Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 7: Crazy, but also in moderation?

If there is a camera in the karaoke room, you will find out that Girls' Generation at this time is a group of bombers, not idol singers. First of all, they sang with a microphone. They didn't sing as seriously as they were standing on the stage, but roared completely. At this time, they looked like singers? The roar is broken, out of tune, how to be happy, how to sing or not, for them, the most important thing is to have fun in the karaoke room.

Let's not talk about singing, let's talk about dancing. Wow, what is the majestic knife group dance on the stage in Girls' Generation in the karaoke room, here is the state of a group of demons dancing wildly. It is said that there is a 'free ribbon' in hip-hop, but in Girls' Generation's karaoke room, there is the same free play, each dance in its own way.

It is not an exaggeration to describe this place as a group of demons dancing. The deafening accompaniment, coupled with their roaring and dancing, this place is simply purgatory, purgatory. In the karaoke room, they are not the girls' generation, but some "ordinary people" who need to vent, seek happiness, and forget their own career. They put down the face of idols and released their joy here to their heart's content.

All kinds of crazy dances emerge in an endless stream, and they in the karaoke room are not better-looking and more handsome than others. It's here to compare who's dance is the funniest. Once you think who's dance is the funniest, there will be group imitations. And Junxiu acquired the new skill 'Riding Dance' in such 'knife group dance'.

Junsu, who had danced two songs of 'Riding Dance', sat beside Taeyeon thirsty. After he took a sip of beer, he started talking 'drinking'. Although Junsu himself is serious, Taeyeon thinks Junsu is just talking about drinking!

The title track of his new album is bizarre enough, but what does he say to use such a ridiculous dance? Taeyeon really thinks Junsu is 'drunk': "Oppa, I saw what you said for being 'funny', but I really haven't seen the feature. Are you sure you want to use this kind of song and this kind of dance? To be your solo title song?"

Facing Taeyeon's serious questioning, he also nodded seriously and said, "Of course I'll use this as the main game. I've been tortured crazy for the past two days because of this."

"Yeah, crazy, really crazy, but oppa, crazy, there has to be a limit, and it has to be moderate, right? Songs like yours are really just for fun?" Once I hear Junsu's song, I feel absurd, and Taeyeon is no exception.

World star, Korea's No. 1 musician JS Junsu, will he be laughed out of his mouth when he puts such a song on the first solo stage? As Taeyeon said, madness must be stopped in moderation.

Taeyeon feels that it doesn't matter if Junxiu goes crazy like this in such a private place, she's just trying to be happy, whatever. And she is also used to living in such a booming circle. So Junsu is crazy to release the pressure here, she can fully understand, but Junsu's first solo title song, he put such a song on such an important stage, it is really enough.

Not to mention the weirdness of the dance, when Junxiu showed her the title song of his album, she really couldn't find any other adjective except for being funny when she heard the first lyric.


When Taeyeon said this, her tone was stern, and her brows were drawn together deeply. Junsu knew that she was starting to become serious. So he put away his smile and said, "I know that the style of this song is completely different from my previous songs, but I still want to try it."

Just when Junsu and Taeyeon became serious, it happened that the music entered the quiet period of the 'next song', and the serious expressions of Junsu and Taeyeon were quickly discovered by everyone. The two of them sat face to face, but their expressions completely contrasted with the joyful atmosphere of the karaoke room. This made the crazy Xiuying and others stop being happy, and instead cared about Junsu and Taeyeon.

After Xiuying made a pause gesture towards Kim Hyoyeon, the whole noisy karaoke room instantly became quiet. And Kim Hyoyeon, who pressed the pause, also followed the eyes of Cui Xiuying and the others to look at Junxiu and Taeyeon. The atmosphere of confrontation between the two made her quickly ask: "What's the matter with the two of you? No way. Do you want to quarrel here? If we really want to quarrel, let's go back and quarrel. After we go back, we'll leave the living room to the two of you to quarrel slowly?"

Facing Kim Hyoyeon's words, Junxiu immediately laughed: "Puchi~~ What are we two arguing about, what is there to quarrel with, do you want us to quarrel? Hyoyeon?"

"It's not a quarrel, so what are you two doing now? You're so happy, what are you doing with a sincere face?"

After Kim Hyoyeon's sudden intervention, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Taeyeon sighed and shook her head and said, "We didn't want to quarrel. Instead, Oppa said that he will be used for the 'horse dance' you just danced together. This time the title song of SOLO is the highlight of the choreography.”

Isn't that 'riding dance' just for fun, everyone dances together happily? Junxiu actually... This sudden contrast made Pani, who had just taken a sip of beer, spit it out: "Pff~cough cough...whhhhh??"

Everyone in the karaoke room was dumbfounded, except for Junxiu himself with his usual gentle smile. At this moment, everyone looked at him with a puzzled and inexplicable look.

Could anything be more absurd than this? You must know that he is Junxiu, he is a world star! Taeyeon's words are really...

They all have a voice in their hearts, 'Is today April Fool's Day? ’

After everyone was quiet for a few seconds, Li Shungui quickly looked left and right and said, "Hidden camera?" Yes, Li Shungui was looking for the camera at this time. Following Li Shungui's words, everyone began to look around for the camera. What is this "word" that is not a hidden camera?

Seeing what cameras they were all looking for, Junxiu smiled bitterly for a moment: "Hehe... how can there be any hidden cameras, and I didn't participate in variety shows. Besides, if I did participate in the show, the program team would give up on me. Interview, let me arrange hidden cameras for you?"

"It's rare to say, what if it's a variety show hosted by Oppa?"

"Yeah, the show I host won't be any funny variety show, nor is it a talk show, the show I host is the type of "Survival in the Wild"!"

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