Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 984: Children, cheer up (Part 1)

Minhyuk knew that once Junsu made a decision, it would not change, so he stopped persuading him, because Junsu has a strong personal music opinion. As for Min Hyuk, he only started to understand music in depth after he took the position of representative, and it was a position that he had to understand. Music is the key factor in running a good idol agency.

After Min Hyuk stopped discouraging Junsu, he began to play Junsu's idea. What's the idea? That is of course the heroine of Junsu's MV. You must know that the world star Junsu released the album this time. Being able to enter the MV of his Korean album, Minhyuk fully understands that this will be of great help to the children. As for who to push, it needs to be considered and discussed. After all, after trying to take advantage of Junxiu's MV this time, the company will definitely promote that person.

Who is this lucky guy? Minhyuk began to discuss with Junsu: "Junsu, I won't say much about the song. However, you have to leave the heroine of the MV to our company, I don't care about this matter, anyway, if you don't arrange us The company's child, I must be anxious with you. You know, you are so famous that a joke can be immediately finalized and executed by the TV station, so let your own children have your light. You know you After the MV of the song comes out, the worst and worst has to have a hit rate of 30 to 50 million, so don’t be cheap on S.M’s side, take care of your children.”

Junxiu smiled and nodded and said, "Well. I think so too. This MV must have to take care of my own children. By the way, Jing Shouzhen joined the company, right? How about letting her play?"

Kyung Soo Jin, the vice president of Junsu's personal fan club. She is a huge diehard fan, and has been following in Junsu's footsteps for almost ten years. Because her appearance is very good, this time Junxiu considered letting her enter the entertainment industry.

However, when Junxiu proposed to let Jing Shouzhen star in the MV, Minhyuk held his forehead and said, "Forget it, forget it, you don't know, it was only after she came to the company that I found out that she was real~~ No She can dance! Now she has been arranged to attend the training in the acting class. She is no longer a singer, let her be an actress."

"Actors can also appear in MVs."

Looking at Junxiu's insistence, in order to dispel Junxiu's idea, he could only speak of Jing Shouzhen's dance spirit: "If you are a ballad song this time, it's pretty much the same. But you are a dance song, don't you want any dance? Did Jing Shou really dance? You didn't see how difficult it was to get her to do a 'wave'. I really can't, how about G.NA?"

G.NA, who debuted last year, released his first album "" at the beginning of this year, and the results were very good. Her reputation has also started, and G.NA is preparing for the second mini album at this time, so Minhyuk wondered whether to let G.NA appear in Junsu's MV first, and then let her come back with the wind ?

"G.NA?" Junxiu pouted after imagining G.NA in his mind: "Sexy girl. It's a bit in line with this standard, but her personal promotion is too little. Speaking of this, I also think Let me ask you, her album performance at the beginning of the year was good, why do I rarely see her promoting it on the show? Now that variety shows are so popular, which idol doesn't want to show up on the show?"

"Hey.." Speaking of G.NA, Minhyuk sighed: "The company pushed her, but she is very introverted, and there are certain obstacles in language communication, mainly because of her. She doesn't have the kind of determination to 'let it go' like HyunA and Boomi, and she doesn't have a talent for funny. So we pushed her a few times and it didn't work. If you push her again, the show team will not want it anymore. Preparing for the second album."

Junsu listened to Minhyuk's description, and he also frowned: "Introverted? Language problem? And can't let go? No talent for funny? What happened to these 'five girls'? ."

Just as Junsu said 'Jon Hyosung', Minhyuk's secretary knocked on the door and interrupted Junsu's conversation, and after she came in, he said to the two, "President (Junsu), representative (Minhyuk) , Secret's manager and captain Quan Xiaosheng came up, and they want to find the president."

Junxiu nodded: "Let them in. By the way.." Junxiu turned to look at Minhyuk again and asked, "Is G.NA in the company?"

"Should be there, right? She's preparing for the album during this time." Minhyuk didn't dare to say too much. During the preparation of the album, the company let G.NA freely control the practice time. At this time Maybe she went out to lunch.

This is Quan Xiaosheng and Secret's agent entering the office. Before they could speak, Junxiu said to Quan Xiaosheng's agent: "Go down and see if G.NA is here~www.wuxiaspot.com ~Let her come up if she is."

"Okay." The agent quickly went downstairs and called G.NA to go.

And after Jun Hyosheng came in, he stood in front of Junsu and Minhyuk, shyly, with red eyes, it was obvious that he had just cried before. Min Hyuk looked at Quan Xiaosheng with red eyes, and he asked in surprise: "Xiaosheng, what's wrong with you? Is there anything? Sit down and talk."

Min Hyuk also likes Jun Hyo Sung, a very hardworking and serious child. But Quan Xiaosheng dared to sit there. She watched Junxiu bit her lower lip and said guiltily, "Senior Junxiu, I'm sorry. in tears.

Junxiu said those words ruthlessly in front of them, it was a cruel factual attack on their women. That woman can withstand such a face-to-face crit? Junxiu being so "vicious" was even more serious than slapping them in front of them.

Quan Xiaosheng's grievance broke out after seeing Junxiu again. She hadn't finished her apology. What appeared in her mind was the sarcastic look of Junxiu who said that before, which made her have no strength to continue. .

However, in the face of Jun Hyo-sung's sudden apology and sudden tears, Min-hyuk looked at Jun-su in confusion, thinking to himself, isn't this kid you've always been optimistic about? Why did she suddenly apologize to you, and she couldn't help crying. What did she do wrong?

In the face of Jun Xiaosheng's cry, Junxiu did not sympathize with her, because the cruelty of this circle should be understood by all idols. Crying doesn't solve the problem. And it's the profession they chose by themselves, so at least their bodies have to obey the rules of idols, right?

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