Snow drifted all night, and after the night snow drifted, the entire Konoha Village was covered in plain white clothes.

Maruxoshi Furusuke explained yesterday that the basic training of swordsmanship has roughly taken shape, and then he can explore the swordsmanship called twisting on his own.

However, Xia Shu knew that Maru Xing Kosuke had other things. Yesterday, Yukihiro Moonlight sent him an invitation to visit the Moonlight Clan, which happened to be overheard by him.

In addition to swordsmanship training, he also has an appointment today.

Hyuga clan land.

Hyuga Kei had been waiting here too early, her soft black hair was slightly wetted with snowflakes, and she was still standing upright by the door, as if her feet had already taken root in the same place.

A young man walked slowly out of the corner of the street not far away. Looking at each other in the distance, he couldn't help but speed up when he saw each other.

"I've been waiting, Mrs. Kai." Xia Shu pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose, smiled and nodded.

"Soon." Hyuga Kai smiled too lightly, turned around and raised his hand to make a sign of please, "Please come with me, the elder is waiting for you."

"Yeah." Xia Shu nodded indifferently. Regarding the major event involving Byakugan's natural enemies, only the elders of the Hyuga clan met him, and there was no dissatisfaction.

The disparity in status made him unqualified to be dissatisfied.

The warm sun lifted a corner from the horizon, and the elegant courtyard opened again. The handsome young man stepped out of it and turned around to pay his respects. Then he slowly left.

The difference between coming and going is that one of the scrolls in his arms is gone, and the unconscious smile on the boy's face seems to be more from the heart.

Just now, Hyuga Keita changed hands, and handed the scroll containing the red-eyed corpse of the Blood Succession Boundary to the majestic elder of the Hyuga clan named Hyuga Takakuan. After a few simple exchanges, he said goodbye in due course.

Hyuga Takakuan made a little stay, showing the etiquette of the big family...The actual situation is that the red eyes are on the side. Although Hyuga Takakuan as the elder has a calm expression, his breath is full of eagerness, and he looks down from time to time to look at his knee Scroll, so the etiquette is simple, it is only considered decent.

However, this made Xia Shu more satisfied, especially after Hyuga Takakuan still verbally verbally but sternly told not to tell outsiders about it.

At the end of the words, Xia Shu felt that it was still "otherwise", but the other party didn't say it directly, just expressed his attitude.

But it's nothing to neglect him, but if you neglect that scroll, it really annoys him. Fortunately, the Hyuga clan is very nervous about the red eyes.

In order to avoid the fact that this matter is well known, I deliberately chose this remote courtyard. Even inside and outside the courtyard, only Hyuga Keita and Hyuga Takahiro are so cautious and confidential. If the Hyuga clan wants to cover up this matter, they will send someone to know him. The one who died...

Natsuki couldn’t help but laugh when he thought of this. It’s unclear whether this is the only one in the red eye. Even if the Hyuga clan really wants to cover up the matter, they shouldn’t have him taken, although even if the Hyuga clan kills him, the village will also It won't do anything to the Hyuga clan, but it doesn't make sense.

Moreover, looking at the Hyuga clan in the original work, its style is clearly close to the doctrine of the golden mean. Even after the Uchiha clan was annihilated, it only claimed to be "the strongest Konoha clan", and did not have any entanglements in the blood succession boundary of the pupil technique.

Therefore, the probability of this matter being faded quietly is the greatest.

Walking alone on the street, the thin snow gradually melted into water as the warm sun rose, soaking the street.

However, the main roads in Konoha Village are mostly paved with stone slabs, so although the roads are wet, they are not muddy.

Xia Shu walked slowly alone, and unknowingly walked to the vicinity of Yile. That small izakaya was located on the side of the street, which looked ordinary and could be seen everywhere.

Thinking of the taste of Yile Ramen, he couldn't help but slurred his mouth, licked his lips, and quickly speeded up his pace, intending to fill his stomach with a bowl of tonkotsu miso ramen.

However, when he approached, he realized that the door of this small shop was actually closed, as if it were closed.

How is this going?

Xia Shu was stunned when he saw this, and suddenly thoughts flashed in his mind, as if he had overlooked something important to him.

"It seems that the incident is true, but it's a pity! I haven't tasted Goro-sama's recommendation yet!"

A lament full of resentment sounded beside him.

Xia Shu looked sideways, then raised her eyebrows.

This is a standard Akamichi clan teenager.

"Excuse me……"

He planned to ask what happened to Yile and why he closed his business, but before he could speak, the other party recognized him at a glance.

"It's you? Humph!" Akamichi snorted and turned around to leave.

"Wait!" After being snorted inexplicably, Xia Shu frowned slightly, and immediately raised his hand to hold the plump and round Akamichi boy.

There was movement behind him, and Akamichi Ryoshin subconsciously moved his shoulders horizontally, turning around and glaring at Natsuki with an angry face.

"What are you doing?!" he angered.

The bottom of her hand was empty, and Xia Shu was startled slightly, and suddenly glanced at the other person.

"Are you from the Akamichi clan?" He smiled.

"Isn't it obvious?" Akamichi hummed, "Apart from my Akamichi clan, can Konoha and other clan have such plumpness?"

"It!" There was hesitation in the first half, but full affirmation in the second half.

The fullness of the Akamichi clan is not only famous in Konoha, but also in the world of ninja, especially the Akamichi clan is not puffy, and the power of the butterfly secret technique is not to be underestimated!

"So, what else do you have?" Akamichi's plump face was filled with impatience.

"Hehe, I just want to ask why Yile Ramen closed its business. After all, it was very lively not long ago." Xia Shu didn't care, and asked with a chuckle.

"Don't you know?" Akamichi had just finished asking, and suddenly he caught something, his eyes glistened, "No! You talk like this, you must have tasted Yile Ramen, right?!"

"Yes, it is."

Being stared at by such a pair of green eyes, Xia Shu was a little at a loss for a while, and didn't understand what was going on with this guy at all.

"Really? What does it taste like?" Akamichi Yoshimitsu's eyes lit up and he pulled his sleeves and asked eagerly.

Xia Shu pondered for a moment, searched for words to describe food, but said calmly on the surface: "Simply speaking, it is delicious, the noodles are fragrant but not greasy and flexible, and the soup is endlessly memorable. However, the food is only to taste. I'll know later."

Listening to Natsuki's description, Akamichi Yoshiki's round face gradually showed expectation and yearning. At the last sentence, his eyes lit up instantly, and then he screamed.

"Okay! Sorry, I blamed you!" Akamichi suddenly held Natsuki's hand with a look of joy "Bo Le is hard to find".

Xia Shu's heart was inexplicable, but there was only a small smile on her face, and her eyes showed a warm look.

I don’t understand the world of foodies!

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