The words stopped abruptly, and the raised fingers suddenly pointed out.

The Fourth of Hadō·Bai Lei!

Thunder light burst out from the fingertips, and fell on the opponent's body with a pop. The Lightning Style deliberately converged and adjusted did not exert the piercing effect, but thunder light flashed, paralyzing his whole person.

However, in addition to this, the rock layer peeled off from the opponent's body can also be seen, which is a manifestation of hardening technique.

Although this Earth Style ninjutsu is widely spread, it is not only Rock Shinobi Master, but it is clear that Rock Shinobi is the best at it, and this also exposes the identity of the other party.

But with this kind of defense, it's not just the identity that is exposed.

It is precisely because of this that there is a "second".

"Secondly, you are only one person, so don't try to escape." Xia Shu smiled and stretched out the second finger, as if he was a little bit.

However, Rock Shinobi, who cannot speak with his mouth but can hear with his ears, has a sudden change in his eyes, and immediately turns into suspicious and uncertain.

"You must be thinking now, is he with me? You can slowly think about this in your dreams."

When the voice fell, his eyes stared slightly, and the hair entwined with him immediately exerted force, fainting him.

Xia Shu put down his fingers, maintained ninjutsu with one hand, turned and walked into the shop.

The location of this shop is a bit remote, but it happens to be quiet, so Xia Shu didn't rush to close the door and close the house. Instead, a set of sealing techniques and a set of Cifer seals were hit on Rock Shinobi one after another.

Now he has grasped a little bit of the seal technique. Chakra's seal technique is used extremely smoothly. Instead, he caught the seal of Yake Cifer. It took three consecutive casts to achieve some effect.

Except for certain existences with strong will and strong mental power, the Ark Cifer seal will almost always work. Although there are high and low points, the basic effect will more or less stimulate.

In addition, resisting the erosion of the Cifer seal is not without loss. The tenacious will is not mentioned. Because of the illusion nature of the world assimilation, the Chakra formed by the fusion of cell energy and spiritual energy will inevitably be consumed, so it is invalid at one time. The second time it works, it means that Chakra has been consumed to the point where it can no longer resist the erosion of the seal, just like this Rock Shinobi.

After slowing down for a while, Xia Shu made a few successive Ark Cifer prints, which almost achieved the desired effect, and then installed the door panels to make the shop closed.

In order to avoid accidents, I searched the store again and confirmed that everything was correct. A bucket of cold water directly awakened Rock Shinobi.

Rock Shinobi exclaimed and immediately struggled, but soon he noticed that Chakra was trapped and locked, and his limbs were restrained, and his eyes glared.

Xia Shu chuckled lightly, Junxiu's face reflected in each other's eyes, and then Rock Shinobi's face was astonished, and there was a sense of intimacy in his eyes.

"You, what did you do to me?" Rock Shinobi looked in a daze, and then suddenly tangled up on his rough face, looking a little bit hideous.

"Oh?" Xia Shu raised his eyes in surprise. He didn't expect that the other party could still detect something wrong. Perhaps this is the so-called "Will of Stone".

Although belief is invisible and cannot be grasped, its existence cannot be denied. From a certain perspective, belief is actually an extremely terrifying thing.

However, this only surprised him a little bit. The effect of the Cifer seal of Ake was not erased, so Xia Shu felt that this skill was somewhat similar to Uchiha Water's Distinguished Heavenly Gods, because as long as he was hit, its effectiveness could not be ignored.

"It's not important." Xia Shu shook his head and said, "It's not important to me."

"Then you want to know something, I..." Rock Shinobi's expression was distorted, and the words he said and the voice in his heart couldn't be unified.

"Name." Xia Shu smiled lightly.

"Iwai, Kanzen!" Rock Shinobi gritted his teeth.

"Jianshan? Good name." Xia Shu stroked her palm and praised, then said: "Continue, identity."

"Rock Shinobi Chūnin!" Iwai also replied, and his tone was significantly lowered.

After all, human beings do not live by faith. Iwai Kanzen lost Chakra, and consumed his mental power seven or eighty eight. Even if his will is as strong as a rock, it is difficult for him to persevere for a long time.

"Where is Yoshii?" Xia Shu asked next.

"Yoshii" may be the code name or the real name, but no matter what, Konoha was inserted here, and this mission is doomed to end in failure, so it is for him to investigate all the details clearly. Is particularly important.

In contrast, it doesn't make much sense to ask the other party how they discovered this place. After all, the matter has become the past, and there is no value in investigating it.

"Torture to death." Iwai Kanzen's expression gradually calmed down, breathing heavily.

"How much did he reveal?" Xia Shu frowned.

"He has said everything he knows." Iwai Kanezen's face was pale, as if she had suffered a serious illness, and said in a daze, "But there is no valuable information, so I am the only one here."

"Are you the only one?" Xia Shu had already speculated. After hearing it at this moment, he couldn't help but ask again, because it was related to what to do next.

"I'm the only one." After Iwai Kazusa's affirmation, he added: "This is a remote area and doesn't have much strategic value, so I'm the only one guarding it."

Hearing this explanation, Xia Shu nodded in satisfaction. If this is the case, then there is no need to rush away, perhaps there is still a chance to complete the task.

Then he asked something about the shop, and then broke the other's neck. In the last few seconds of his life, Xia Shu saw a heavy guilt in his eyes.

He took out the seal scroll and put away the corpse, and waited to throw it to the information room at the root for disposal after returning to the village, and then quietly left the remote shop.

A few days later, a team of Rock Shinobi came to the town. Although the town is a little remote, it is still in the territory of the land of the earth. It belongs to the basic board of Rock Shinobi, so they have no idea of ​​hiding their identity.

In fact, with the exception of Anbu and other similar organizations, they will hide their identities when performing confidential tasks. Ninjas in other villages will not easily hide their identities even if they leave the country. After all, this is a way to promote their strength.

Xia Shu, who was among the people in the east of the city, pressed his hat, turned and walked around, but appeared from time to time on the main street paved with bluestone. It was finally confirmed that the Rock Shinobi team had moved into the largest inn in the town.

Xia Shu's ability to hide is not bad, as well as a perfect Transformation Technique, so the situation of the inn has not been out of his supervision for a few days.

Of course, his goal is not the inn, but the Rock Shinobi team, because the person he is waiting for is likely to be among them.

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