Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 506 Five Shadows Conference【Please subscribe】

After reading the information, Qingkong Zhihu said: "Outrageous, too outrageous!"

Jiudai echoed: "It is indeed too outrageous. This is not how the rumors were created. How could the Akatsuki organization have anything to do with our Konoha?"

Fugaku said calmly: "I asked Jiraiya. He once taught the leader of the Akatsuki organization in Amegakure Village, but they went astray and were not under our control in Konoha."

In fact, he knew better.

He had known from Qingzora before that there was another Uchiha in the early Akatsuki organization who started the Nine-Tails Rebellion, but he had been solved by Qingzora.

Plus Orochimaru, the former Aozora, Hirohu...

The Akatsuki organization does have an inextricable relationship with Konoha.

Kudai was suddenly stunned and looked at Fugaku in surprise.

After a moment of silence, he whispered: "What about Sanwei and Nanao? Is this a false accusation?"

Fugaku did not answer, but glanced at Qingzong.

Qingkong didn't squint his eyes and said calmly: "The Three-Tails and Nanao are indeed not in Konoha!"

Jiudai's little eyes turned back and forth between Fugaku and Aozora, and he found that Aozora had a little secret with Fugaku behind his back.

But now he has matured a lot. He knows that there are some things that he doesn't need to know too much, so he pretends that he has heard nothing and seen nothing.

Putting down the information, Jiudai said: "It's all slander anyway, they have no evidence at all."

"There really will be no evidence!"

Aozora first affirmed Kyudai, and then said: "But there is no need for evidence. This is just an excuse for the other four major ninja villages to unite to suppress Konoha."

Fugaku nodded and said: "Tiehuo has investigated, and the rumors are now spreading. Other great ninja villages are secretly adding fuel to the flames."

Jiudai Qi said: "The remnants of the Akatsuki organization haven't been wiped out yet, and they started to secretly deal with their allies?"

Fugaku looked calm and said: "This is normal. The Akatsuki organization has lost its base. Although there are still strong core members, it cannot shake the rule of the five great ninja villages. But we in Konoha are different."

Qingkong shrugged and said: "Blame me, blame me for being too popular!"

In fact, Aozora was not prepared to show too much combat power in the raid at the beginning, and even intended to let Itachi and Shisui lower their strength.

However, they met Nagato who was fused with Senju Hashirama's cells. In order to protect everyone in Konoha, he, Shisui and Itachi all revealed their great strength.

Even if he deliberately pretended to be sick afterwards, he still couldn't dispel the fear caused by other ninja villages.

"Qingkong, I didn't come to you just to find a reason."

After a pause, Fugaku said solemnly: "The power of rumors cannot be underestimated. If the rumors continue to ferment, it will inevitably affect the image of Konoha. Even if the workload is reduced, the more important thing is that it will make other ninja villages unite to suppress Konoha. leaf."

Qingkong nodded, of course he knew the power of rumors.

In fact, after he guessed that Itachi's identity might be exposed, he thought that someone might use this to attack Konoha.

At that time, his first reaction was to confuse the public. As long as there were rumors that were unfavorable to Konoha, he would have Konoha's intelligence personnel spread other rumors to counteract them.

However, after pondering, he gave up this method.

Indeed, obfuscation will make ordinary people lose their judgment and prevent them from being swayed by rumors.

But are these rumors meant to confuse the general public?

No, the rumors originated from the black market, and then spread to the major ninja villages and capitals of various countries, letting the top leaders and elites of each country know about it.

The rumor spread this time, seemingly because of the major forces adding fuel to the flames, but the root cause is that Konoha is so powerful that it is feared and feared by other ninja villages.

Therefore, as long as Konoha is still so powerful, no matter what kind of rumors are spread, it will not stop other ninja villages from being afraid of Konoha.

Moreover, is this rumor useful to Konoha?

The purpose of this rumor is, firstly, to let the Fire Country Daimyo restrict Konoha, and secondly, to allow other ninja villages to unite against Konoha.

But the name of the Fire Country already had the surname Uchiha, so it was impossible to restrict Konoha.

And with the existence of the Akatsuki organization, even if the major ninja villages unite, they will definitely not dare to easily start a ninja war, allowing the Akatsuki organization to reap the benefits.

Therefore, this rumor will not have any effect on Konoha in the short term.

Qingkong said slowly: "The rumors seem serious, but with the current situation, even if the other four major ninja villages unite, they will not dare to declare war on Konoha. After all, there is a powerful Akatsuki organization secretly there."

Fugaku pondered for a moment and expressed his worries.

"But what if the Akatsuki organization disappears and then secretly sows dissension?"

"Sometimes, whether the war starts or not, it will not proceed according to our wishes!"

The five major ninja villages on the bright side are too conspicuous. As long as Konoha and other ninja villages confront each other, the Akatsuki organization will cause a war with just a little guidance.

"Hokage-sama, your concerns are very reasonable."

Aozora confirmed Fugaku's idea, and then said confidently: "However, the Akatsuki organization cannot wait until there is time to sow discord."

Fugaku's eyes lit up and he said, "Have you had an idea for a long time? Tell me now!"

In recent years, Aozora has rarely given him advice, but he will never forget that Aozora helped Uchiha get out of trouble and helped him become the first Uchiha Hokage in the history of Konoha.

Jiudai also looked at Qingkong curiously to see if he had any clever plans.

Facing the two people's gazes, Qingkong smiled and said: "To clarify, call a Five Shadows Conference to clarify!"


The two of them made a sound of surprise, their brows full of doubts.

Kudai even said bluntly: "Didn't you just say that the source of the rumors lies in other ninja villages' fear of Konoha? Clarification cannot eliminate their fear, and how can we clarify it?

Not to mention how many of the rumors are true, even if they are all false, how can we prove that they are false?

Does the Akatsuki organization have any relationship with Konoha? Do they believe it when we say it?

How can we prove whether the Three-Tails and Nanao were captured by Konoha? "

When a person is accused of murder, providing him with alibi can easily prove his innocence.

However, a ninja village is accused of secretly creating an organization. How can this be proven?

Are you looking for proof for the entire Ninja Village that they haven't been to Amegakure Village for more than 20 years?

This kind of thing is supposed to be beyond the doubt of innocence, but the other party is unreasonable and wants to clear the guilt beyond doubt, so you have no way to prove your innocence.

Fugaku nodded in agreement with Kudai's words and said: "It is too difficult to clarify!"


Qingkong shook his head easily and said: "It's very simple!"

Then, Qingkong told the two of them his thoughts.

After hearing this, Jiudai stretched out his thumb and said: "Higher, you are still taller!"

Fugaku considered it carefully and said: "I will initiate the Five Shadows Conference!"

Qingkong said: "Don't be too hasty, let it ferment, it is best to let other shadows initiate the Five Shadows Conference, and we will passively participate."

Fugaku pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay!"

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