Chizawa Mountain is close to the border of the Fire Country, and across from it is the biggest main battlefield of the Second Ninja War-the Rain Country.

Therefore, when Rena Kitami noticed that there were traces of ninja actions near Shizawa Mountain, he subconsciously thought it was Rain Shinobi's actions. The ninja was involved in the C-level mission. It seemed to be beyond the specifications, but it was only given by the second ninja war. As a Konoha Shinobi, she has strong confidence, so she directly chose to attack, but she was shocked by the result.

Even if she hadn't prepared for retreat carefully in advance, just in case she was not prepared, and set up interception traps, Kitami squad would have to be wiped out in the first confrontation!

After that, the bandits were furious and began to wreak havoc on the surrounding villages, burned, killed, looted, and wailed, making the Kitami squad hiding in the dark clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.

It's just that the bandit leader is powerful, absolutely possessing Jōnin's strength, plus two helpers, see the team's combat power to the north, even if it is planning the deadliest sneak attack, it can only be destroyed.

Therefore, the ninja is finally a ninja. After witnessing the miserable situation, Kitami Rena becomes more murderous, but after all, he strictly abides by the ninja rules and sends the information back to Konoha, waiting for support.

Her subordinates were indignant and irritable, but they were suppressed by her. Everything is waiting for support!

On this day, a small village of more than ten households was destroyed. The bandits brutally killed a village of old and young. The Beijian team saw only half of it, and left in depression.

Even a ninja is a living person, and his heart trembles no matter how hard it is for such an inhuman tragedy.

Back in the woods that had been shrinking in recent days, Kitami Rena jumped up onto the branches of the tree and silently looked into the distance, but the look in her eyes was extremely gloomy.


The fist slammed heavily on the trunk, the bark exploded, and the trunk trembled constantly.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

The short and sturdy young man hung his head, his fists pressed against the tree trunk, and his shoulders kept shrugging, confirming that his inner grief and anger had reached a critical value.

"Mrs. Xiong..." The girl with short pink hair beside her whispered in worry, her small face also pale.

After witnessing tragedies one after another, for the young girl who became Genin not long ago, what she got was not adaptation and indifference, but an indescribable fear and shrinking.

Asakusa Kuma was sorrowful and angry, and did not respond to the pink-haired girl's inquiry. The latter could only look away and look at another companion.

The thin, white-haired boy sat on the floor, doing the practice of refining Chakra, seemingly calm and composed.

"Try to adapt, Sakura."

The white-haired boy suddenly spoke, and the girl named Sakura was taken aback.

"Sheng... I'm sorry, I'm dragging everyone down." Sakura apologized dejectedly.

"We are companions." Horita Masaru glanced at the pink-haired girl and said lightly.

Suzuki Sakura was even more ashamed after hearing this.

Trust and support always bring pressure to people.

The girl wanted to say something, Kitami Rena suddenly jumped from the tree.

"Support is here."

At the same time, somewhere in the southeast of the forest.

With a crisp sound, the withered yellow branches were crushed, and between the flying wood chips, Aoki Geninosuke stepped into the air and fell to the ground.

Turning around and quickly adjusting his center of gravity, his hands grabbed the broken branch, and after he dropped his strength on the ground, Aoki Kennosuke looked at the dead branch and broken tree with his eyebrows, his expression slightly hesitant.

"What's the matter, Mr. Xuan Zhijie?" Xia Shu stopped on the branch and asked with her eyes down.

"Not sure." Aoki Geninosuke shook his head.

Maruxoshi Kosuke fell aside suddenly.

"Senior Gu Jie..."

Aoki Gennosuke handed the snag in his hand, and the latter checked it a little after the knot, and then came to a conclusion.

"It is a preset technique, a technique that is commonly used in the field of traps and involves ninjutsu. It can be high or low." At this point, Maruxing Furusuke paused, and then continued: "Low-end The preset technique is sufficient to strengthen the flexibility and accuracy of trap setting, and the high-end technique can delay the release of some special ninjutsu, which has an unexpected effect. The latter can be classified into the category of seal technique."

"Seal technique?" Hisano Heiyu had obviously never heard of such a thing.

"I'll tell you later." Xia Shu perfunctorily looked down and asked, "Can Senior Gu Jie analyze the effect of this truncated branch?"

"Kinoha's Kitami Clan Master is a kind of perception ninjutsu with preset spells. As long as you touch something that has been cast with preset spells, you will be instantly perceived by the opponent." Maruxing Furusuke said calmly.

"The Kitami Clan?" Gennosuke Aoki was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately reacted, "The ninja who led the mission this time is from the Kitami Clan, right?"

"Yes, it is Kitami Rena Chūnin."

Although this support mission is urgent, the confidentiality guidelines for ninja abilities are always implemented in any village, and it is not only to guard against outsiders, but also to the ninjas in their own villages.

It's just that this secrecy principle is almost in vain for some ninjas, and the Kitami clan is only a very small part of it.

"So...we have been discovered?" Aoki Geninosuke raised his eyebrows, his expression a little inexplicably frustrated.

"So are you waiting here, Teacher Xuan Zhisuke?" Xia Shu asked, but his eyes were already looking for a place to hide.

"There is no other choice." Aoki Kennosuke shrugged, nodded after looking around, "It's inside the woods, but it's a good hiding place."

After saying this, a group of four people hid their bodies and waited for the arrival of the Kitami squad.

There was silence in the forest, with only the cold wind that hit from time to time.

Suddenly, the sound of the clothes rubbing against the air quickly came, and it was attached to the top branches of a big tree. Xia Shu, disguised by the Transformation Technique, instantly looked towards the north with heavy shadows, and saw a few vague silhouettes rushing quickly.

Those figures came extremely fast, but after a few breaths, they came to the place where Aoki Gennosuke had stepped on the air before. At this time, from the perspective of Xia Shu's overhead, he could clearly see the general appearance of the visitor.

Kitami Rena raised her head to look at the broken tree branch, looked around, did not find any clues, just when she was about to speak, she suddenly turned and raised her head.

A black light flies, like a meteor!

Raising her hand sideways to grab it, Kitami Rena steadily caught the kunai, then raised her eyes and frowned to look at the young man who walked out from behind the tree.

"North meet Chūnin?"

"You are……"

"Aoki Gennosuke, Chūnin, this is a task book."

With that, Geninosuke Aoki threw out the mission scroll, and then found that the other party's expression seemed a little unsatisfactory.

This made him frown secretly, but it was not because he felt that he was underestimated, but the opponent in this mission was very likely to exceed his expectations!

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