Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 21: world horse dance

All the songs in Junsu's solo mini-album have finally been released. Three songs, three MVs, three different styles, and three completely different enjoyments. There are songs that make people laugh, there are songs that make people bloody, and there are songs that make people quiet to listen to.

The dance version of "" is a complete visual enjoyment for fans. Junxiu's dancing prowess made those who complained about him slapped in the face.

The listening enjoyment has the singing ability shown by the handsome "Lishui Night Sea", which really makes people feel like hearing a serenade of love. The thoughts in the night were mixed in Junxiu's songs and his perfect voice.

However, the most surprising thing is "Jiang/South Style". This song was initially disliked by everyone around Junxiu, and it began to burn to the whole world from the moment the album was released. Junxiu's horse-riding dance in the song makes people laugh bitterly. The lyrics are hilarious, the dancing is hilarious, the expressions are hilarious, and the whole song is simply ridiculous.

However, this "funny" in the eyes of everyone was promoted by Junxiu's friend Taylor, which detonated the European and American music industry. The hit rate of Junsu's title song "Jiang/Nan Style" on YouTube has soared when the other two MVs were broadcast here.

Seriously, even Junsu himself was horrified when he saw this statistic. It only took three days for the MV to be released. However, in these three days, it exceeded 50 million times on the "Youtube Korea Station". The total population of South Korea is only 50 million. In three days, everyone in Korea clicked? Please check the data, because the click rate of the MV is terrible.

You must know that Girls' Generation's "Gee" is now occupying the top of the "Korean Station" total clicks list, and her total click rate is only 89 million times. This is a song from two and a half years ago. It only took two and a half years to hit 89 million times, and Junxiu broke 5,000 in just three days? This data is too exaggerated.

After releasing the MV data on the third day, Junsu's music source was officially released. Of course, Junxiu's music slaughtering list is very normal. At the moment when the sound source announced last night, Junxiu's three songs, -Kill, this is a normal thing. However, after the song was released for 12 hours, Junxiu's title song was all broken for 12 hours. Status of the table.

Junsu's sound source appeal is only stronger than his ratings appeal.

This time Junsu's song can be called brainwashing and invincible, especially in the MV, Junsu's horse-riding dance with a cheap expression just instantly exploded the state of the whole Korea, and this is just the beginning!

After Junsu’s first week of singing, dance imitations finally appeared on the Internet. However, on the main YouTube site, Junsu's title song broke the '100 million' hits at a record-breaking rate. Of course, these hits are just trivial things. What really makes the Korean side feel boiling is that Junsu is actually this time. Hit the bulletin board with Korean songs!

Junsu's song album download sales hit No. 24 on the US sales chart in the first week, and the first Korean song on the Billboard Top 100 hit No. 54. After the next update, Junsu took his own song to the top. 11th on the Billboard Top 100.

This is the first time a Korean song has appeared in the top 15 on the Billboard Hot 100, and it continues to expand as the horse dance goes crazy all over the world. The download of Junsu's Korean song actually exceeded one million copies on the bulletin board. Horror, can only be described as horror.

This can be said to be the best result of Korean songs, but this is still the beginning. The United States is because Junsu's songs have achieved good results with the help of Taylor and various Hollywood stars. Yes, Junsu took the brainwashing Divine Comedy and that hilarious horse-riding dance and conquered the entire United States. Various versions of horse-riding dances began to appear on YouTube, and this simple and funny dance was easily imitated.

That is, imitating the wind to spread on the tubing, Junxiu's MV has further expanded to South America, Europe, Australia, and so on. And of course Junxiu's home base, Asia!

Crazy, crazy, horse dancing crazy.

In the YouTube Korean station, Junxiu's horse-riding dance has surpassed Girls' Generation's "Gee" with 89 million views and stands in the first position in the click rate. And Junsu has gained so much attention in the world with Korean songs, such achievements have made the media shut up their black mouths.

Junsu's MV announced a number of Korean attractions. After the promotion of the MV, the Korean cultural and tourism department directly awarded Junsu the highest medal and made him the ambassador of Korean entertainment culture.

The ambassador of Korean entertainment culture, this is like saying that Junsu alone represents the entire Korean entertainment industry to promote the whole world. Is such an honor high? Of course it is high. This is an honor comparable to the Presidential Medal.

In addition to the rhythm and melody like a "spiritual virus", the horse-riding dance in "Jiang/South Style" is also the reason why it is popular all over the world. This dance has attracted netizens, celebrities, politicians, military, athletes, and even major cities all over the world. People from all walks of life, etc., have begun to imitate and adapt one after another, and many netizens have recorded their own versions. Almost all of them can make people laugh. It can definitely be regarded as a global entertainment feast~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ No one thought that this song would achieve unprecedented success. This honor even surpassed Junsu and won three Grammys for Korea. Because the three Grammys were won by Junsu with English songs, and this one is in Korean, ah, Korean. And the song went straight to No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 in its third week.

This is simply incredible, to know that this is a Korean song. In the third week, Junsu's song was certified double platinum on Billboard, which means the album has sold more than two million copies.

And Junxiu's song this time, in addition to the billboard, also occupied the first place in many music charts in many countries around the world. Again, this is a Korean song! !

This is the only Korean song that has been certified by the whole world.

Minhyuk also never thought that Junsu’s song this time would have such an influence, so he was very smart and immediately contacted Junsu and asked him and HyunA to shoot a version of ‘HyunA’s version of ‘Brother is My Style’’

As a child of Junsu's own company, and as the female lead of Junsu's MV, HyunA naturally got on the super express to 'Jiang/South'.

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