Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 259 Kisame blocks the road [please vote]

At dawn, above the river.

Qingkong stepped on a small boat, flipping through the scrolls he had just received, letting the boat drift with the current.

The inventory in the Akatsuki organization is indeed rich. Perhaps in order not to lose face in front of Qingzora, a wealthy genius, Konan recommended several rare ninjutsu to Qingzora.

Qingkong found treasures from it, one was thunder clone, and the other was peacock magic.

Compared to the shadow clones, water clones, and earth clones in the bad streets, thunder clones are relatively rare, and there are not many Kumo ninjas in Kumogakure who have mastered this clone made with thunder escape chakra.

The Peacock Mystical Technique is a trophy obtained by the Akatsuki organization from killing a ninja from a Star Ninja Village. It is called the Peacock Mystic Technique and is actually chakra activation. The caster transforms his own chakra into peacock wings behind his back, and can also use different forms of chakra as a means of attack.

This may be attractive to ordinary ninjas, but it is useless to Nagato and Konan, so they are thrown into the inventory casually.

Qingzora didn't want to completely learn the Peacock Mystic Technique. He was only interested in the chakra activation and chakra transformation of the Peacock Mystic Technique.

Qingzora feels that his current strength is close to or even reaching Kage level, but he has not yet truly mastered a true S-level ninjutsu.

The true S-level Five Elements Ninjutsu must be a Ninjutsu that reaches the extreme in both form and property changes.

Flame Release is already considered the ultimate change in the properties of Fire Release chakra, so the Fire Dragon Jutsu performed with Flame Release has the power of A-level secret ninjutsu.

After being enhanced with Senjutsu Chakra, Aozora can use B-level ninjutsu to show power comparable to S-level ninjutsu.

As the time of practicing "Nine Breath Conquering Qi" increases, Qingkong's fire escape power may reach a higher level, but Qingkong knows that this cannot be achieved in a short time.

Just like studying, it is far more difficult to improve from 90 to 100 than from 60 to 90.

When the improvement of chakra properties was slow, Aozora considered improving the form changes of chakra to develop S-level ninjutsu to enhance his overall strength.

In fact, Aozora has a shortcut, which is the Rasengan.

Rolling balls is not difficult. With Qingzora's chakra control, it won't take long to master it. By adding the Flame Release Chakra to it, you can develop S-level or even super-S-level ninjutsu.

However, Qingzora did not choose this path.

First of all, rolling meatballs is easy, but adding Flame Escape Chakra to the meatballs is too dangerous.

A slight mistake in adding the Wind Release Chakra to the meatballs would cause Naruto to be seriously injured. If a higher quality chakra were added to the balls, Aozora would probably burn himself on the spot if he was not careful.

Secondly, the Maruko series of ninjutsu requires close range, and Qingzora has always positioned himself as a mage, and close range is only a last resort for survival.

To sum up, compared to making balls, Qingzong is more willing to add form changes to the Fire Dragon Technique, and even add the Shadow Clone Technique.

In his imagination, the fire dragon he cast with the Flame Escape Chakra was a fire dragon that had intelligence like a shadow clone and could move freely and change its body shape.

Relying on the inextinguishable nature of the Flame Release, once the fire dragon comes out, it will not stop until death. It is definitely a super S-level ninjutsu.

However, even the Flame Release Chakra is still not as solid as the chakra of other attributes, and the ninja world does not have ninjutsu such as fire clones, so the progress of Qingzora's research and development is impressive.

The Peacock Magic and Thunder Clone harvested this time can greatly speed up Qingkong's research and development progress.

After flipping through the scroll, the boat was almost reaching the river bank before he knew it. Suddenly Qingkong frowned and put away the scroll.

"Come out, Kisame!"

Although we don’t know who is lurking under the water, the strongest water escaper in the Akatsuki organization is probably the newly added Inigaki Kisame.

The dried persimmon Kisame slowly emerged from the water, just like a shark demon that failed to transform.

On the river not far from the two of them, a green snake was slowly wandering, its eyes never leaving the blue sky.

Half a figure slowly emerged from a big tree on the river bank. At the same time, a spatial vortex appeared next to him. Obito walked out of it and sat on the branch.

Zetsu asked: "Did you ask Kisame to test Aozora?"

Obito nodded and said: "Yes, I always feel that there is a layer of fog on Qingkong, and I once felt danger from him."

Juedao: "Do you think Kisame can test his strength? You must know that Loquat Juzo died in the hands of Qingkong, and he was also a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen..."

Obito denied: "The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are different, and the water network here is dense, which is more conducive to Kisame's performance."

After listening to Obito's words, Zetsu nodded.

Above the river, one is waning and the other is growing. Even if there is a strength gap between Qingzora and Kisame, it will be smoothed out.

Standing on the flowing river, Kisame held Samehada in his hand and asked, "Did you kill Loquat Juzo?"

Qingkong nodded calmly and said: "One knife pierced his heart and didn't make his death too painful."

Kisame said: "So, I have to thank you for him."

Qingkong pulled out the long sword behind him, "No need, he has already paid me!"

"Decapitation sword?" Kisame's eyes showed anger.

Qingkong played with the sword and said calmly: "The name of the sword is Drinking Blood, and it is smelted with a beheading sword, so it blows the hair and breaks the hair. It is a pity that there will never be seven Ninja Swordsmen in the future."

The decapitating sword has been smelted, so naturally it is impossible to have a new ninja sword of seven people, and at most it can be six people.

Kisame's feelings for Kirigakure are very complicated. On the one hand, he hates the blood of Kirigakure for killing his compatriots, but on the other hand, he can't let go of Kirigakure's upbringing.

Qingkong's words completely angered him, causing him to rub his mouth full of shark teeth.

"Uchiha brat, I'm here today to see what you can do to kill Loquat Juuzou. Please use all your strength, otherwise I will let you die miserably!"

Qingkong shook his head and sighed softly: "Will the seven great ninja swords of Kirigakure become five today?"


Kisame was directly exposed, and his hands quickly formed seals like afterimages.

"Water escape……"

Qingkong shook his head slightly, thinking that he was indeed an honest person who still formed seals in the later stage.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Although his Fire Release can be performed without seals, even if B-level ninjutsu such as the Fire Dragon Jutsu does not require seals, it still takes time for chakra to circulate in the body.

In comparison, although the C-level Fireball Technique is slightly less powerful, it has a single chakra circulation route and can be activated quickly with a little preparation. It is the best choice for interrupting the enemy's ninjutsu.

A huge fireball, as bright as the sun, erupted from Aozora's mouth, causing huge waves on the water and rushing towards Kisame.

It was as if the instantaneous fire ball caught Kisame by surprise, so that he had no time to use the A-level ninjutsu he had originally prepared.

He did not turn around and jump away immediately, but gave up the ninjutsu he was preparing at the moment, instantly changed the seal, and Kankan summoned a waterspout when the orange fireball rushed in front of him.


The C-level fire escape collided with the B-level water escape.

The spiral water wall collided with the blazing fireball, causing a large amount of water vapor to rise instantly.

Then, the fireball broke through the water wall and hit Kisame in the spiral water wall.

Fortunately, after the spiral water wall was weakened and deflected, the orange fireball had been weakened a lot and did not cause a huge impact.

However, the immortal orange fire instantly ignited Kisame's windbreaker printed with red clouds and spread across his body.


High enough to melt metal into liquid, the cells near Kisame's skin covered with orange fire quickly died, fell off, and melted. The pain of being burned by the fire made Kisame scream.

In severe pain, he calmly dived into the water. However, although the orange fire slowly weakened under the embrace of the river, it still burned tenaciously, boiling the surrounding river water.

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