Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 57: Stopover in Tokyo (Continued 2)

After Junxiu came out of the electrical street in Akihabara, he bought a camera for this African shoot, because the kind of wilderness the program team went to was not a tourist attraction, but a pure natural environment. Junxiu just wanted to shoot that kind of wasteland without any artificial traces, it is a kind of pure beauty. Maybe there are only some nature channels in those places, and zoologists will go there.

After coming out, Junxiu looked at his watch. There were still more than two hours before the agreed meal time. He said to himself, "There are still more than two hours. Where are you going now?"

After Junxiu said these words, the sudden conditioned reflex in his head reminded him that his reservation was for two people. But where does he find a second person to dine with him now? It's such a rare store to make an appointment. It seems like a waste of time to go alone! Yui couldn't come back during meal time, so Junsu ignored her. And the younger generation in the circle that he knows is no one in Japan.

Girls' Generation has returned, so has Kara, and even Boa, who spends more time in Japan on weekdays, has also returned. Junsu took out his phone and looked at the name on it: "Wow.. why are you all back home?" The Korean artists whose names were registered in Junsu's phone book were all in Korea at this time. There is no one who wants to find a meal partner in this foreign country.

Although Junxiu is in Tokyo at this time, but when he thinks of his dinner partner... As long as Yui Aragaki is the first choice, he will naturally think of Korean insiders. Of course, he has the phone numbers of Japanese artists, such as Nagasawa Masami and Ishihara Satomi, these two Japanese first-line beautiful actresses, but Junxiu couldn't take the initiative to contact them.

Just when Junxiu was holding the phone and didn't know who to call, his cell phone rang, and Junxiu really didn't want to answer the call with the words "Kim Youngmin". Anyway, it's always bad for this representative to call.

"Why?" Junxiu answered Jin Yingmin's call depressedly, and her voice was extremely impatient. But Jin Yingmin on the other end of the phone didn't get angry because of Junxiu's impatience. Instead, he said to Junxiu with a smile on the phone: "Junxiu, I heard that you went to Tokyo? Your overseas itinerary is not in Paris? The two cities are a bit far apart."

The destination of Junsu’s overseas trip was in Paris, but Kim Young-min was shocked when he received the news that Junsu didn’t go to Paris, but went to Tokyo. If you let other people's pigeons on your overseas itinerary, will you still have it? First of all, Junsu's reputation is damaged, and the second is the company. Of course, Kim Young Min doesn't believe that Junsu is the kind of person who would run away on his own regardless of the importance. However, he didn't even say hello, he just left the agent who went to Paris with him, and went to Tokyo alone. This is too absurd to think about, right?

"I didn't tell the agent, I want to come to Tokyo. I ordered three Michelin stars here. Do you know how difficult it is to book a restaurant? And the store called me yesterday to confirm, and I agreed. I will go to the store today. For the Paris itinerary, I will go there early tomorrow morning, don’t worry, it will not be delayed. I calculated the time.”

"Yeah, Junxiu, you're like this... wait, someone is talking to you." Jin Yingmin's phone seemed to be handed to someone, Junxiu didn't even have to think about who it was, so he waited with a wry smile. The head person answers it. A few seconds later, Li Xiuman's voice appeared: "Junxiu, you've become more and more self-willed recently. You don't want to do this."

"I'm wayward there? I'm just adjusting my time reasonably. Besides, I don't want to delay my overseas trip, right?"

The angle of standing is different, and of course the things to consider are different. As the boss of the company, Li Xiuman's starting point is the company. Although Junxiu is a shareholder of the company, he has never put himself in the position of shareholder and company manager. More often, he still puts himself in the position of 'artist' to consider things.

And Li Xiuman feels that the company has given Junxiu enough "freedom of choice", and any schedule will be notified to him in advance. Except for some itineraries that cannot be avoided, as long as it is some itineraries that can be accepted, the company will hand over the right to him, and he decides whether to accept or not. Like this Paris itinerary.

Li Xiuman thinks that the company has arranged an adjustment time for you after arriving in Paris, but you have arranged this adjustment time yourself again. Well, take a step back, even if you want to arrange it yourself, wouldn't you discuss it with the company in advance? I go my own way? What do you want to do? This is really too capricious. You must know that Junxiu is a shareholder and a senior at the same time. If the younger artists of the company are all like you, who can learn and do whatever they want, should the company still be managed?

This is what Lee Soo-man's dissatisfaction with Jun-soo means. And Junxiu thinks it's obviously a blank time, so what if I arrange it myself? I will not delay my overseas trip.

"Junxiu, you are a senior, you have to be your role model for the children. If you let everyone know your behavior, and then wait for yourself to become famous and learn your wayward behavior, then the company's system will be You are a senior and a role model for all artists in the company, and you are also a shareholder of the company. Do you want your own JS Entertainment to be so lawless?"

Lee Soo Man didn't get angry on the phone, but told Jun Soo the truth. And his "reason" is a mountain that Junsu cannot refute. So Junxiu can only admit his mistake: "I see, I'm sorry, there will be no 'next time'."

"Well, I also hope that there will be no 'next time'. And this October concert in New York's Madison Square Garden, you are responsible for the opening!"

"You can arrange whatever you want. I'll cooperate with the rehearsal. By the way, in the beginning, should I use English songs or Korean?"

"Of course it's your "Jiang/South Ribboner". You are not only a S.M artist on that stage, but also a representative of Korean artists!"

"Alright, alright, alright, you have the final say, anyway... The arrangement of this concert is all handed over to the teacher, so I don't care. And I don't have time when I come back, so I promised Zhien early. Make an album."

"I didn't ask you to arrange the music. It's alright. You can eat, drink and accompany your girlfriend over there. Just your little thought... Haha, can't I guess?"

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