Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 47: Once Love Story (Part 1)

Eating and chatting, it seems that these two things should be one. And isn't Junxiu eating with so many of them just for fun? Otherwise, the matter of going to Japan for development is the same as conveyed through a broker. And the topics that are often accompanied during meals are either fun, anecdotes, or love life. However, Junxiu had already chatted with them about work, and the rest...

The rest is naturally related to emotional issues. Junxiu's emotional issues have always been a mystery to the outside world, and it is the mystery that the media most want to solve. But this puzzle is known to those who are familiar with Junxiu around him, and his emotions only have a protective umbrella. Junxiu himself has admitted his relationship to the friends around him, after all, it is not a shameful thing.

On the other hand, when men meet with men, they rarely talk about emotional issues. It's like when Junxiu and Haha eat and drink, most of them talk about funny things, or which female star in the circle is pretty good. You must know that the two of them have their own emotional lives, but they never use their feelings as a talk.

The only time that Junsu said it was when Yui Aragaki and Taeyeon were at their most emotionally confused, but Haha's answers were all very succinct, that is, let Junsu make a decision by himself, there is no other comfort! Because this kind of thing is no need to comfort in the eyes of men.

But women's parties are different. Women's parties are mainly about emotional conversations. If a group of women without men sit together, the topic will naturally turn to men. This is a very normal type of chat between men and women.

Now Junsu sits with a group of their women, some of whom are not too different in age from Junsu. After talking about formal issues like work, they naturally planned to switch to lighter topics. The easy topic of women is men, and they also have a very gossipy heart.

Regarding Junsu and Park Soyeon, they all knew in their hearts that there must be a story between the two. It's just that So Yeon hasn't told everyone about the love story between the two. Su Yan didn't take the initiative to say it, and they were embarrassed to ask.

But the object involved in this matter is the most popular 'JS Junsu' in the world right now. As for such a central character in the story, how can they stop the curiosity of the slow gossip? In the past, they all felt embarrassed to ask this question, because every time they asked Soyeon, they always brought some anger, and they chose to keep their mouths shut for the unity of the group.

But today both parties are here, and after drinking several glasses of wine, perhaps the best appetizer for a woman is a love story. So Baolan said such words and made such actions. She only said in her words 'talking about love. ' Then he glanced at the two of them with his eyes.

Although the words are not completely spoken, everyone is a discerning person, even Park Zhiyan, who is sitting next to the food without talking and smothering the food, understands Baolan's suggestion. Pu Zhiyan bit her chopsticks, followed Bao Lan's words and turned her attention to Junxiu, and then looked at Sister Suyan.

Yes, even Park Jiyeon, a child whose personality is not much different from a high school student, is curious, not to mention the sisters sitting next to her. The love story itself is very attractive, not to mention that the hero and heroine of this story are known to them. If you don't gossip, you will really be suffocated by that curiosity.

Bao Lan's words left room for everyone. She just looked at the two with her eyes, indicating that she was curious about their story. But, let's not talk about Junxiu and the others. After all, she didn't ask it out directly.

Baolan's sudden question like this made Junxiu startled, and Suyan, who was sitting next to her, was not calm, her brows were tightly furrowed together, and 'anger' was written on her face, and she said coldly to Baolan: " What do you mean?"

So Yeon was quite angry at this time, really, she had expressed her intentions more than once about Junxiu. Anyway, Su Yan's meaning is very simple. Even if you see something and know something, please bury this matter in your heart and don't ask. She didn't want to talk about the past, and she didn't want to talk about it.

Who knew that Baolan actually talked about this matter in front of her and Junxiu at this time, which made Suyan's fire suddenly rise. In Suyan's heart, the matter about her and Junsu should be kept secret, even if they can see something, but for Junsu and herself, it's best not to say anything.

Su Yan thinks that Bao Lan's red fruit at this time will make Junxiu feel that she is showing off this story in the dormitory~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junxiu never tells her love history, even if it is true Taeyeon didn't even talk about her love history. Because Junxiu felt that "love history" is always in the past tense, so there is no need to tell it.

But after being provoked by Baolan today, Junxiu also wanted to take this opportunity to say sorry to Suyan herself. In the past, he was indeed misunderstood. Because of his misunderstanding, the relationship between the two was separated. If you really want to distinguish between right and wrong in this relationship, then Junsu really hurt Soyeon.

And when she was the saddest and saddest, instead of comforting her, he added new wounds to her. Losing her favorite relative and losing her favorite man at the same time, such a double blow, it is no wonder that Suyan will always hide from Junxiu in the future.

In fact, Junsu knew that his relationship with Soyeon had been suspected by the people in their team from the moment they Taa debuted. It's a necessity, who told him to contact them when they debuted? Junsu's special care for Soyeon is indeed special enough! In addition, he promised to write songs for them Taa at the beginning, all because of Soyeon's relationship. No matter what Junsu and their president made a bet later, who would believe it without Soyeon's factors in it?

Therefore, it is said that the two are just a teacher-student relationship. Such an assertion to the outside world is enough to fool people outside, and it is obviously impossible to fool them who are together day and night.

Junxiu himself knew that this couldn't be concealed, so when Baolan talked about this issue, he planned to have a good chat. After all, he and Soyeon didn't have the chance to meet alone, so even if he wanted to apologize, Junxiu felt that he should be a little more manly and apologized to her in front of everyone.

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