attaches great importance to this mission, and I will take the lead, with the assistance of other captains.

As long as you participate, you can immediately get double the salary of the Flying Tigers, apply to learn an advanced ninjutsu, receive guidance from a jounin sent by your family, and even participate in a Sharingan awakening ceremony that is secretly studied by your family! "

"Sharingan Awakening Ceremony?" Uchiha Hiroteru in the center of the team asked.

Qingkong shook his head and said: "I can't say more specifics, but it will help awaken the Sharingan and improve the power of the eyes."

When they heard about awakening the Sharingan and improving the power of the eyes, the five people's eyes lit up, and their desire could no longer be concealed.

The five people looked at each other and said in unison: "Lord Qingkong, we are willing!"

The first three conditions were already very favorable, and the Sharingan Awakening Ceremony became the last straw that broke their guard.

"Okay! You continue to be in the Flying Tigers for now. Someone will contact you later!"

Qingzora picked up the files on the table and turned to leave.

In the next few days, while waiting for the arrival of Shuichi and the others, Aozora went to the patrol team and prison guard team to inspect and select personnel.

Shuichi and the other four secretly rushed back to Konoha.

Qingkong exchanged greetings with them and let them rest for a day before setting off again to establish a temporary stronghold outside the village.

Before the Wolong Plan is launched, Qingzora needs to conduct unified training for everyone, and it is easy to be discovered in Konoha.

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