Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 108: Tokyo Dating (Part 2)

Junxiu went to Japan this time to bring photos of his new home. He simply carried a passport, wallet, etc. in his backpack. He didn’t bring any clothes this time, because the home over there There are. Junsu, who has been traumatized by the program team, is looking forward to going to Tokyo to seek spiritual healing.

It has been two months since Junsu went to Tokyo before he left for "The Jungle" last time. Yui, her month 9 filming has ended, and she is resting during this time. This time Junsu practiced for Yui before heading to Tokyo, and he had three days off. He wanted to spend these short, sweet, and precious three days with Yui.

So before Junxiu came home, Yui in Tokyo was already busy to welcome him home. When she was filming the TV series, when Junxiu was not active in Japan, there was basically not much food in the refrigerator at home. Even after she has finished filming the TV series, because she is the only one at home, she is more casual in terms of food.

However, when she learned that Junsu was going home today, she immediately went to the market to buy some things that Junsu loved to eat and she was very good at. After buying the ingredients and packing the refrigerator, Yui drove non-stop to the airport to pick up Junxiu.

The two have very little dating time, so they cherish this time especially. In order to be able to stay with Junxiu for one more hour, Yui gave up waiting for his return at home, and chose to drive herself to the airport to pick him up.

Although Junxiu said that he could take the subway home, but Yui insisted on coming to the airport to pick him up, Junxiu agreed. I haven't seen each other for two months, especially when Junxiu is out in the wild, his mobile phone has no signal, so he can't even text and chat. After finally waiting for Junsu to come back from the outdoors, Yui felt that she had a lot to say to him.

Not only are the two in a long-distance relationship, but they are both the kind of people who are busy with work for a long time. So it would be really troublesome to fall in love, especially when she was sick, or when she was tired from filming. After returning home, she was alone and faced an empty room, the kind of emptiness that suddenly hit, suddenly hit The loneliness is really disturbing.

On nights like that, even a phone call would comfort her, or a text message would make her happy. However, Junxiu is in a place where there is no way to connect. Although they understand that this is their occupational problem, but they cannot accept this occupation, so many times love is hard, and love is tangled.

Fortunately, neither of them was knocked down by this 'loneliness', and their feelings for each other still exist in their hearts and have never diminished.

Fortunately, Yui's personality is not the kind of sticky person, so even if they are separated for a short time, they can insist on their love. Yes, the only way for this love is to stick to it. Because the thought of 'separation' never appeared in Yui's mind once. This is a great love that persists and is firm.


Love is always sweet, when Yui parked the car in the airport parking lot. When she turned off the engine, Yui unconsciously raised a happy smile. When I see the person I miss, the feeling of happiness spreads in my heart like a ripple, and the happiness turns into the warm current of winter and travels all over the body.

Yui didn't go to the exit to wait for Junxiu, she just sat quietly in the car and waited for his arrival. Sitting in the car, Yui hadn't even finished listening to Junxiu's "Night Sea in Lishui" when her phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, Yui smiled brightly: "oppa, here it is? I'm in the parking lot, do you know the parking lot? Well, I'll be waiting for you in the car, in Zone C on the first floor."

After hanging up the phone, Yui looked at herself in the rearview mirror, and after tidying up her appearance, she lay on the steering wheel and stared into the distance.

Not long after, a person with a backpack, a black woolen hat and a mask appeared. His hat was pulled low, and combined with the position of the mask, he only showed a pair of eyes. Fortunately, Junsu's eyes are not single eyelids, so there will be no such thing as 'Kim Jong Kook'. (Only he knows if he opens his eyes or not.)

The man in the green flight jacket appeared in front of Yui, who honked his horn and flashed a light to remind him. Speaking of flight jackets, this is a fashion trend that Junxiu wears, and now the trend is gradually starting to make many people wear round-neck jackets. And the round neck jacket is not only a flight jacket, but there are still many round necks that are baseball uniforms. These are all worn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Junxiu took off his own after getting into the car. The mask kissed Yui's cheek: "Thank you, you came to pick me up so tired."

After Yui was greeted by Junxiu like this, she showed a satisfied smile. And her smile is still very healing. The moment I saw her smile after being heartbroken today, I was really healed a lot.

Yuyi smiled sweetly at Junxiu, and then she said a sentence in Korean: "oppa, I miss you."

Hearing Yui's playful Korean language, Junxiu laughed with her happily. When the two smiled and looked at each other, Junxiu pecked Yui's mouth twice before saying, "I miss you too. ."

"Well, let's go home. I bought a lot of your favorite dishes today. I'll go back and make them for you."

Yui started the car and headed back to their home, and the date officially started at this moment.

Sitting in the car, Junxiu asked Yui, "How have you been resting recently?"

"Well, it's alright. It's been a few days since the TV series was finished, and I've been making up for sleep these days. In the morning, I slept until about lunchtime to get up, eat something, watch animations, watch funny shows, and then fell asleep again."

Yui is very sleepy when she is not working, but Junxiu has experienced it. As long as she doesn't wake up, she almost always sleeps until noon before getting up. Even if she woke up for breakfast, she would go back to sleep after eating.

Yui talked about her resting situation during this period, and also told Junxiu that I didn't go out to contact others when you were away.

Yui drove the car and glanced at Junxiu quickly and said, "oppa, why do you feel that you are thin and darker, haven't you put on sunscreen?"

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