Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 976: Floating Life (End)

The dinner was over while talking about Japan, filming, and talking about work. Junsu didn't drink while dining with Kim Tae Hee. This makes Jin Taixi very strange, such a person who loves to drink doesn't drink. And it's really surprising to use driving as an excuse. It's so convenient to drive on your behalf in this era. Kim Tae Hee may have guessed that Junsu had other things to do after the meal, so he didn't drink.

After the meal, Junxiu proposed to send Kim Taexi home, and she felt that Junxiu should have something else to do, so she did not ask Junxiu to send her back, but said that she would take a taxi to go back, after all, I would trouble the agent to make a trip at this time. Something like that too..

After the two came down from the restaurant, Junxiu saw that there were a lot of young people around them with their mobile phones taking pictures of the two of them, so he no longer insisted. And Kim Tae Hee took Junsu to his parking place and watched him leave before taking a taxi home.

After Junxiu drove out of the restaurant, he drove for a few kilometers. He parked the car on the side of the road, lit a cigarette, sat in the car and enjoyed the thrill of the smoke. Today, I wandered around for a day, from going out to choose a house, to meeting Han Hyo-joo and Kim Tae-hee later, but the matter of the house is still unresolved. What's more depressing is that he has to go through the formalities and leave the house tomorrow.

I don't know why at this moment, looking at the towering city tower in the distance, Junxiu has a bitter smile of 'homeless'. The home here is not yet settled, and the home there is gone.

Junxiu called Li Shungui with a wry smile: "When will your practice end here?"

"I don't know, I guess it will be a while. Are you happy to have dinner with Senior Kim Tae Hee?"

"What are you happy about, just have a meal."

"I didn't say anything. Why are you explaining in such a hurry? Do you still think there is something? Where are you?"

"I just came out of dinner, where can I be? This side of Cheongdam-dong."

"Oh, why are you calling me? Showing off that you ate with the most beautiful girl in Korea? Or do you want to date Taeyeon?"

"I called and told you to go home. Really, I knew that I was going to move tomorrow. Why don't I pack it today? With so many things, when will I pack up alone?"

"You think of us when you contribute? Why don't you call Tara? Aren't you the full authority? Why don't you just ask them to clean up for you?"

"What are you crazy about.. Come back early. Get them together and invite you to a late-night snack."

"OK, come back in an hour."

After Li Shungui hung up Junxiu's phone, she looked at her teammates: "Children, Oppa called and asked you to come to his house for supper. I told him that we will be there in an hour."

"Eat supper? Eat at home? Oppa, didn't you sell the house?"

After talking about Junsu selling the house, they immediately thought of the real purpose of 'eating supper'. Cui Xiuying stared at Li Shungui with wide eyes and said, "Yeah, did he ask us to help with the move?"

After Xiuying's words came out, she immediately got a response from Jin Xiaoyuan. She nodded and said, "It should be. The moving companies you know only help with moving and don't help with organizing things."

Cui Xiuying betrayed Yuner and said, "Tell Yuner to go. Yuner is very strong. We just need to be responsible for eating when we go."

Of course, they were all joking. They all knew that Junxiu didn't have many friends around him. If he really let him clean up by himself, they didn't know when to clean up. So if they don't help at this time, who else can help?


City Tower, Junxiu's home, he stood in the living room looking at the cardboard boxes on the floor a little depressed, because he didn't know where to start packing. Although it is said that there is no need to move household appliances, decorative items, etc., but clothes, photos, computers, trophies, albums, etc., and the pile of studio equipment are really too much.

Junxiu came to the cloakroom alone and looked at the clothes hanging full of clothes. He didn't know how depressed he was, because some of the clothes to be worn and some of those not to be worn must be separated at this time. Go to the garbage sorting place for clothes.

For the first time, Junxiu felt that she really had too many clothes. First of all, Junxiu began to collect her shirts and other formal clothes. Unconsciously, Junxiu has been sitting on the floor for an hour, how much has she cleaned up? Junxiu found that he hadn't cleaned up too much. At this time, he was still sorting out which ones were not needed and which ones were not worn at all.

Fortunately, after the sound of a door opening at this time, the whole house instantly became like a vegetable market: "Wow, the night scene here in Oppa looks comfortable, I really don't know why Oppa moved out of here, is it going to move to Cheongdam-dong? ?"

"Hahaha.. Now the obsession with Cheongdam-dong is not so high~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now women are very sensitive to Gang/nam district, don't many women say, I don't need you in Cheongdam-dong The house, as long as it is in Jiang/South. This can be a big plus."

At this moment, Junxiu walked out of the room with a dark face: "Inner, inner, inner, all the women nowadays keep saying Jiang/Nan, Jiang/Nan style. I can't stand Jiang/Nan anymore."

After seeing Junxiu appear, the children greeted Junxiu enthusiastically, and in their special way of banging the group, they stepped forward and patted Junxiu on the shoulder and said, "Oh, it's oppa. Really. Long time no see, hahaha."

"Kwon Yuri, do you want to die? Believe it or not, I'll throw you downstairs?"

Quan Yuli didn't care about Junxiu's threat at all, but instead came to Taeyeon's side and put her arms around her and said pitifully, "Taeyeon, take care of your oppa. I'm so afraid, I've already been beaten by him. I'm so scared that I'm exhausted, how will you help your oppa clean up the room?"

Since they came in, the whole room has become very lively. Some are acting, some are watching the night, some are looking through the refrigerator, some are lying on the sofa, some are turning on the TV, Junxiu can only cover his forehead and say: "I really find it a mistake to call you here."

"It's too late. Children, look, there are a lot of Korean beef, pork belly, and spare ribs." Cui Xiuying had already pulled out the 'night snack' from the refrigerator and showed it to everyone.

And Jin Xiaoyuan also came out with a big watermelon in his hand and said, "Do you want to eat Sika?"

"Sika? Hahaha..oppa asks you, do you want to eat Sika?"

"Eat, she'll eat all the chewed bones. Sika, you're rickety. You're lying on the sofa alone and occupying it. Are you going to be a princess?"

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