Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 63: "Law of the Jungle" (3)

The night in Africa was extraordinarily quiet, and around Junxiu and the others there was only the sound of beeping firewood burning and exploding. They used the mosquito nets brought by Guangxi to make simple fishing nets, grabbed a few pitifully small 'fish fry' and made a dinner with the ramen seasoning packets brought by Liutan. Dinner' is actually a soup with water in a ramen seasoning packet. However, four big men drank ramen soup that was less than two cans to feed their stomachs.

Junxiu was so tired that he was about to collapse. He lay on the sand beside the bonfire and looked at the stars that were very close to him and said imaginative words: "After returning to Seoul, let's go eat meat, pork belly, Frostfall Beef, Pork Ribs, Steak Ribs..”

"Hahaha.. Junsu is already hungry." Ryutan laughed and said Junsu was crazy. Of course, no one present is not tired. As performers, they are tired, and the staff who are filming in such an environment for the first time are also tired. Fortunately, they still have simple things to eat.

After everyone laughed, they all lay quietly looking at the stars in the sky that they could reach with their hands. There are more stars here than Junxiu saw in Okinawa, and they are even brighter, and the stars have infected my heart with peace and tranquility. Just like that, they were quiet with each other, and Liu Tan and Guangxi fell asleep without knowing it. After all, it's been a tiring day and I haven't eaten yet.

In the quiet night, Liu Tan's hearty snoring appeared shortly after. Junxiu watched them fall asleep so quickly, and he got up to add firewood to them. The temperature difference between day and night in Africa is particularly large. Junsu warmly added firewood to everyone, and won praise from all the audience after the show was broadcast. You must know that in such a busy night, the staff set up the cameras and went to rest, and only Junxiu thought about everyone.

Just like that intermittent rest, the scorching sun of Africa climbed up into the sky, Junxiu looked at the members who were sleeping on the sand like that, he smiled and picked up the camera to shoot them, especially when it was in front of Liu Tan. , his snoring continued, and the soda can that he had eaten last night was still in front of him, Junxiu found a pebble from the sand and threw it into the soda can in front of him and said: 'live well Bar. ’

Yes, Liu Tan's appearance at this time is no different from that of a beggar. It should be said that everyone who slept on the floor without caring about anything like this last night looked like beggars.

Looking at them resting, Junsu and Jin Binwan, who got up early like him, went to explore this deserted island together. Carefully walk by the river, but also worry about whether there are crocodiles around.

Walking by the river, Junxiu called towards the empty uninhabited island in Africa: "Is there anyone, come and help us, we have been hungry for a day. Is there anyone~~"

And Jin Binwan, who was standing next to Junxiu, said with a smile: "Junxiu, save your energy, I'm so hungry that I can't even remember the funny jokes."

"This uninhabited island is simply a place where birds don't shit. What kind of wild survival is there? This is a cage, and it is a cage with a large African crocodile. Even drinking water requires a crocodile's bath water. If The crocodile has no morals, it is estimated that it is urinating... vomit, vomit~~"

When I was a child, I went swimming. Who hasn't urinated in the pool? So when Junsu said such words, Kim Byungman also cried bitterly: "Hey~~ Junsu, you are too disgusting. Wow.. You are more full of funny desires than comedians."


Kim Byung-man and Jun-su looked around, and found that there was nothing on the uninhabited island that could be used for food. The two of them had no choice but to return home in disappointment, sitting on the sandy ground of the camp and starting to fiddle with Guangxi's mosquito nets and fishing nets. When Kim Byung Wan started to traverse the net, Junsu sat next to the show crew and said, "There is nothing to eat around here. It seems that the only source of food for us is this river. What, in two days we'll be hitting the crocodile's attention. So, what's the scariest thing in this world? Humans! Especially hungry ones! I've watched something on TV say, when there's no food There are even cannibals! Scary, right?"

Just when Junxiu was talking about terrible things, VJ accidentally stepped on Junxiu and the others' rice bowls (cans), VJ surrendered and said, "Uh, I seem to have trampled your rice bowls."

A few people were hungry and mad at the scene. After listening to these words of collapse, they all looked at VJ dumbfounded, only Junxiu quickly stood up from the sand and stepped forward and grabbed VJ's collar: "Yeah~~ You today If you don't lose our job, you can't walk. Do you know how precious this is to us? And I made it with expensive guitar strings? Do you know how much it cost? You have to give us at least one A marching lunch box for relative value.”

In the face of a group of hungry and crazy people who are breaking their jobs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The consequence is not to mention how terrifying, Junxiu even madly stepped forward and grabbed VJ's collar. However, this scene naturally found a lot of attacks from black fans after the show was broadcast, saying that Junxiu was playing big names and playing with emotions on the filming site. However, everyone, including the staff, knew that Junxiu's actions were just a variety show component.

Yoo Jae-suk and others also caught the collars of Kim Tae-ho, RM's Min PD, etc. in variety shows. The only difference is that Yoo Jae Suk is a comedian, Junsu isn't? So Junsu can't be funny in this way?

The program team was a bit dumbfounded when they saw these ridiculous attacks on Junxiu. Even the PD at that time came out and said after the news that Junxiu was just joking, just to add to the show's highlights. He also took the initiative to express his apology to VJ after he left the camera.

However, those black fans on the Internet didn't believe the explanation from the program team, saying that the program team was under pressure to say good things to Junxiu, and even rumors that the person involved had resigned and so on came out.

Fortunately, there were many cameras running when the show was filming. Junxiu avoided the main shot but was caught by other shots where he took the initiative to apologize. The show team also uploaded the video to the show's official website.

This time, the actions of black fans did not smear Junxiu, but added a lot of favorability to Junxiu. Junxiu is still the humble world star that fans know behind the camera. He is not dazzled by the glory, and he is still so kind to the staff.

And this time, after the intentional smear incident, many staff members who have worked with Junsu have stood up and said good things to Junsu. They said that he is a very kind, easy-going, and warm person off-camera.

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