Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Chapter 90: provocation

While eating, Junxiu made a 'phonetic transcription' on the translated Japanese words, that is, the pronunciation of the common language we use when learning foreign languages. The pronunciation of that sentence is marked, which is called 'transliteration' ' Well, this is the first step in learning a language. Junsu also muttered when he wrote 'transliteration': "Am I too stupid, or is Japanese too difficult? I remember learning Chinese and English when I was a child without such a headache. been."

The person in charge said with a wry smile: "Hehe.. Japanese isn't really difficult, it's just that you didn't put your enthusiasm for learning on it. The language teacher has sent you a small report to the company many times, saying that you are studying. You are always absent-minded when it comes to language. You are always doing your own thing while he is teaching you. Fortunately, the other members are still learning well, especially Yunho. This comforted the language teacher. He also asked Are your grades bad?"

"Yeah, I'm a wooden fish head. Needless to say, I will do things myself, but it's useless to force me if I'm not interested. I also think that I can't listen to him in class, mainly because he When I told us about the course, it was like listening to a book from heaven, and I didn't understand it at all."

"Hey.. We can also understand. When they first started the basic course in Korea, you didn't participate in the study because of the filming of the TV series. So you owe too much in language learning now. However, it doesn't matter. , just have someone in the team who can translate for you."

After Junxiu put the last piece of pork chop on the plate into his mouth, he replied lightly: "Actually, I think so too, not everyone in the team can speak Japanese. Let's go, go back." Junxiu said When he said this, he opened his backpack. He put the notebook he recorded into the bag, but after the bag was opened, the person in charge here saw that there were two thick scripts in Junxiu's bag. Woolen cloth.

However, Junxiu quickly zipped up the backpack and left the restaurant with him. After sitting in the car, he started the car and drove towards their dormitory before asking Junxiu, "By the way, I saw you just now. There is that thick book in his bag, is it the script?"

"Well, the script was sent to the company from outside. The agent gave it to me when I went back today, so I can choose whether there is any script that I think is suitable."

"Um.. that's it. But you TVXQ will be active in Japan for a while. Are you planning to be absent after receiving the script? This time you are exploring a new market. Are you a bit out of the team?"

Junxiu listened to the meaning of the person in charge here, and hoped that he would choose to stay in Japan instead of taking any TV dramas, because during this time, the ratings of "Full House" filmed by Junxiu and Song Hye Kyo in Japan are increasing. If it is higher, if he stays in Japan, it will be more convenient for TVXQ's publicity and activities here.

Junxiu is not stupid, of course he heard the metaphor of the person in charge, he just responded with a faint smile: "It's okay, TVXQ fans are used to me leaving the team anyway. We have only debuted in Korea for a few months. , I went to shoot the TV series. Fortunately, the TV series was successful, and our group was also successful. Now there are very few idol groups that are very good in both film, television and music. We can now be regarded as the only one in the entertainment industry. Bar?"

When the person in charge here heard Junxiu's words, he didn't say anything more. After all, Junxiu was the most unique person in TVXQ. Whether it was S.M from South Korea or Ai Hui from here, he was very optimistic about him. And with the broadcast of his TV series in Japan, Japanese manufacturers have begun to throw out advertising contracts to South Korea's S.M. Of course, Junxiu's advertisements in Japan, S.M still transferred to Ai Hui.

The current price of the advertisement and some circumstances are still under further negotiation, but Ai Hui wanted to let Junxiu bring them TVXQ into the eyes of manufacturers, not JS Junxiu's personal advertisement.

But this person in charge is also the manager of TVXQ's Japanese side in the future, but there is a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart, why? Because TVXQ's Junxiu's income is definitely the most, and the agent's commission is 5% of the income they get from the artists. As for Junxiu, his contract is different from theirs, so the sum of the remuneration that the five people get together is not as much as Junxiu alone, so Junxiu is definitely one of his main sources of income.

For example, if Junxiu earned 100 million yen while filming CF in Japan, he would get a commission of 5 million. You must know that Junxiu already has an advertising company coming to her door, and what about TVXQ? There's still no news, so how could he be willing to let Junxiu not go out for a big catch while he's in Japan?

If Junsu returns to Korea to shoot TV series, he not only won't get Junsu's share of filming in Korean TV series, but also delays the time he can stay in Japan, so how can he be reconciled? ?

Of course, Junxiu didn't know all of this, and he didn't think about it that way.


After the person in charge sent Junxiu back to the dormitory, he instructed him to rest early and have work tomorrow. Junxiu nodded to show that he knew, and then went upstairs.

The next day, Dongfang Shen got up and went to the company's studio to shoot the album cover. There were only two make-up artists invited by the company, so everyone had to take turns to make up. Junsu was the oldest in the group, so everyone let him and the captain enter the dressing room first, while the others sat in a rest area outside the dressing room drinking coffee..

At this time, their person in charge started chatting with the other members: "By the way, did Junxiu tell you when he came back yesterday?"

The four children who were resting looked at the person in charge in surprise: "What did he tell us? Did you ask him to give us a message? Brother Junxiu, he went back to his room to rest after he came back yesterday."

"I didn't ask him to tell you anything, but just had a simple chat with him. The ratings of "Full House" in Japan have been good recently. You all know the news, right? Those manufacturers are all coming to the company Looking for Junxiu, the company hopes to say that you TVXQ will shoot as a whole, but the manufacturer seems to be reluctant to add too much money, so we are also discussing with Junxiu, whether to bring you to shoot together. You know, personal CF won The money belongs to the individual..."

The words of the person in charge here are provocative. Originally belonged to Junxiu's CF, but let him take everyone to shoot together. This is equivalent to saying that the money he should earn himself, but he has to take it out and share it with everyone, so what he means in his words is that Junxiu seems to be a little dissatisfied with this arrangement.

This person's words caused everyone to be silent for a while. Because what to say about this? They also don't criticize Junxiu for being wrong. After all, personal CF brings the whole team together, and everyone is reluctant to change it, right? It feels like 'I can get 60 million, but now I can only get 10 million? ’ This is so much less directly, of course, everyone is reluctant to change.

Then he continued: "Now Junsu seems to be very concerned about personal development. Yesterday, I saw two Korean scripts in his bag. He seems to be screening? Everyone is doing it for the development in Japan. After so much effort, he didn't take his studies seriously, and he devoted himself to the road of acting. He wouldn't be like you in Korea again, would he? After singing a few times, he went to shoot a TV series, right? Doesn't this make everyone's joint efforts go to waste? . . "

"Haha.. I imagine that, if I were Junsu, I would rather focus on my acting skills~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can get a lot of music revenue from TVXQ's 'All-kill', Besides, I got a super high salary for starring in a TV series. Occasionally, I will shoot a few personal CFs or something. Who would dislike making a lot of money?"

The person in charge here said this to make them feel inappropriate for Junsu's behavior of caring about his personal development. In this way, they may use the name of 'team' to 'kidnap' Junsu.

They are all working hard for 'TVXQ', but Junxiu is further building the 'personal brand' of 'JS Junsu', and he also serves as the name of 'TVXQ'.

Such a simple exchange made the members gradually feel a little dissatisfied with Junsu in their hearts.

Although the person in charge here is really naive, if you imagine it a little, you can see that he is deliberately provoking right and wrong. But the problem is that sometimes this simple and naive way is the most effective, because they already have a mental state of being jealous of Junsu in their hearts.

Jealousy, this psychology is very scary, especially it will quietly change their inner views and thinking of Junxiu.

Because they TVXQ has been called by some media as 'Junxiu and the children' since their debut, which has brought them a big blow to their hearts, so they continue to work hard to become the 'TVXQ' in the eyes of everyone. They are A whole, a group, everyone in the team has paid a lot for this combination! They also want to be recognized.

Nowadays, after sacrificing their sleep time every day and running the schedule non-stop, 'TVXQ' has indeed gained a lot of love and recognition in South Korea, but...


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