Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 41: Love is branded in the heart (middle)

Girls' Generation practiced until late at night, and their stomachs were a little hungry. Even if they eat a lot of dinner, they still can't stand the huge consumption of their practice, right? So, when Junxiu put the Chinese dim sum she brought back from Yanjing in front of them, they all exclaimed in amazement, because it was so timely.

When hunger strikes and the sugar content decreases, Chinese-style refreshments are both satisfying and sugar-replenishing. Each of them eats a piece of cake and is amazed at the taste of Chinese-style snacks: "What's your taste? I actually have this one. Is it salty?"

"I'm sweet, it's weird that the tea is salty? Hey, hers is actually meat floss." I really understand the types of Chinese tea, sweet, salty, floral, nutty, and preserved fruit. and many more. There are many kinds of dim sum that they have never seen before.

However, everyone was eating, but Taeyeon was prevented by Junxiu from letting her eat it, Junxiu handed her a piece of osmanthus cake: "I forgot exactly what kind of cakes in the box are nuts, this It's osmanthus. The floral and fruity scent is pretty good too."

Taeyeon is allergic to nuts, so when Taeyeon is facing this box of exquisite cakes, she can't reach out and take it. You can't be held responsible then. So Taeyeon's pastries were hand-picked by Junsu.

Although they all understood that Taeyeon's allergic symptoms were no joke, when they saw Junsu's sweetness towards Taeyeon, Xiuying, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but cried out: " Eh~~ Do you two want to do this?"

Those sweet loves have always been the thorns in their hearts, even if it is the plot that appears in the TV series, they will cry of dissatisfaction when they see it. What's more, Junsu and Taeyeon broadcast live in front of them, which is even more unbearable: "Yeah, watching the performance of the two of you. It's more sweet than eating these cakes. I can't stand it! You guys If you want to show, can you go a little farther?"

When their voices fell, Junsu said with a smile: "Since you can't stand it anymore? Then Taeyeon and I will leave?" It seems that Junsu has planned this matter, and this Pastries from Yanjing are like what he used to bribe them.

"Let's go, let's go. Who told us to eat your food? We can only open one eye and close one eye. Besides, even if you don't come, we will go back to the dormitory after a while. Yes. You should go first, so as not to be an eyesore here."

Although they said that they still need to practice, but they were very understanding and supportive when they heard that Junxiu was going to take Taeyeon to leave first to go to their two-person world. Because Junsu and the others were busy with their work some time ago, Taeyeon basically didn't meet Junsu, which was something they all knew.

So when they finally saw Junsu today who had a little spare time and wanted to live in their own world with Taeyeon, they should have made it easier for them. After all, their comeback is about to start. At this time, it's just a two-person world that belongs to them, so when they get busy, I don't know how long it will take.

Besides, it's late at night now, and after a while, they plan to end their practice and return to the dormitory. So at this time, Taeyeon just left an hour or so earlier, and it doesn't mean that she forgot her work because she was in love. Moreover, the two of them came to be in such an easy love, shouldn't they understand that they are on the same team?


After coming out of the practice room, Taeyeon went home with Junsu, because it was only late at night, and there were not many people on the street like in the early morning. So their date place naturally chose Junxiu's house.

After the move, Junxiu's house doesn't look down on the entire Jiang/Nam area like before, but here you can see the scenery of the Han River up close. In the past two years, the riverside apartments have been very popular, because the colorful lights on the bridge at night are surprising.

Junsu went to take a shower after he got home, because he had been running all day. Without a shower, this hot summer can make one feel uncomfortable. And Taeyeon stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the brightly lit Han River and the bridge body that kept changing colors. Blue, purple, red.. colorful is very beautiful.

Perhaps it was the quietness of the night and the tranquility of Junxiu's home, which made Taeyeon want to watch the night~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the two of them went through such a thing, Taeyeon felt that she still couldn't let go of his hand. After experiencing the pain of heartbreak and emotional torment, she still can't easily say let go. Taeyeon may already know this love, but in fact, it has already been deeply branded on her heart and can't be shaken away.

When her heart was broken, she even wanted to say that she would be separated like this, right? But when the 'qi' had been polished by time, she found that she didn't have the courage to say the word separation. Being around him has become a deeply ingrained habit, and it is a habit that can't be broken no matter how you quit.

She just looked at the bridge on the Han River in such a calm manner as the vehicles shuttled back and forth for an unknown amount of time. After taking a shower, Junxiu walked over and wiped his wet hair: "There are watermelons and some other fruits in the refrigerator, oh, and ice cream, what do you want to eat? I'll get it for you!"

Taeyeon turned her head to look at Junsu, and the familiar feeling he gave her made a warm current rushed to her heart. After a feeling of comfort came up, Taeyeon smiled unconsciously: "Just have some fruit."

Junxiu nodded, and took out a grapefruit from Jeju Island from the refrigerator: "Jeju Island orchard personally picked it and sent it over. I have eaten two, and they are very sweet."

"Oh? You went to Jeju Island to perform?"

"No, it was Zhaoyou, a member of my company's girl group SISTAR, who sent it from her home. Minhyuk took a box of it himself, and he sent a box to me." Junxiu said, while From under the stove, I took out a new juicer. This machine is very small, and it is the kind of machine that can open a small hole for professional fresh juice.

Generally speaking, such machines are only used in coffee shops. Taeyeon did not expect that Junxiu’s house actually has such a machine: “Oppa, you actually have such a fresh press in your house?”

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