Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 955: Work travel (7)

Junxiu sat happily under the shade of a tree and ate ice cream. The dense texture of the ice cream itself and the sweet taste of the milky fragrance always make people feel happy. Maybe it's because Junsu almost spent his exhausting days on coffee and cigarettes during this shoot, both of which are bitter. So suddenly eating an ice cream after having not eaten something sweet for so long, the sense of joy and satisfaction will be multiplied and magnified.

It may also be because Junxiu sat freely under the blue sky and white clouds and enjoyed a rare free flight, so he felt very comfortable. Or both factors? At this moment, Junxiu was moved by a piece of ice cream, which drove away the heat in his heart and sweetened his heart.

The ice cream has been eaten, and Yui hasn't responded to the message for a long time. Junxiu went to the convenience store again to buy a piece of ice cream, but he hadn't eaten it for a long time, so two in one breath would be double the satisfaction. Just as Junsu came out of the store after checking out, just after ripping off the wrapper and putting the ice cream in his mouth, the phone in his pocket rang. Junxiu looked at the unfamiliar call. It was a Japanese number. He thought it was the phone number of Yui's manager, so he answered it without hesitation.

"Yuyi?" After Junxiu's name came out, a gentle female voice appeared on the other end of the phone: "Hello, Junxiu, I'm Yui's mother."

"Hello, hello." Junxiu didn't expect that Yui's mother called in person. He should have called over there on his own initiative, so it's not rude.

"Hello, Junxiu, did Yui say you were in Naha?"

"Yes, Naha. I just finished filming the drama here, so I thought about taking a short break to relax for a few days."

"Well, I watched your "City Hunter" on the Internet. It was very nice. Oh, where are you now?"

"After I got out of the airport, I took the monorail and got off at the Kokusai Expressway in front of the prefectural office."

"Naha International Street" is the most prosperous commercial street here. There are hundreds of shops and markets in one street. It's like Myeongdong in Seoul. Junxiu rarely has the opportunity to visit lively places, this time he went out alone to enjoy the freedom, of course he chose to come to a place with many people to play. As for the beach, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, there will be more time to play. After all, Junxiu didn't bring anything when he came here, and he came to the commercial street to buy something.

Yui's mother immediately said, "I see, you wait for me there for twenty minutes, and I'll come right over. Since you're here on vacation, I'll give you a good introduction to Naha."

With the recommendation of Yui's mother, a local, Junsu is looking forward to this trip. Because the locals know that the restaurants there are good and cheap, and some secret scenes are only known to the locals. Junxiu, who was sitting under the shade of the tree, began to eat ice cream seriously again. While eating this sweet food, he was thinking about the arrangement of the coming rate this time. Should he take a day to play with the things at sea, and another day? Looking for great views, great food?

Isn't the two most important points of traveling alone the beautiful scenery and delicious food? Junxiu, who was sitting beside the International Road, watched the people coming and going here and felt the surging crowd, and his heart was also infected by this touch of freedom. It's easy to tell the difference between locals and travelers when you come here, because travelers here all have sweet smiles.

Just as Junxiu was eating ice cream and looking at this bustling long street, a group of aunts who spoke Korean came over from a distance. I don't know why Junxiu immediately lowered his head the moment he saw the Korean aunt, took out his phone and started swiping. But the more you want to dodge, the more you can't dodge it. One of the aunts looked at Junxiu who was sitting alone in the shade of a tree on the street, she walked towards Junxiu, then she held a piece of paper and started asking Junxiu in Japanese with a strange pronunciation: "Do you know how to get to the Hilton Hotel? ?"

The group of aunts saw Junxiu sitting alone on the side of the road and thought he was a local, so they asked for directions in this scene.

Before Junxiu could answer, the other aunts said, "Walking around, everyone is dizzy, which side of the street leads to the hotel? Why don't you call the tour guide?"

After Junxiu got up, he smiled and said to the aunts, "I'm new here too. I don't know where Hilton is. Let me check the map for you."

"Okay, help.. um, are you Korean?" The aunt found that she could understand Junxiu's words, and they tilted their heads to look at Junxiu's face under the baseball cap.

Just as Junxiu was checking the map on her mobile phone, her aunt looked down at Junxiu and whispered, "It seems to be a star of our country. Boy, are you a star?"

Many of Junxiu's TV dramas have scenes with sunglasses~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If it is an aunt who is serious about watching dramas, it is very likely that they will recognize it. Junxiu said with a smile without denying it, "Hehe, I've acted in a TV series. Hilton is over there. Go down this road and turn right. It's not far, less than two kilometers."

"I'm lucky today, I actually met a star of our country in Japan. By the way, you starred in those TV series, I think I have watched it? Donghae, Donghae is very good recently."

Junxiu knew that the aunts were talking about the Japanese drama "Smile, Donghae", he smiled and said, "I'm not playing in Donghae. Aunt, please go down this road, I have to go in for a walk."

Junxiu resolutely slipped away when the aunts didn't recognize him. Looking at Junxiu's back with a bag on his back, one of the aunts said, "He seems to be the one from the recent "City Hunter", what's his name? He also played the one from "Splendid Legacy"."

"It seems to be Junxiu? My daughter likes him very much." When they remembered Junxiu's name, Junxiu had already entered the commercial street and started shopping.

The neighborhood is very lively. There are all kinds of accessories here, especially the Shishi in Okinawa, which can be found in almost every jewelry store. Junxiu looked at this thing and muttered: "Is this a bought back to the town house?"

Just as Junxiu was strolling around the bustling commercial street, in the Girls' Generation dormitory in Tokyo, while Li Shungui and the three were enjoying the air-conditioning in the room, Pani lay on the floor and cried out dejectedly: "Wow... I really envy Oppa, He can actually go to a place with such a beautiful scenery by himself, and he would not have searched for Okinawa if he had known."

Earlier, after Li Shungui heard that Junxiu went to Okinawa, Pani searched for pictures there boringly. After seeing the beautiful photos of Okinawa, Pani couldn't take his eyes off.

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