Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 54: Stopover in Tokyo (middle)

It took nearly an hour for Junxiu to return to his home in Tokyo. Of course, this home was his and Yui's home, and he didn't choose to go back to the penthouse that he hadn't been to for a long time. After he left Japan, it was almost Girls' Generation. People are using it. In fact, the decision to buy it was not only to cover up his and Yui Aragaki's home, but also a real estate investment.

And today, when he returned to the nest with Yui and saw the photo of him and Yui on the TV cabinet, Junxiu wondered if he was going to sell the house there? After all, it seems useless to keep the house? But when the idea of ​​'selling' came out, he himself denied it. After all, Japan suffered a catastrophe this year. The current house price is a bit fluctuating, so even if he wants to sell it, Junxiu plans to hold it for another two years.

Nothing has changed in this home, clean, tidy and unstained on one floor. I don't know since when Yui felt that "cleaning" became her best way to decompress. Maybe it started after dismissing Junsu's accustomed housekeeping service? In short, this home is almost all Yuyi cleaning by herself. In fact, Junxiu has persuaded Yuyi many times not to make herself so tired. After all, this home is relatively spacious.

The traces of his love with her can be seen everywhere in the whole family, and Junxiu has a warm feeling in her heart after seeing all this. Although Yui was not at home at this time, the whole room was furnished as if she was waiting for him to come home at any time, warm and warm.

Junxiu opened the refrigerator and looked at the traces of Yui's life. The refrigerator contained some of Yui's favorite meats, as well as vegetables, fruits, and so on. Of course, there is also the essential 'wine' that Junxiu likes. The corner of Junxiu's mouth raised a happy angle. He casually picked up the beef frozen in the freezer and looked at it. The label of the supermarket has not been torn off. The origin and parts of wagyu beef are clearly written, and the marbling of beef is always so charming, especially Junxiu hasn't had lunch yet.

After closing the refrigerator, Junxiu entered the master bedroom. This is his and Yui's bedroom. On the bedside of the bedroom is a romantic photo of her and Junxiu cuddling their backs while taking ramen. There is also a Korean album released by Junxiu this time. Junxiu casually picked up his album and laughed: "Yuyi also bought my album."

This time Junsu's Korean album is also sold in Japan, so when Junsu sees the album displayed here, the warmth in his heart hits his heart again.

After putting down her album, Junxiu walked towards the cloakroom. The appearance of the cloakroom did not change much, but it felt like there were a lot more clothes hanging. Junxiu has always been puzzled about Yui. She obviously likes to do hygiene, do laundry, etc., but she doesn't like to fold her clothes. Her laundry hangs directly after ironing.

Junxiu took his underwear in the drawer and went to the bathroom to take a bath. He planned to have a meal after the bath, and then inquired about where Yui's studio was, and went to visit the class in the afternoon when he was free.


After coming out of the house, Junxiu did not choose to drive the vehicle at home, but chose a simple taxi trip. Sitting in the car, Junxiu began to contact his agent, because he needed to find out where Yui's studio was through his agent.

Ten minutes later, Junxiu's manager sent a message that the filming location was three hours away from Tokyo, and Yui would be back at six o'clock because she was hosting a radio show at ten o'clock in the evening.

Radio is a program that is broadcast live every day, so when Yui is filming TV series and movies, she must arrive at the radio station before ten o'clock every night. After the two-hour broadcast, I got off work at 12:00 on time to go home or rush to the set. If it is a TV series, then she has to go to the studio after the broadcast, and the movie will not be used, because the movie is broadcast after it is produced.

In the text message, the agent here asked Junxiu if he needed him to send him there? Junxiu hesitated for a while before replying: "No need." Because Junxiu didn't plan to go, since Yui would go home after 12 o'clock in the evening, Junxiu just went home and waited, otherwise Junxiu, who came and went, was just there. It will take six hours on the road.

Of course, the time on the road is not important. What is important is that Junxiu promised the restaurant that he would definitely go there for dinner tonight, and it was for two people.

After putting away the phone, Junsu said to the taxi driver, "Go to Akihabara." Of course Junsu didn't care about anime or AKB, but went to the electrical street there.

When Junxiu came to Akihabara, he realized that the whole street was only human. There are so many people, the feeling here is very similar to that of Takeshita Tong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But there are fashion products over there, and animation, electrical appliances, and other products here.

However, it is not unusual for Junsu to walk on this street with a mask, he does not attract anyone's attention at all. Because there are many otakus wearing masks here, and there are also anime COS, and of course the essential maids who hand out flyers.

Maid Cafe, the most unique cafe in Japan, must be very curious for a man like Junxiu who has never been there. Junxiu looked at the Home.Cafe, the largest chain of maid cafes in Japan, in front of him. It had five floors.

Junxiu, who had not eaten, suddenly wanted to experience the most unique cafe in Japan on a whim.

Wearing a mask and a hat, Junxiu entered this cafe wearing a maid outfit. The first sentence after entering was "Welcome the master back". The children here were extremely loud, and Junxiu heard their welcome. The words, the mood is not bad.

Although the maid couldn't see Junsu's smile, the corners of Junsu's mouth under the mask turned up happily. Really, it's as unique as the rumors. The whole room is decorated in pink, soft and cute. After Junxiu came in and saw the color of the room, he immediately thought of the pink-controlled Pani.

He even spoofed thinking that if Panney wears this dress, hehe~~

Junxiu was seated in an unoccupied seat, and then a cute girl knelt in front of Junxiu, still chanting her familiar 'mantra'. She spoke very fast, and Junxiu listened to her rap and smiled. .

"Can I ask, Master, your name? This will allow the maid to call you by your name, and a nickname is also acceptable."

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