Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 988: Moving, choosing a site, building a house (Part 1)

Moving is easy. Because Junsu is packing furniture and everything, including decorations, all sold to the buyer. So what he needs to take away is the most important studio, as well as various trophies, awards, clothes, and photos of memories. These things are packed in boxes, and the moving company only needs to remove these boxes one by one.

However, when Minhyuk mentioned the clothes he didn't wear, Junsu suddenly remembered that he has a lot of clothes that he no longer needs. And many are not worn, and some are only worn once. So, it's a pity that Junxiu lost these clothes. So he took out the phone and called Kangta at this time. Kangta has a good relationship with comedians. Junxiu also knows that the conditions of many comedians are not very good, so he plans to give them clothes.

"Oh, brother, what are you doing? Company? Why don't I call you? It's not like you don't know that I'm very busy, so I don't even have time to drink, so how can I make a call? That's you Don't you know a lot of comedians? I moved today, and I saw a lot of nice clothes. Some of them were never worn, and some were only worn once. I just wanted to ask them if they wanted it? Right. Where to move? My house is sold, and I haven't found it yet. I plan to stay in a hotel first. Got it. Drink two drinks together another day, just in time for me to rest."

Junsu hung up the phone and looked at Min Hyuk who was questioning him. He smiled and said, "Why are you looking at me like this? Do you still want my clothes?"

"Can I wear yours? What nonsense. Director Kangta?"

"Well. Isn't there a lot of news on the Internet recently that he often eats and drinks with the comedians of "Comedy League"? I just thought it would be a pity to lose those clothes. So just..."

Min Hyuk nodded to show his understanding. Comedians are indeed very admirable people in the circle. They don’t hesitate to look ugly with the lowest performance fee, and even get beaten up in the show to amuse everyone, in order to gain everyone’s approval or I'm working hard to gain a little popularity. When there is no intensive performance, they may only have an income of less than 300,000 to 500,000 yuan a month. In the face of such a situation, still insisting on this road, shouldn't it be admired?

Min Hyuk said with a smile: "Fortunately you are JS Junsu, otherwise your installation fee will be scary." For Junsu, who likes to pursue personal fashion concepts, clothing is really a big expense, okay Now he gets sponsorship.

"Hehe, there's nothing scary. I'm not chasing luxury goods, it's more about the clothes that designers gave me."

"Who told you that you can increase sales after wearing it? If I were a designer, I would give it to you and advertise it for free."

"You are also the focus of the media right now, why don't you talk to the designer too?" Junxiu said with a smile, "Brother Minhyuk, am I planning to dispose of the car?"

"Why? You haven't bought this car for a few years, have you? Have you pursued a sports car like Quan Zhilong did?"

"I love and hate cars. When I don't have them, I find it inconvenient. When I have them, I also find it inconvenient to go out to drink. So I thought of doing it, so as to avoid making mistakes by chance. After that, it can be completely eliminated. I can’t make the slightest mistake of principle now.”

"That's right, you have less time to rest. It really makes them very tired to trouble the brokers every time you take a break. Now the taxi is more convenient, and it's easy to handle it. By the way, don't you ask your sister if they want it? Give it to them?"


Junxiu needs to be careful all the time now. Celebrity is a profession under the spotlight, so in principle, text messages, or the law, are a little more lenient for ordinary people, but for celebrities, they are absolutely harsh to the extreme. Drink-driving demerit points and fines. But the matter of star drunk driving is a big deal!

So for Junxiu, who loves restaurants, in order to avoid that kind of fluke mentality, he should just deal with the car so that he can completely avoid future troubles! Never drink and drive without a car.

After the two finished eating, they went to the appointment to go through the house procedures. Fans from China/China are really very forthright. After seeing Junxiu, he simply asked why Junxiu wanted to sell the house, and Junxiu also said that his house had made it inconvenient for him to travel, so he sold it. . Chinese/Chinese fans expressed their understanding and stopped asking questions. After taking a photo with Junxiu, they transferred the money on the spot, and then went through the house procedures.

The whole process was completed in less than an hour. After completing the formalities, Minhyuk sent Junsu back to pick up the car~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then he went back to the company to continue working.

The rest of Junxiu drove the vehicle to continue to inspect the land. The site selection is a complicated matter. Although Junxiu doesn’t talk about Feng Shui, he wants to choose a place with beautiful scenery, quiet and convenient transportation. Of course, there is also the issue of growth value to consider.

Today, Junxiu drove to the hillside of Seongbuk-dong. After he got out of the car, he stood by the roadside smoking a cigarette, watching the bungalows here and enjoying the quietness that no one cares about here. Flowers are blooming at the foot of the mountain, but who knew that the mountain on the north side of Chengbei Cave was a slum? It can't even compare to the section of the road that goes down a little bit, let alone the opposite side of the river.

The inexplicable quietness here is a bit sad. It seems to be a place of 'isolation', and everything in Seoul is unheard of here.

The outline of Gyeongbokgung Palace in the distance at the foot of the mountain and the Nanshan Pagoda on the opposite mountain were clearly printed in Junxiu's eyes. He planned to wait here to see the lights of thousands of homes under the mountain after the sun went down. I don't know why, but at this moment, Junxiu wanted to do something here.

Just as Junxiu was smoking a cigarette and waiting for the sun to set, an old lady in her sixties appeared in Junxiu's eyes in the distance. Carrying a black packing bag in her hand, she slowly followed the mountain road. Her pace was slow, step by step, and crawling was laborious.

Junxiu dropped the cigarette in his hand and walked quickly towards the aunt. The old lady looked at Junxiu vigilantly, and she didn't recognize this as a child who often appeared on TV until Junxiu approached: "Oh, you are that actor."

Junxiu smiled and nodded and said, "Hello, Auntie, are you going back?"

"Yeah, go back, just got off work. Why are you here? Are you filming TV shows here?"

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