Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 280 Competition for Public Opinion [Please subscribe]

Hokage Building Hokage Office.

As soon as Mito Katoen entered the door, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked, "What did Hinata Hizashi say?"

Mito Kadoyan sighed and said: "He refuses to show his attitude. Regarding Hizashi... ugh!"

Mito Katoen's long sigh made Sarutobi Hiruzen's face darken a little.

"I don't want to sacrifice Hizashi, but wasn't Konoha helpless at that time? Could it be that the northeastern border of Fire Country fell again and Jiraiya and the others were defeated?"

Mito Kaden wanted to say that the third generation should not withdraw the frontline ninjas early, but it was useless now, and he just shook his head after all.

"Forget it, although I can't win over Hinata, with the relationship between Hinata and Uchiha, Hinata definitely doesn't want to let Uchiha get on top of them, right?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen heard the uncertainty in Mito Kadoen's mouth, and in fact he was not sure either.

In the past year, Uchiha has cooperated many times.

First, he sang Erezhuan at the high-level meeting of the Danzo Rebel Village Council, and then the entire Uchiha clan supported Hinata's election as elder. Now Hinata has impeached the third generation at the expense of others and without benefit.

It is not impossible for Hinata to side with Uchiha in this election.


Suddenly, an ANBU appeared in the office.

He first bowed to the third generation, and then reported: "Lord Hokage, Uchiha Fugaku and the eighth generation Uchiha are visiting the Hyuga clan leader."

Hearing this, both Sarutobi Hiruzen and Mito Kaden couldn't help but frown.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen waved the ANBU to retreat, Mito Kadeni said: "Hiruzhan, if Hinata falls to Uchiha, then Jiraiya may not necessarily have an advantage in the Jonin vote of confidence!

In the past six months or so, the Police Department has been very restrained and restrained in recruiting non-Uchiha villagers. Now the ninjas of other clans are no longer as resentful towards Uchiha as before. "

Mito Kadoyan's words made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel even heavier.

Ever since Danzo rebelled against the village, everything in the Hokage family has been in trouble, but Uchiha seems to have been completely transformed.

In reality, the police department was reformed and a large number of civilian ninjas and ordinary ninja children were absorbed.

Although the core power of the police department was not given up, it also provided an iron rice bowl for many ordinary ninjas, which also reduced the number of

Uchiha people offend others.

Then, just as Xiang was about to expose Uchiha's true face, he was unexpectedly disturbed by the hateful Uchiha Aozora, who even made Uchiha Aozora publicize the achievements of Uchiha.

Most of the villagers have slowly changed their views on Uchiha, and now Uchiha is no longer a situation where everyone shouts for beatings.

Thinking of the situation he was facing now, Hiruzen Sarutobi glanced around and shook his head inconspicuously.

Some things are really inconvenient without Tuanzhi by your side.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of his cigarette, and then said to Mito Kadoyan: "You continue to help Jiraiya win votes."

Mito Kadoyan took a deep look at Sarutobi Hiruzen, then turned and left.

Not long after Mito Kaden left, Sarutobi Hiruzen recruited Xiang into the office.

Then, there were a lot of rumors on the streets that afternoon.

"The Uchiha clan is ruthless and doesn't care about other people at all."

"If Uchiha Fugaku becomes Hokage, Konoha will be completely controlled by Uchiha in the future, and other families will inevitably become Uchiha's vassals!"

"Uchiha's eyes are cursed eyes, they are disasters!"


What is different from the past is that the police department, which was well prepared, was dispatched shortly after the message came out.

Today's situation is different. With the cases that Aozora handled correctly before, the police department will all regard those who slander Uchiha as spies who slandered their merits and provoked high-level officials.

Moreover, in just six months, many rumors in the village made the smart villagers know to be cautious in their words and deeds.

In order not to be implicated, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to take back the Anbu. Without the secret help of the ninjas, and ordinary people were afraid of the police department, this rumor was extinguished before it could ferment.

Of course, there are still rumors circulating secretly, but the impact has been minimal.

Because at this time Uchiha also began to mobilize public opinion and openly discussed the reasons for Uchiha's awakening of the Sharingan.

"Do you know why the death of close friends and relatives causes Uchiha to awaken his Sharingan?"

"I heard that the Uchiha was cursed."

"Do you really think this is a curse? Do you want such a curse?"

"Hmph, I don't want to exchange the death of my relatives and friends for strength!"

"You are so stupid! Do you really think that those relatives and friends who died were cursed by the Sharingan?"

"Isn't it?"

"How come there are so few curses if you want to curse them? If you know a little bit about it, you will know that the casualty rate when performing missions with Uchiha is extremely low. On the contrary, the casualty rate is higher when you leave Uchiha!"


"Isn't this easy to understand? If there is a powerful ninja in the team, the safety will naturally be much higher."

"But, but..."

"It's nothing. Ordinary people will long for power after witnessing the death of their relatives and friends, so they can hone themselves twice and have more powerful power. It is said that Uchiha is a descendant of immortals and has been blessed by God, so in his strong desire, he will Awaken the Sharingan.”


Unlike the rumors that slandered the ninjas in the village, the public opinion controlled by Uchiha did not mean to discredit others, so Sarutobi Hiruzen had no reason to stop it.

Secret rumors were naturally inferior to those spread openly and openly, so after the rumors, Uchiha's reputation not only did not decline, but actually increased.

Qiudao takes Fengjia.

Qifeng and Qingkong each held a big pig's trotter and chewed it.

Soon, the two ended the fight one after another.

Qifeng wiped his hands and said, "Qingkong, why do you come to bother me every day?"

"No way!" Qingkong said, "Didn't I just try out a new dish and would like your opinion?"

“Fat but not greasy, the sauce is fragrant and delicious.”

He made a casual comment and said: "The 'God-given Eyes', 'Warrior of Love', 'Descendants of Immortals' that you Uchiha have been promoting recently... are a bit exaggerated!"

Qingkong sighed: "There is nothing we can do about it. We originally planned to slowly make the villagers understand us by doing things, but there are always people who keep secretly smearing us Uchiha."

As he spoke, he complained: "Grandpa Qiufeng, you should know that a person's potential may be activated at a critical moment of life and death, and ordinary people may burst out with the power to move boulders."

Qiao Feng nodded. This phenomenon is not common, but it does happen.

"The potential in a ninja's body is greater, so after experiencing drastic changes, many people will greatly improve in strength, especially families with bloodstains. Many people awaken to bloodstains in life-and-death battles."

Qingfeng nodded again, what Qingkong said made sense.

Every time we experience a war, many people who were originally inconspicuous will suddenly increase in strength, and many people will awaken to the blood stains.

Qingzora suddenly asked: "Then, why are we Uchiha known as the 'cursed eye' and the 'power of the devil'?"

Qiu Feng has nothing to say.

After saying this, Qingkong paused and said: "Grandpa Tofeng, it's not that we Uchiha didn't find the source, we just didn't say anything for the sake of the stability of the village."

Sighing, Qingzora said aggrievedly: "I admit that the position of Hokage is very tempting, but can I slander the ninja who slandered the village just for the sake of the position of Hokage? What will happen if we Uchiha also launch public opinion to attack Jiraiya? Jiraiya There are also a lot of stains on my body!”

After a while, Qingzora said: "If it really turns out to be like that, the chosen Hokage may become a joke."

"Xiao Qingkong, what a mouth you have!"

Shaking his head, Tie Feng promised: "On the Hokage's vote of confidence, I will let Ding Zao and the others seriously consider it."

Even though he knew Aozora was working as a lobbyist, he couldn't help but favor Uchiha.

Compared with Hiruzen's talk about the will of fire, Uchiha's actions were more thoughtful about Konoha.

Qiufeng didn't make full promises. Although Zhuludie respected him very much, such decisions related to the three clans still needed to be made by Zhuludie himself. The most he could do was make a suggestion.

Upon hearing this, Qingkong quickly bowed to Qiu Feng and said, "Thank you so much, Grandpa Qiu Feng."

"Just saying something."

Qifeng waved his hand, then licked his lips and said, "If you really want to thank me, bring me some sauce-flavored pig's trotters next time."

Qingkong said: "No problem, I wrote it down."

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