Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 43: Tara marches into RB (Part 1)

The sumptuous breakfast perfectly reflects Junsu's love for her, so Taeyeon's heart is more sweet and warm when enjoying this breakfast. Of course, the food is really delicious. The Korean breakfast (soup and rice) made by Junsu himself is there any food in the world that is more delicious and can reflect the "heart" than his own hands? So Taeyeon couldn't wait to tell Junsu how happy she was with kakao.

Junsu, who was receiving makeup and preparing to shoot a pictorial, after seeing Taeyeon's news, he promptly replied, "You like it, I have made a lot of food, you can take it back with you later." I seldom have time to eat at home lately, and it's not worth it to leave it spoiled. ’

‘Well, if you don’t say it, I think so too. They all like to eat the pork ribs soup made by oppa very much. I think eating such a light soup and rice in the morning, the spicy soup and rice with each other is more delicious. ’

The two chatted through text like this, until Junsu's reply became slow, and Taeyeon knew that he didn't have time to reply. So she started to pack up the breakfast Junsu made and head back to the dormitory.

Girls' Generation's 'mansion dormitory' Taeyeon put the soup brought back from Junsu's house on the table, and then said to the teammates in the room: "If you want to eat breakfast, come out quickly, Oppa stewed pigs for us in the morning. Rib soup."

After they went to the company, they would practice there all day, so the time to go in the morning was around 10:00. Before ten o'clock, they all had their own arrangements. Or sleep late, or wake up to play games, or read a book?

In short, under Taeyeon's cry, people doing their own things appeared one after another: "Wow.. You have a good conscience to know that you can bring us some back."

Junxiu's stewed soup is perfect for premature birth, especially when the soup and rice are paired with kimchi and other small side dishes, it is called perfection.


Girls' Generation had the strength to practice after eating the pork ribs soup made by Junsu, and Junsu looked at the news on his phone during the filming break. When he read the message from Minhyuk, he let out a happy cry. 'YES! ! ' Because Minhyuk's text message said, 'Tara's exclusive contract to enter the Japanese market has been negotiated, with a signing fee of 350 million yen (3.5 billion won). ’

With just one signing fee, Li Yuhao's bet amount has been fulfilled by one-tenth. It is because of such a high signing fee that Junsu sees hope of victory. Especially the sound source of "Roly.Poly" released some time ago is really amazing. So far, the music sales of this song have exceeded 2 billion won. Of course, the number of 2 billion was reported by the news agency, but in fact, there are a lot of "sweeping votes" in this number.

But no matter what, Tara is really prosperous at this time. They have a very full schedule every day, there are a lot of local business performances, and they have a large amount of business performances every day. This year, they really hope to catch up with Girls' Generation.

Junsu who was in a good mood sent a message to Minhyuk, 'Do the children know this news? ’

'I haven't said it yet. The plan is to go by the end of this month and I'm practicing with the lyricists over there to change their "Bobby Bobby", I'm thinking of releasing their old songs first. As for this song, are you pushing it out for a while? What do you think? ’

'Well, do as you say. Let them get tired, don't lose the great market here, tell them to run back and forth, don't be afraid of tossing. By the way, let the children have dinner together at night, and then I will tell them the news. ’

'Okay, you have to give them some advice on the Japanese side when you have dinner at night, you know the Japanese market better than I do. ’

After Junsu agreed to have dinner with Tara in the evening, he continued to start his own pictorial work.


In the afternoon, Junsu finished her pictorial shoot and went to JS Entertainment first, because Tara was still rushing back from the place, so the time for dinner was delayed. Junsu has no schedule after shooting the pictorial today, because in two days, he will leave for Africa to participate in the first "Law of the Jungle" recording. S.M kindly gave Junsu a few days to recuperate.

After all, Junxiu didn't rest for more than 4 hours a day after his personal return. Such a high-pressure trip made his body exhausted, so thinking that he was going to the wild survival company gave him a few days of training in the afternoon. Otherwise, Junxiu won't be able to make money when his body breaks down.

After Junsu arrived, he did not rush to Minhyuk's office, but came to the practice room floor of the debut artist. I heard Minhyuk say that during this time, the children are actively preparing for the album at the end of the year, and Junsu came to see the children.

The number of the first practice room in the corridor reads 'Apink' Junxiu looked at the name, and his mind naturally presented the appearance of those familiar children. Junxiu pushed open the door of the practice room and walked in~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After opening the door, Junxiu was dumbfounded for a moment, not that they were sitting and playing, but that the clothes they wore during practice were all Junxiu's peripheral T shirt.

Junxiu watched them practice dancing in their support T-shirts, and he couldn't help laughing: "What, I thought I was at my fan meeting." Junxiu's arrival made the children of Apink goofy stopped dancing practice.

Under the leadership of Park Chulong, they quickly formed the team and bowed to Junxiu: "1..2..3..Senior Junxiu, hello, we are APINK!"

Junxiu nodded with satisfaction: "It's very imposing. In a hurry, play the music again and dance again."

"Inside!" Wu Xiarong quickly ran to the player and played the song again.

"MY.MY" is very much in line with the song of their group's pure positioning. Such a youthful song can't be said to be good or bad. To say it, it is very suitable for their age at this time.

Junxiu's first comment after the dance performance was: "Chulong, lose weight, don't let me repeat this question every time I see you. Use one cruelty to lose weight completely. Obviously such a beautiful person, Why are you so chubby?"

When Chulong lowered his head depressedly, Junxiu continued: "Naen, bring your smile to practice, don't think this is not your own paragraph, just hide next to you and don't have to smile. It's easy to catch the expression after the current camera sweeps over, don't let people think you are arrogant, you are obviously a stupid child."

Sun Naen gritted her teeth and responded to Junxiu: "Inner, I see."

After Junxiu came in, the comments slandered two people, which made the children standing beside them nervous...

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