Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 972: Floating and Leisure (6)

Walking along the shade of the trees by the palace wall, eating spicy rice cakes and recalling the original youth, this is a very pleasant and emotional thing. Maybe this is what people often say about 'stealing for half a day'? However, the sudden appearance of the film crew disturbed Junxiu's elegance. Of course, the film crew in public venues could not be domineering to clear the scene, but the staff stood in advance and persuaded the people here to stop watching for a while. shoot.

Junxiu has absolutely no interest in filming or anything, and of course he understands the hard work of the staff, so he continues to walk towards the palace wall. He is not interested in watching other people's filming here, although he is a little puzzled why the film crew would be shooting such classic travel scenes in broad daylight? But that's none of his business, right?

Junxiu strung a piece of red rice cake with a toothpick and put it in his mouth and continued to walk downhill, but he didn't go very far, just after turning around a corner, Junxiu saw a large group of people surrounding the actor who was walking up. Photograph. Walking up is the male number one So Ji Sub and the female number one Han Hyo Joo.

Junxiu now understood why so many people gathered around to take pictures. It turned out that two big stars appeared. Junsu, who originally planned to leave, stopped when he met Han Xiaozhu by chance, and Junsu and her have not met or contacted since the last cooperation. With such an accidental encounter, Junxiu thought that she would go up to say hello, right?

Junxiu looked left and right, quickly found a coffee shop, and walked towards the coffee shop. As for the unexpected class visit, Junsu has to bring some drinks, right? After entering the cafe, Junxiu didn't panic to order coffee, but took out the phone and called his manager: "Do you know Han Hyojoo's manager's phone number?"

Junsu and Han Hyojoo have been working together for so long, Junsu thinks that his manager and Han Hyojoo's manager have exchanged numbers. After all, after the TV series aired, it was destined that Han Xiaozhu would become a first-line actor. His manager would definitely not let go of such a relationship.

The manager squeezed into Junsu and called to ask about Han Xiaozhu's manager's phone number. He was at a loss: "Is it Han Xiaozhu? Or is it her agent?"

"Her manager, I have Han Hyo Joo's phone number in my hand. I just saw their film crew after eating near Bukchon, so I just wanted to buy some coffee to visit the class. I don't know how many staff members there are."

"Oh, oh, I'll send it to you directly."

After a while, Junxiu got the number of Han Xiaozhu's manager, and he took the initiative to call: "Hello, Han Xiaozhu's manager?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

"Me, Junsu. I happened to see Hyojoo and their crew in Bukchon, so I thought of coming over to see Hyojoo."

When Han Hyo Joo's manager heard that Junsu was calling, he was also very surprised: "Ah, Junsuxi, are you also in Bukchon?"

"Well, I'm at the **** cafe. The crew just went up from this cafe. Did you see this?"

"I see, I see. I'll be right over here."

After Junxiu hung up the phone, he saw Han Xiaozhu's manager dozens of seconds later. After he came in, he looked around looking for Junxiu's figure, and Junxiu also raised his hand and beckoned to him.

After seeing Junxiu, he immediately greeted him with a smile: "Hello, Junxiu xi." When he called Junxiu's name, his voice was lower, as if he was afraid of revealing his target. The most handsome one appeared in such a place full of domestic and foreign tourists.

Junxiu smiled and shook hands with him: "Long time no see, how are you?"

"Well, it's been pretty good recently, but it was a little troublesome when (the actors) went on strike last year."

"Normal, the TV station doesn't pay for the film, and of course no one wants to continue filming for him. If the filming is done stupidly, who knows how long they will be in arrears? By the way, I will visit the class, how many people are there and I will buy some coffee. ."

"It's about 20, I don't have the exact number."

"Okay, I'll send the main cups first. You can come and get them later." After Junxiu finished speaking, he went to the bar to buy coffee, and then waited for the star and director to pick up the coffee, and Junxiu went to the agent first. People led down the set.

Under the leadership of the agent, there was no security guard to stop him. Junxiu brought coffee to the place where the two actors were standing.

And Han Hyo Joo stared blankly at Jun Su who was wearing sunglasses and a hat, and didn't recognize who he was for a while.

Until Junxiu said, "Little Xingxing, long time no see."

Xiaoxingxing was the nickname Junsu gave to Han Hyoju when she was on the set, when the character she played was called Yinxing. After hearing Junxiu's greeting to her, Han Xiaozhu instantly became bright, and then looked at Junxiu excitedly and said, "What's going on~www.wuxiaspot.com~What's going on, you...why are you here?"

Junsu just smiled at Han Hyojoo and then handed the coffee to So Jisub who was standing next to Han Hyojoo, he took off his hat slightly and bowed in greeting: "Senior So Jisub, hello, I'm a relative of Hyojoo. , Junsu. Hyojoo will ask you a lot.”

After listening to Junsu's self-introduction, Su Jisub was also surprised to see Junsu who didn't take off his sunglasses, he quickly stretched out his hand and shook Junsu's hand: "Wow.. I thought who it was, it turned out to be the famous "City Hunter" JS Junsu, nice to meet you."

Junxiu bowed again and said politely, "I am also very happy to meet the seniors."

So Ji-sub smiled and said to Jun-su, "Hehe...don't be so polite, Junsu. As for what you said about taking care of Hyo-joo, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Today is our last scene. already."

"Oh? Fortunately, I came before the finale."

Han Xiaozhu laughed when she heard Junxiu's words: "What kind of wind is blowing this big Buddha like you? Senior So Jisub, I'll take Junxiu to meet the director first."

"Well, let's go. I'm going to rest for a while."

But before Junsu left, someone in the crowd suddenly screamed, "It's JS Junsu!! It's JS Junsu!!"

Some of the fans who were quarantined by the security staff had already recognized the man in the hat and sunglasses as Junsu. The whole scene became lively in an instant, and many women shouted at Junxiu: "Junxiu oppa~~!"

After Junxiu saw that he was discovered, he also waved at the temporarily isolated crowd, and his wave was exchanged for countless screams. At this moment, Junxiu's director was shocked.

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