Konoha's magical power is invincible

Chapter 612 Du Cixian【Please subscribe】


The autumn wind was bleak, blowing all the dead leaves from the trees.

At the junction of the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Tang, Ci Xian stood on the cliff, looking at the border in the distance.

Not long after, there was some movement on the border, and a ninja team composed of hundreds of people entered his field of vision unhurriedly.

In front of the team, a younger white-eyed child jumped onto a dead tree and used his white eyes to observe the surroundings carefully.

An older branch of the family said: "Ningji, don't worry too much. We have such a large ninja team. Unless there is a war, no unsighted force will dare to attack us."

"Heihachi, you are also an old ninja, why are you so careless?"

The leader of the team, Hinata Kamon, glared at Hinata Heihachi, and then praised the child on the tree: "Neji, you did a good job!"

Although he also knew that there would most likely not be an attack on this trip, he felt that it was very important to cultivate Neji's cautious character.

There are many Uchiha geniuses, but Hinata is much inferior in comparison.

Except for Hinata who was accepted as a disciple by Aozora, Neji is definitely the pride and future of the Hyuga clan, so Huomen is very sad about his training.

Neji nodded expressionlessly and continued to scan his surroundings carefully.

Neji was filled with hatred for the Cloud Hidden Village that killed his father, so he didn't think this journey would be easy.

Suddenly, a huge chakra source appeared in his Byakugan vision.

"Be careful, there is..."

His words were urgent, but the speed of the arrival was even more urgent.

Before Neji could finish his words, a ninja wearing white monk robes had already flown into the sky in front of the Konoha team.

"Hinata? He should be a descendant of Hamura, who inherited the Byakugan of our Otsutsuki clan."

"Perhaps only these ants with Otsutsuki's blood in their bodies can be my vessels."

Ci Xian's eyes were cold and ruthless, with a naturally aloof look that regarded everything as an ant.





Ci Xian came so fast that the Konoha team that was on the way panicked.

Hyuga Kamon immediately gave orders and prepared to form a formation to fight the enemy.

With a roll of his eyes, he had already discovered Ci Xian's astonishing amount of chakra and knew that this was something that no ordinary person could match.

Therefore, he quickly shouted: "Send a distress signal!"

Then, he activated the chakra in his body towards the flying Ci Xian.

"Bagua-empty palm!"

Condensed chakra surged out from his meridians, and immediately bombarded a violent shock wave, attacking the flying Ci Xian.

Ci Xian did not dodge or evade, but directly knocked apart the high-strength and high-density chakra blocks.

Stopped steadily at the front of the team.

"Are you the descendants of Hamura?"

"Did you just want to fan me?"

"You are so weak beyond my imagination!"

Ci Xian's cold and silent words made Huo Men feel cold in his heart.

This is definitely not a ninja they can handle. Perhaps only the perverts of Uchiha can deal with such ninjas.

Ci Xian did not continue to talk nonsense about these ants that made him uninterested.

"Young name Vigana!"

Ci Xian opened his hands to the people in Konoha below, and suddenly black needles invisible to the naked eye shot towards the people below.

The Konoha ninjas below were still wondering what the other party was going to do with open hands, but countless black sticks had already appeared in front of them.

puff! puff! puff! ——

In an instant, countless black rods were inserted into the bodies of the Konoha ninjas below one after another. Countless blood flowers bloomed in the air, and each Konoha ninja fell down wailing.

Destroy everything!

From the time Ci Xian appeared until he took action to subdue the Konoha ninja below, it was less than five seconds. There was not a single Konoha ninja standing on the ground.

The Konoha ninja who was knocked to the ground by the black rod wanted to resist, but the black rod made by Otsutsuki's Yin Yang Style can suppress and restrain even the Ten-Tails, let alone these ninjas who are not even Kage level?

"How weak!"

With a sigh, Ci Xian prepared to summon the space door and send his captives to his own alien space.

Before he could use the space-time ninjutsu, Ci Xian turned his head and looked not far away, and saw another space-time gate appearing in the sky.

Looking at the two ninjas walking out of the space-time gate, Ci Xian said word by word: "Uzumaki Nagato, Uchiha Aozora!"

It was okay with Nagato, but he felt the aura of Otsutsuki at the same level from Aozora.

Involuntarily, he looked into Qingkong's eyes.

Sure enough, it was no longer the five magatama, but the six magatama.

At this moment, the pupil power of Qingkong's Samsara Eye and the normal Sixth Path Level Samsara Eye are almost the same.

Looking at Qingkong, a hint of gloom flashed in Ci Xian's eyes, and he said coldly: "I never thought that a talent like you would appear among the descendants of that bitch!"

Uchiha's bloodline was indeed noble in the ninja world, but in his eyes it was inferior.

Otherwise, he would never have taken Uchiha people as containers in the past thousand years.

However, such a low-level bloodline actually produced a strong man like Qingkong whom he did not dare to look down upon even at his peak.

While talking to Aozora, Otsutsuki Ishiki couldn't help but silently pour chakra into Ji Xian's body.

In an instant, an astonishing force surged out of his body, causing black patterns to appear all over his body. In an instant, half of his clean face was covered by the patterns on his face.

At the same time, a long horn also grew out of his head.

He immediately displayed the second state of "Wedge".

Facing Aozora and Nagato who came hand in hand, he was afraid that if he didn't activate his state, he wouldn't even have a chance to escape using the time and space ninjutsu.

The moment he activated his second state, Aozora and Nagato attacked simultaneously in tacit agreement.


The immortal-killing flying knife and the immortal-killing sword were instantly unsheathed, turning into two meteor bursts and shooting towards Ci Xian.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

Unparalleled repulsion emitted from Nagato's palm, which not only launched air waves visible to the naked eye in the air, but also helped accelerate the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife and the Immortal Killing Sword.

But in an instant, the black lines of the "wedge" were still spreading, the long horns on Ci Xian's head were still growing, and two rays of light, one green and one white, had already shot in front of Ci Xian.

With such rapid speed, Ci Xian had no time to dodge and immediately used the pupil technique.

"Young name Vigana!"

The pupil power of his right eye spread all over his body, and Ci Xian instantly turned into the size of an ant and avoided the attacks of the Immortal Killing Sword and the Immortal Killing Flying Knife.

Then, the unparalleled repulsion pushed the rolling sound waves and the air waves visible to the naked eye to sweep in.

In an instant, he was pushed far away from here before he could react.


Locking Otsutsuki's soul body, Qingkong shot through the air like a sharp arrow, giving him no chance to escape using the time and space ninjutsu.

Nagato followed closely.

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