Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 12: housewarming

Apart from the floor that made Junxiu a little unaccustomed to the view, the house was generally pretty good. As for Junxiu, who the uncle of the landlord said was also a celebrity living next door, he didn't care at all. Although the rent here seems to be a bit expensive, the decorations, home appliances and so on are all brand new. This is what makes Junxiu the most satisfied, at least it is quite good to support these facilities at this price.

First of all, the transportation here is convenient, and the privacy protection of the community is well done, especially the last point that Junxiu attaches great importance to, privacy protection. He chose to move out of the city tower because of privacy issues. Although the floor here is short, there are few residents. There are only fourteen families in one building. Of course, there is also a point where it is said that the person opposite is also a celebrity, so the person opposite is also a person who pays attention to privacy, so that they can not interfere with each other.

Junxiu didn’t care who lived across from him, but Minhyuk still asked the landlord curiously: “President Li, there are also celebrities who live across from them? Men or women?” The stars who can afford the high-end apartment in this area are definitely first-line. A star, so he felt the need to know whether it was male or female. It's good to say that the man arrives, if the woman comes back here and Junxiu also comes back here, it will inevitably let the reporters use their imaginations.

"Woman, she's an actress. What's her name? By the way, her latest TV series has just ended. She's performing with your TVXQ members."

Because the president's printing industry has a lot of cooperation with the music industry, it is normal for actors to be unable to name their names for a while. However, he suddenly said that a TVXQ member was filming. Junxiu tilted his head and said, "TVXQ? Yes.. someday! Ah.. it's Lee Da-hae who lives opposite."

When Junsu's TV series was broadcast, it was about the same time as Park Yoochun's TV series, except that one was a Moonfire drama and the other was a Shuimu drama. At that time, the media also used the drama of the two as a comparison, so Junsu knew that he was talking about a TV drama starring Park Yoochun, and the heroine was Lee Dahae. Of course, Lee Da-hae's brilliance was completely suppressed by Park Min-young during this time.

Moreover, Li Dahai is deeply liked by everyone as a first-line actress. With the money she has earned over the past few years, Junxiu has learned that she has invested in a lot of real estate. After making money, she directly invested in real estate, and I have to say that her vision is really good.

Junxiu didn't care who lived opposite, but Minhyuk was a little depressed: "Why is Li Dahai living opposite? Really... Junxiu, when you come back in the future... Forget it, if it really arrives at that time, only I can make a statement."

Min Hyuk knew that Junsu would definitely alert the reporters after he moved in. Maybe he would let the reporter take a picture of Lee Dahae going out. Now the reporter's ability to read pictures and make up stories is getting stronger and stronger, so no matter what he wants to avoid are impossible things. On the contrary, the more you want to avoid it, the easier it is to be misunderstood. It is better to make a statement than this. It is normal for two people to be neighbors in such an apartment.

Junxiu nodded and said, "That's the only way. Now the media is more and more able to make up stories. After I live here, I will definitely be photographed entering the same community as Li Dahai, which is inevitable. It's impossible for me to say that I don't live here in order to avoid the scandal, right? President Li, do you think so?"

"Yes, there are a lot of celebrities living in high-end apartments now. Apart from buying a single-family villa, there is a good chance of being neighbors with big celebrities."


After signing the contract, the uncle gave Junxiu the key card, and Minhyuk carefully visited the house again and said to Junxiu, "Are you satisfied? Here."

"Well, it's pretty good, mainly because there are few residents. I like it very much."

"Yeah, I have been considering living in a single-family villa for you, but there are really very few villas for rent, and most of them are sold. In the afternoon, I will contact the moving company and send you the things you put in the company. , you are waiting at home. Your studio .. I will call someone to install it for you tomorrow, remember to debug it after you come back."

Junxiu is really satisfied with this house: "Brother, thank you."

"I'll go back in a while. Your car... I'll drive it to you later. You have to go to the north of the city during this time. It's really inconvenient without a car. By the way, pack up... find your sister and the others yourself."

"I can only ask them for help. I happened to meet Xiuying earlier, and she said what a housewarming banquet is going on. After eating my meal, won't you do something for me? Hehe... let's go, I'll go out too, you Take me to the market, I have to buy something and entertain them at night."

Junsu and Minhyuk went out together, and when they opened the door, they happened to meet the next door neighbor. Not Lee Dahae ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but a middle-aged woman. Since they moved in, they haven't heard any noise from the house next door, which means they know that no one lives next door. Today, after Junxiu and the others arrived, the door will be opened for a while, closed for a while, and bid farewell for a while. In this quiet community, they naturally heard the voice of Minhyuk saying goodbye at the door when he sent his uncle out.

She didn't see Min Hyuk when she came out earlier, so she went home to pick up the garbage and went downstairs to sort the garbage. When she came back, she happened to meet Junxiu and Min Hyuk who were out.

When she met Junsu, she immediately recognized the most powerful star in the entertainment industry. The moment she saw Junxiu, she quickly smiled: "It's Junxiu, hello, hello, I'm the mother of actor Li Dahai. We live next door to you. Hehe..."

The meaning of Li Dahai's mother's smile was very simple. After she found out that the big star Junsu lived next to their house, her mind became alive. Who is the best son-in-law in Korea? Of course he is handsome. In terms of making money and talent, Junsu is the leader of the first echelon in Korea. Moreover, Lee Dahae's mother knew that Junsu and her daughter were not much different in age, so she had a feeling of being close to the water the moment she saw Junsu.

Facing Li Dahai's mother, Junxiu smiled gently and bowed to her: "Hello, Auntie. I'm Junxiu, I'll ask you to take care of me in the future."

"Hehe, take care, definitely take care. Are you... going out?"

"Well, go out to buy some ingredients or something. My sister and the others will come over at night."

"The housewarming banquet, do you want to help? Or, I'll ask Duo Hai to come and help you in a while? You are all in the same circle, and you will be neighbors in the future. Let's help each other."

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