The bright brilliance is shining, the coolness of the morning dissipates, and there is a warm breath in the air.

In late autumn, this can be called good weather, but it also means that winter is coming.

The warmer temperature is followed by a sudden drop, and it has always been the same.

But in general, this is still a good weather for travel.

"Senior Moonlight, here!" Aoki Gennosuke handed out the village papers to the gate guard, solving the not cumbersome procedure.

At this moment, the Moonlight Squad arrived, and he waved his hand to show his existence.

"Good morning, Aoki." Moonlight Yukihiro said with his dark circles under his eyes and waving his hand while moving his body.

"The procedures for leaving the village have been settled, and you can leave at any time." Aoki Gennosuke said with a smile.

"Then set off directly." Yueguang Kobo didn't talk nonsense, and ran out of the lead.

Genin, the three members of the Moonlight Team, followed closely, and the four members of the Aoki Team followed suit.

On the first leg of the mission, they must rush to the country of Tian, ​​which is adjacent to the country of fire on the north side, and arrive at the capital of their country within the time limit of the deadline.

This distance is not a big deal for a highly mobile class like a ninja, so the five-day time limit is loose enough to even have time to watch the scenery along the way.

The path from Konoha Village through the Land of Fire to the Land of Land roughly overlaps with the previous missions of the Black Moon Valley crusade, and even if you take a shortcut, you will also pass through the Valley of the End.

It's a pity that the "dimensional thieves" have not caught anything with camera functions, and the Ninja World's camera technology has not reached the level of the future, so don't think about taking pictures.

Time is not tight, and a group of eight people rushes on the road unhurriedly.

At noon, there was a wind blowing between the sky and the earth, everyone slowed down, and then stopped on the edge of an unknown river.

"Trouble you, Uncle Kosuke." Aoki Kennosuke looked expectantly at the pot that Maruxing Kosuke was carrying.

"Small things, this is also my pleasure." Maruxing Gusuke squinted and nodded.

"Yeah." Aoki Gennosuke responded with a slight respect, and turned to direct Xia Shu and Hisano Kuroyu, "Xia Shu, come catch the fish, and Kuroyu will help you."

"No problem, Mr. Xuan Zhisuke!" Hisano Hei Yu was full of vitality.

Seeing this, Yue Guang Xingbo also ordered: "Hei, Kyoko, go and gather some firewood, Keita, you and I will patrol the surrounding area."

"Yes, teacher." Kurama Nozomi and Saito Kyoko nodded in response.

Immediately, Keita Hyuga and Yukihiro Moonlight greeted them and headed for the upper stream.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two pebbles cut through the air and slanted into the sparkling river. Between a handful of crystal white water splashes, the belly of two plump river fish suddenly turned upside down and floated.

"Pretty!" Kuno Heiyu cheered, took off his jacket and plunged into the river, picked up the two fainted river fish, raised them in his hands and shouted happily, "I caught the fish!"

Xia Shu's mouth twitched and looked at him curiously, wondering: "Why don't you step on the water?"

"Treading on the water?" Hisano Heiyu was startled, and he lowered his eyes in thought in the gurgling river that had just passed his neck.

He didn't need to answer, Xia Shu had already guessed the result, so when he heard the serious answer, he was not surprised at all, but the urge to twitch the corners of his mouth was a bit fierce.

"I forgot." Hisano Heiyu condensed her eyebrows for a long time, then suddenly raised her head and said in a dazed tone.

Well, finally, the urge to twitch the corners of the mouth is still overwhelming.

"Then throw it ashore and continue catching fish!" He sighed helplessly, and then three pebbles were thrown out.

There should be no villages near the river, because the rivers are rich in fish, shrimps and crabs, and the area covered by humans cannot protect this natural state.

After a short break after lunch, the group continued on their way.

In the evening, on the map of the country of fire, mark the place named Luofengshan for overnight stay.

A pile of burning fire drives away the cold of late autumn and the predators under the cover of night.

There was no wave on the way, and in the afternoon of the next day, the famous Vale of the End was just around the corner.

Two magnificent statues, holding opposite seals, looked at each other. Although they were less than one ten thousandth of their true temperament, they were still shocked by the rumbling of the falling waterfall and the surging water.

"Then, it is the pinnacle of no one behind the Ninja World." Maru Xing Kosuke opened his eyes, and there seemed to be an emotion of memory in his groaning tone.

"Has the master seen First Generation?" Xia Shu lowered his voice, pretending to be curious.

"It's been a long time ago." Maruxoshi Kosuke sighed and said, "At that time, I was still a casual child...In my memory, the First Generation Master is really as tall as this statue!"

When Xia Shu heard this, Senju Hashirama's "Sage Art·Wood Style·Shin Su Senju·Sage Art·Wood Style·Shin Su Senju·Sage Art·Wood Style·Shin Su Senju·Buddha" suddenly appeared in his mind, and he suddenly realized that his back was tall.

The valley of the end is noisy and is not a suitable place to rest. Moreover, the sun is still hanging in the sky at the moment, and there is still two hours before the evening, which is enough for them to continue their journey.

On the third day, even if he traveled unhurriedly, he arrived at the border between Huo and Tian.

Different from the border of Kawa no Kuni, the border defense here is very simple, with only eight ninja squads stationed, and this is still the situation in wartime, and there is not even a garrison in peacetime.

This is mainly because the country of Tian is far away from other big countries, and the value of strategic location is low. Therefore, only by relying on the country of fire can it survive, and it can be regarded as a close and friendly country.

When they arrived at the border camp, it was noon, and Maru Xing Furusuke won unanimous praise from the defensive ninja for his pot of stew. Even after everyone divided the food, it was not much divided, but it was more refreshing than the taste of dry food and bingliang pill. too much.

After noon, the team crossed the border and set foot in the territory of Tianzhiguo.

Tianzhiguo is a typical plain area with fertile and vast land. It is a famous farming country that produces many kinds of crops.

However, this has also become the shackles of Tanokuni. The tax revenue mainly comes from agriculture, which makes Tanokuni actually not rich. In addition, there is no ninja village power in the country, which deepens the attitude of neighboring countries to it.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Xia Shu, completing the task is what he should consider.

Tianzhiguo, the capital.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary city, but when you step into it and look at it, this judgment is completely confirmed, and it is even doubtful that this is really the capital of a country.

But even so, it still caused Kuno Heiyu to exclaim again and again, and was almost scolded by the civilians in the city as "soil buns"...Well, after seeing the pattern on the forehead protector, I immediately watched my nose and nose, and I couldn't provoke him. Attitude.

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