Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 1: How to choreograph "Jiangnan"?

Everyone has a dream home, and everyone should imagine what "my home" should look like after making money? However, for Junsu, his home is a place of self-healing. In this impetuous city, every day is busy, so Junxiu feels that her body and mind are healed after returning home. However, the human heart is most relaxed when facing nature. The home is built with a 'resort within the city' feel.

However, the mountains on the side of Seongbuk-dong are really peaceful. Looking at the trees and other vegetation in this quiet mountain, my heart will naturally be healed when I am busy. Junxiu feels that this is the home he needs. '.

Although the designer also discouraged Junsu, he felt that in this modern city, Junsu has become Korea's first world star, and his residence can be built with a special appearance and a modern style. As for such a resort, you can enjoy it at any time when you go to any island city or famous mountains and rivers. There is no need to build your home in resort style. Especially that infinity pool is already so modern, why not modernize the building's appearance?

Of course, these are the designer's suggestions, and Junxiu chose the resort style in the end. Many island resorts have infinity swimming with perfect combination of sea and sky. In the mind of the designer, the infinity swimming pool can also be perfectly integrated with the original natural scenery such as the alpine forest here. The infinity swimming pool is built on the mountainside and leans forward. , Deep into the embrace of nature, the water in the swimming pool reflects the green mountains and the blue sky, setting off each other, the designer's work is really moving.

Junxiu was deeply moved by this design. Healing, the freedom and relaxation given by mountains and forests is a kind of spiritual realm. Who says infinity pools can only be built at the sea-to-sky connection? It just takes a little more money to build. However, Junxiu didn't expect that the 6 billion yuan to sell the house would only be more than 100 pings in Jiang/South. Here he added 4 billion, a total of 10 billion won, and directly bought 1,000 ping (3333 square meters.)

It is calculated that one ping (3.33 square meters) is 10 million won (close to 60,000 soft girls). Can you buy such cheap land in Tokyo, Yanjing, or in a first-tier city in Asia? After crossing a river, there will be a tenfold difference in housing prices? Well, Seongbuk-dong is indeed the edge of Seoul. The construction cost of the house plus decoration is expected to be 2 billion yuan.


Junsu has been busy looking at the construction plans of the house that the designer told him for the past two days, and Girls' Generation also ended two concerts in Seoul. At the celebration banquet, they and the staff were eating in the restaurant, while the Nine Girls' Generation and their manager were sitting together, Choi Soo-young looked at Sika and said, "Sika, have you got your house done? Do you want it? May I help you contact the designer?"

"No, I have a designer I know. Could you introduce it to Yuri?" Recently, Girls' Generation and others don't know if they have been influenced by Sika and Junsu? They all took out loans to buy houses. After Sika bought it, Mane also took out a loan to buy a house, and Yuri and Hyoyeon bought all of them. Taeyeon also called her parents and told them to look at the house in Jeonju. It seems that Yoona is also discussing buying a house with her family.

A big family like Cui Xiuying didn't think about this, but recently she heard news that Junxiu bought land. She first said to Yuli: "Yuri, tell me when you need a designer here, and I'll find one for you. It's Shungui, do you know the land your brother bought?"

After Xiuying brought the topic to Junxiu, Kim Hyoyeon immediately asked the 'Jiugui' next to him. Although Kim Hyoyeon was not very good at drinking, he would accompany Shungui for two drinks, so it was a dinner party or something. The two have always liked to sit together, and Hyoyeon looked at Shungui and asked, "Oh, yes, Oppa has been busy watching the land all this time. Has he chosen where? Samcheong-dong? Or Seongbuk? Hole?"

"I didn't call and ask him, he will tell me when he chooses."

"The land for Oppa has been selected, and it is located in a high mountainside on the side of Seongbuk-dong. Do you know how much the house of Oppa cost in total? My designer told me that the land alone is 10 billion yuan. The cost of construction, decoration, etc. is initially estimated at 2 billion, which is equal to 12 billion won."

A preliminary estimate of 12 billion terrified everyone present, and even their agent was terrified by Junxiu's generous gesture: "12 billion? How big is Junxiu's house?"

"1,000 ping! He still has to build Yong, this is a complete mansion, mansion. Shun Kyu, take me there when Junsu's house is repaired. I also want to visit his urban resort."

Li Shun-kyu was not surprised about the floor space, because she believed that Jun-su would not have a good eye for land. So the size of the home is really not surprising. On the contrary, the 'resort' really made Shun Gyu think he heard it wrong: "What resort? My brother moved to the resort?"

During this time, Junxiu has been staying in the hotel, this is something they all know. So Shun-kyu misheard and thought that Jun-su moved to the resort hotel.

"He's going to make his home feel like a resort, and he needs a home that looks at the senses and relaxes both physically and mentally."


In Girls' Generation and others, they were chatting about Junxiu's house occupying the land~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Junxiu was sitting on the floor in the practice room of js entertainment by himself, listening to his own creations in an infinite loop. "Jiangnan". The arrangement of the song, Junxiu, has already been completed during these two days of free time.

But now Junsu, who is sitting on the floor looking troubled, is having a headache because of the song's choreography.

After the whole song was composed, Junxiu used a strong dance style in the arrangement, but this song is used by Junxiu to satirize those snobbish ladies and sisters, and like to show off that he is from Jiang/South Woolen cloth. If the dance is too strong, isn't the irony not up to it? So choreography became Junsu's most difficult problem at the moment.

"How the **** is this song going to be choreographed?" Junxiu naturally thought of the song and dance of TVXQ, which is not suitable for this song.

Junsu feels that this time is his official solo, so doing it himself is a reward for the fans waiting for.

But no one thought that choreography would become a problem. Because the dance should at least match the irony of the song, right?

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