Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 592 Qingkong: Madara, you are too strong [Please subscribe]


Following Qingkong's roar, the sword light in Susan's hand slashed out.

The dark sword light slashed out, and the world suddenly went dark. It seemed that all the light was absorbed by the black light.

When the sword light left Susana, it was nothing more than a thin black line.

However, as soon as this thin line left Susana, it released an all-devouring gravitational force, and the three-pointed two-edged sword in the god's hand immediately turned into a large amount of chakra and merged into it.

After absorbing the three-pointed two-edged sword, the thin black thread instantly expanded into a black star and rushed towards the fist like a rain of meteorites in front of it.

Thousands of fists as long as meteorites smashed down together, directly covering the golden Susanoo's body.

However, when they were about to encounter the black sword light, all the fists were pulled by the black star, deviated from their original positions, and turned to hit the black sword light.

Rumble——! ! !

For a moment, there seemed to be a thunderous roar in the sky, which spread directly throughout the Kingdom of Tang where Gobi was located, and then spread to the Kingdom of Field, Kingdom of Frost, and Kingdom of Fire around the Kingdom of Tang.

Countless fists smashed into the black star like a storm, but before most of the fists touched the black star, they were cut open by thin black lines around the blue fist, tearing the wood as hard as iron.

After a small number of them dodged the thin black thread, they hit the black star but were absorbed into it like a cow in the quagmire before causing any waves.

This black star is the sharpest weapon in the world and the most unfathomable black hole.

Seeing the black stars crushing the fists all over the sky into sawdust, the cynical Uzumaki Shiroze could not help but feel deep panic in his heart.

Jumping directly from the head of the Thousand-Armed Buddha Statue, trying to avoid the attack of the black star.


Uchiha Madara did not flee, but gritted his teeth and roared.

He did not expect that the cooperation between himself and Hashirama would be broken by his junior in one move.

The Great Buddha of Susanata was actually no match for the sword light of the opponent Susano.

Seeing the black star that was about to fly in front of him, Uchiha Madara's face became extremely ugly.

At this moment, he remembered the scene where his Susana was smashed by Hashirama with the Thousand-Armed Buddha statue.

At that time, he was controlling Susanoo, and he was the one who failed.

Now he controls the Susanoo statue, and he is the one who failed at this time.

He lost.

Lost to one of his juniors.

And his painstaking plans for resurrection and Eye of the Moon never had a chance to come to fruition.

Uchiha Madara suddenly felt that he had lived in a dog's belly for so many years.

He doesn't even know what the purpose of his resurrection is?

To prove that Susano is no worse than the Great Buddha?

Is it him who is worse?

Not willing to give in!

Strongly unwilling to give in!

However, the gap in strength between the two sides left Uchiha Madara helpless.

Under the gaze of Uchiha Madara's lavender eyes, the black star quickly flew in front of him, then shrank slightly and then suddenly expanded.

Rumble——! ! !

There was another loud roar of thunder, and then the black star quickly expanded into a huge black hole, swallowing up the Thousand-Armed Buddha statue wrapped in blue armor.

In an instant, the light above the entire Kingdom of Yu was attracted, and darkness fell in the Kingdom of Yu.

Qingkong stood in the much more transparent body of the god general, looking at the black hole in front of him in surprise.

Faced with a big move like Susanata Buddha, Aozora was prepared to do his best.

At the moment of taking action, Qingkong was so blessed that an idea suddenly came into his mind.

Without thinking, Aozora followed his own will and used the kaleidoscope of divine power as the main force, supplemented by the power of the five magatama reincarnation eyes, and used the condensation method of Susanoo's "Yasaka's Magatama" to slash out.

He had never used it before, so he didn't know how powerful this move was. He just used it as he had an idea.

What he didn't expect was that this hodgepodge of swords could be so powerful.

After thinking about it carefully, Qingkong smiled and said: "This move is much more powerful than the Kamui Shuriken, but it also consumes a lot of money!"

In just one move, most of the chakra of his Kamui Mangekyo was consumed, and almost half of Susana's chakra was also consumed.

If his Susano hadn't been supported mainly by natural energy, he would have degenerated into the form of a half-length god general at this moment.

Wood chips were flying all over the sky, dust in the air quickly gathered, and two paper figures were taking shape.

Seeing this, Aozora shrank Susana and reached out to grab Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama who were condensing and forming.

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama had just regained consciousness when they suddenly found themselves caught in the palm of a giant hand.

Senju Hashirama recognized Aozora and knew it was the Konoha ninja from before, so he didn't resist much.

Just as Uchiha Madara was about to mobilize chakra to struggle, Susanoo's palms produced chains of gold or purple, penetrating his body.

Suddenly, Uchiha Madara's body stagnated, the chakra in his body began to be suppressed, and even his soul began to be torn apart.

The golden chain is the Vajra seal, and the purple chain is the condensed power of the human world.

If it were anyone else, he would have all the chakra sealed by Qingkong in just a few moments, and his soul would be taken away and he would die.

Uchiha Madara was only stunned for a moment before regaining his consciousness. Then he poured all the chakra into his eyes and began to wrestle with Aozora.

Qingkong was not surprised, and just said calmly: "It's a futile struggle. If your Samsara Eye is real, you may still have a chance to break free, but the Samsara Eye of the Reincarnated Earth is just a fake after all."

As he spoke, Aozora increased the amount of chakra injected into the Rinnegan, immediately pulling Uchiha Madara's soul out of his filthy earth body.


Uchiha Madara felt the pain of tearing his soul, and roared out with a ferocious expression, frantically squeezing the chakra in his body.

With a sudden explosion, Uchiha Madara once again pulled his soul back.

But after a while, the balance tipped towards Qingkong again.

Uchiha Madara's chakra was not as much as Aozora's, and he was blocked and suppressed by King Kong, so his failure was doomed from the moment he was caught by Susana.

Pulling at Uchiha Madara's soul, Qingkong said solemnly: "Madara, your power is too strong. I'm sorry that I can't let you run free."

The Senju Hashirama in the other hand was in a daze for a moment when he heard this.

These words...

This posture...

He felt somewhat familiar.

Hearing this, Uchiha Madara's face turned purple, either because he was squeezed by the giant palm or because he was embarrassed and angry.

Is he too powerful?

Who defeated Susanata Buddha with one move?

Who caught him in his hands?

The strong anger made him struggle again, but this time his struggle was not successful, and his soul still escaped from the dirty earth body at a steady speed.

Seeing that most of his soul was pulled out, Uchiha Madara showed a rare look of despair in his eyes.

At this moment, a faint purple hole appeared in the sky.

"Wait a minute!" An old voice came from the hollow.

Then, an old man with two horns on his head jumped out.

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