Forced into the enemy's formation and stepped out quickly, the Shinobi specially made for him at the roots decisively pierced Rain Shinobi on the left.

Squeak! ~

Xia Shu was startled by the dullness from the tip of the knife, and immediately drew the knife and flew back.


The heavy whip fell to the ground, and the lush grass and muddy ground exploded, and even the damp ground gave out a tremor that was difficult to withstand.

The strong wind set off by Physiotherapy was carrying mud and splashing, and Xia Shu's windbreaker suddenly became dirty, but there was a flash of palpitations and luck in her heart.

If he had been hit by that one, even if he carried it hard, the consequences would have been worrying, and he had to lose half of his life.

He missed a hit but didn't immediately escape. He put away his Shinobi, rolled over and landed, suddenly a powerful Chakra burst out of his body.

"Open the door, open!"

The first gate of the Eight Inner Gates is the only Forbidden Technique that can break through the limits of his body at the moment. Once he has displayed it, he immediately feels that the Chakra in his body bursts out like a bank.

"Leaf Hurricane!"

This physical move is just right as a temptation, and the reason for using physical offense instead of ninjutsu is not only because of the heavy rain, Fire Style and Wind Style are both affected, but also because it wants to attract the attention of the enemy.

Aburame Ryoma’s secret technique and worms are versatile and versatile. If you start quietly, the enemy may not even be able to find them. However, the effect of the worms devouring Chakra can weaken the enemy's power in a calm manner.

The two figures continued to collide and engage in physical warfare. After opening the Eight Inner Gates' Xia Shu temptation, he took the upper hand, but he had to create opportunities for Aburame Ryoma, so he did not directly reveal his overwhelming strength. It was the entanglement with the opponent that made the other two Rain Shinobi dare not move lightly, but was attracted by the battle.

Just as the battle stepped into the rhythm led by Natsuki, the reckless Rain Shinobi with a knife, at the expense of his left leg injury, blasted the Ninja.

However, before this Rain Shinobi breathed a sigh of relief, at this moment, Rain Shinobi, who had previously used Water Style and had a strong physique, suddenly launched a surprise attack on his back. Kuwu directly plunged into his back and immediately pulled out. The wound was like a gap in the rice bag, quickly letting go of most of the vitality of this Rain Shinobi.

The pale-faced perception Rain Shinobi realized later, seeing this open mouth scream, a sharp but still slightly familiar voice, making the majestic Rain Shinobi frowned, a little trance, vaguely felt something was wrong.

But at this moment, the action of "Sensing Rain Shinobi" suddenly stopped, the panic on the pale face receded like a tide, and then directly grabbed a kunai and threw it straight.

The majestic Rain Shinobi, who was in a daze, shook his body, lowered his head and glanced at his heart, and then "Sense Rain Shinobi" rushed up, holding this kunai with his left hand, and his right hand suddenly lined up on the ring of kunai. The sharp cone-shaped kunai immediately penetrated completely, piercing the majestic Rain Shinobi's atrium.

"You, you..." Majestic Rain Shinobi's eyes flickered several times, and it seemed to be clear, but with the undisturbed, he also fell into a state of drowning like a leaking balloon.

Pulling out the kunai, letting the majestic Rain Shinobi's heavy body fall to the ground, "Sense Rain Shinobi" turned and ran to the side.

When Natsuki kicked his opponent back, Yamanakakaze's mental power returned to his own body, and then sneaked to the other side of the battle, meeting with Aburame Ryoma.

"Aim at the guy with the big ninja umbrella." Aburame Ryoma immediately pointed to two Rain Shinobi not far away, and the guy with the big ninja umbrella had obviously been quietly hit by his secret technique.

Yamanaka Kaze did not hesitate to give his companion's instructions, Jieyin aimed at the Rain Shinobi and decisively activated the secret technique.

"Swordsmanship, physique, the opponent should not be good at ninjutsu." Physique Rain Shinobi whispered, quickly analyzed and said: "Immediately release ninjutsu to him!"

However, after he said this, his teammates didn't respond, turning his head to look suspiciously, but a fist hit his head.

"What are you doing?!" Yushu Rain Shinobi was furious and grabbed his teammate's wrist and shouted.

"Kill, kill me!" Yamanaka said pretentiously with difficulty. This sentence seemed to be contained in his throat, which seemed a little vague, but the meaning of the words was shocking.

"What?" Yushu Rain Shinobi was taken aback when he heard the words.

When Xia Shu saw the signal, he immediately shouted, Chakra surging in his body frantically, Shunpo stepped out more quickly under this blessing, and when the other Rain Shinobi was panicked, he punched it.

Natsuki also has Chūnin's strength on the physical arts, but even with the blessing of the first gate of Eight Inner Gates, it is not enough to kill this Rain Shinobi, not to mention the other party's reaction is not slow.

However, his intention was to kick him aside and throw it to Aburame Ryoma to solve it. At this moment, his goal was easily achieved.

This situation happened right beside him, Physique Rain Shinobi trembled all over, bending over and swinging his arms to throw away his teammate who was obviously in a wrong condition, and turned and kicked at the enemy.

No need to attract attention at this moment, Xia Shu decisively chose a hard shake, raised his left arm to take the opponent's kick, his body shifted slightly, and his left foot slammed on the ground, and the whole person threw out like a tiger descending a mountain.

Fists and feet, stronger horizontal force than just before, made the rhythm of physique Rain Shinobi suddenly chaotic, and his heart flickered with horror, and the other party had not enough energy before!

It's shocking that there is no time to go in the life and death fight, Xia Shu decisively seized the opportunity, and the right fist burst out suddenly.

Tijutsu Rain Shinobi hurriedly raised his right arm to try to resist, but Natsuki's moves turned into claws, his fingers grabbed into the flesh and blood of his forearm, and then he slammed to his side, making him unprepared. His opponent staggered, and in his horrified eyes, his left hand used nine-yin white bone claws and grabbed his head.


The five fingers penetrated into the opponent's head, really destroying the enemy's head like piercing mulch.

The nine-yin white bone claws of the evil road may not be as powerful as the nine-yin divine claws.

Pulling out his five fingers to bring out the red and white entangled marrow, Xia Shu immediately turned to look at the "Yamanaka Wind" that came by.

"Get ready." Yamanaka Feng reminded him, crossing his fingers with both hands, and shouted: "Solve!"

The mental power of Yamanaka wind withdrew from Rain Shinobi's spirit, and his figure swayed slightly, and Natsuki drew his sword and stabbed it. There was no suspense, and he pierced the throat of Rain Shinobi.

"Withdraw!" He drew out the knife to wipe the blood, and glanced at it, and saw that Aburame Ryoma had also solved his opponent, turning around and preparing to rush to the river not far away.

However, he only ran a few steps, and suddenly stopped his figure with his feet crossed. In his wide-open eyes, dozens of fuzzy figures surrounded them!

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