Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 974: Floating life (8)

In the face of Kim Tae Hee's sudden invitation to invite Junsu, it's a little bit hard to guess what she wants to say to herself? The two basically have no contact on weekdays, and suddenly they called to invite them, which would naturally lead to speculation, right? First of all, Kim Tae Hee's rank doesn't need Junsu's help, and she's not a singer. So Junsu is really curious about her sudden invitation.

In the face of Kim Tae Hee's invitation, Jun Xiu also smiled excitedly and said on the phone: "Wow.. Sister Tae Hee invited me, so why should I take the time? You send me the time and address, and I will come directly at night. That's it."

After Junsu hung up on Kim Tae Hee, Han Hyo Joo, who was standing beside him, said to Jun Su, "It's amazing, Senior Kim Tae Hee invited you." Kim Tae Hee also thought that she was beautiful to Korean women, so Han Hyo Joo felt that she was beautiful at this time. It is also a man's honor for her to invite Junxiu.

"Hehe, envy? Let's go together."

"Forget it, I still have a killing feast today."

Junsu briefly chatted with Han Hyojoo for a few words, and then he said goodbye. After all, Han Hyojoo is about to start filming.

And after Junxiu came out of the safety line of the crew, many fans ran towards Junxiu and asked Junxiu for an autograph. Junxiu stood by and signed autographs for the dozen or so people who followed. After a brief autograph session, Junsu returned to his car and left. And the license plate of Junxiu's personal car was also recorded by fans at this time, his BMW X6.

After getting in the car, Junxiu left Gyeongbokgung Palace and headed towards Seongbuk-dong for inspection. There are many roads that are not open to traffic in Chengbei-dong, and there are many sad bungalows here. Junxiu was driving along the road, but the further up the mountain, the narrower the road became. There are even a lot of people parked on the side of the road. The originally narrow road, and the fact that the car was parked on the side of the road, made Junxiu a little depressed.

It's still daytime. There are a lot of cars parked here. If you wait for the night to get off work, wouldn't there be more cars parked next to the road? Would it be unsafe to drive here if I came back at night?

Therefore, Junxiu was temporarily put on hold by Seongbei-dong, and then he went to Samcheong-dong, where there are more high-end villas. Moreover, there are also many villas that occupy a large area. The dilapidated and luxurious Sancheong-dong of Seongbuk-dong even has two lanes for driving, instead of one lane like Seongbei-dong, and many drivers park in roadside. In contrast, Samcheong-dong is more popular with Junsu.


The inspection time for the afternoon just passed, and it was time for Junsu and Kim Tae Hee's date in the evening. Kim Tae Hee settled on a western restaurant in Itaewon. At first, Junsu was thinking about having a dinner with Girls' Generation tonight, but Kim Tae-hee's invitation made him temporarily put down the dinner with Girls' Generation. After all, Kim Tae Hee belongs to the person who goes to the Three Treasures Palace without incident.

After Junxiu came to this very elegantly decorated western restaurant, she saw Jin Taixi sitting in a corner with an extremely delicate and beautiful appearance, and she felt a little elated. At this time, Kim Tae Hee was wearing a hat and a mask, waiting for Junsu to arrive.

After Junxiu sat quietly opposite Jin Taixi, she took off her mask and said to Junxiu: "Long time no see, Junxiu. Your role in "City Hunter" is very good, especially the fighting scenes, the emotional line is getting more and more It's handy."

"Sister Taixi, I've also become such a 'special agent' person. What if I can't reach out?"

Listening to Junxiu's funny words, Jin Taixi smiled at Junxiu: "Hehe..."

Tonight's Kim Tae-hee's red lips look particularly charming in this romantic western restaurant. And her smile really has the feeling of turning all living beings upside down. Junxiu just looked at this delicate beauty, a beautiful face without the slightest flaw, he had such a brief moment of loss. As expected of the number one beauty in Korea, her beauty also has a mature beauty that Taeyeon and Yui lack.

Jin Taixi didn't ask in a hurry, but the two of them chatted freely, eating delicious food and chatting.

Kim Tae-hee asked for red wine, and Jun-su drove by himself, so all he wanted was water. After the main course steak came up, Junxiu asked Jin Taixi: "Sister Taixi, what's the matter with you calling me out today?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just that I took over a Japanese TV series and I'm about to shoot it. I thought that you are very familiar with Japanese filming methods and crews, so I specially invited you to a meal and asked about the situation over there. ."

Junsu was very surprised, how did Kim Tae Hee enter the Japanese market? It's not that she is not qualified to develop in the Japanese market. After all, it seems a bit strange at this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junxiu was temporarily replaced by a Japanese company because of entertainment protection. How did Kim Tae Hee pass?

Junxiu was very suspicious, but he still said his thoughts on the crew there: "The crew should be similar to South Korea. After all, the TV dramas that are broadcast and filmed at the same time are all filmed for a long time."

Kim Tae Hee sighed slightly: "Hey..."

Junsu wondered why Kim Tae Hee went to Japan to shoot a TV series at this time, but he was ruthlessly changed roles by film investors.

Jin Taixi continued: "This time there are a lot of Japanese in Taiwan. It is really difficult to memorize it."

When Junsu and Kim Tae Hee appeared in this romantic restaurant, photos of Kim Tae Hee and Jun Soo dating have already appeared on the Internet. As for whether the two are talking about work? Or on a date.

In short, Junxiu and Kim Tae-hee were quickly on the hot search list. You must know that Jun-sucai and Han Hyo-joo were on the news in the afternoon and updated in a timely manner. In the evening, the "heroine" was replaced by him and Kim Tae-hee.

Then Junxiu said: "Japanese TV dramas are of course in Japanese, not imported. Sister Taixi, I don't understand why you are fine when you are shooting TV dramas, but I was changed roles when I appeared in a movie?"

Kim Tae-hee smiled and said, "What else could it be for? Of course, it's because our TV series is a Japanese-South Korean TV series."

"Uh. Okay. You really have to be more domineering when you collaborate on TV series..."

Junxiu finally understood why Kim Tae Hee asked her out. This is her first time filming an overseas TV series. It's normal to feel stressed. So she wanted to find Junxiu to inquire about the shooting method there. After all, Junxiu had already had many shooting experiences in Japan.

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