Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 121: Sika has become an actress (Part 1)

When Junsu heard that Sika actually went to film a TV series, he felt very strange. Yes, it is peculiar! ! In Girls' Generation, Yoona, Yuri, Xiuying, and Xiaoxian, all four of them are undergraduates majoring in film and television, so if a TV drama crew finds a few of them to shoot, then Junxiu won't be surprised at all, after all, acting belongs to their second career.

But the crew didn't find these people with professional knowledge and training in acting skills. In other words, it’s okay to shoot with someone with acting experience like Yoona, why did you find Sika? This is what Junsu finds very strange the most. However, Junxiu then figured out that there is a reason for the crew to find Sika.

Girls' Generation's return this year has completely established their position as the No. 1 girl group in Korea. Number one, if you can achieve 'number one' in anything, then the title is valuable, just like Junxiu has the title of 'Asia number one'. It is the "number one" that has been evaluated that makes his songs, his performance fees, and everything he owns very valuable.

Girls' Generation returned in October with their brand new album "The Boys", and the title track provided by JS Junsu has put them firmly in the "No. 1" throne. In the past, there may have been Kara who could fight for one or two, but today, Kara's children have sued DSP to the court, the reason is that they have worked so hard to run for so long, and they have only 300,000 to 400,000 won a month.

In 2009, because of TVXQ's incident, the law promulgated a clause to protect artists. At this time, DSP still dared to squeeze artists? This announcement has instantly lowered DSP's brand name, not to mention Kara's reputation has fallen a few steps from Girls' Generation. Only then did they become the real 'number one' in their Girls' Generation! Deserved number one! !

Now in Girls' Generation, Sika's fame has skyrocketed very fast. If the face of Girls' Generation was Yoona, the image of Sika after dyeing her blond hair has changed so much that countless fans have joined her 'hairy' army. Now the popularity of the team is approaching one or two. And this time, the crew found Sika to star in the TV series. To put it bluntly, it is not her acting skills that are valued, but the power of Girls' Generation fans! !

Perhaps the crew thought that Girls' Generation would be cast, and this gimmick alone would allow the show to have a '3-5%' viewership rating. So Sika's appearance in TV dramas is a function of attracting ratings.

After listening to the agent say that Sika is the second female lead, Junxiu has confirmed his inner thoughts. Sika is an existence that absorbs attention. He nodded with a smile and said, "It turns out that the first female lead in this drama is Li Shiying. Her acting skills have indeed grown a lot in the past two years. She was a very serious person when she was filming "Men and Girls", except for Senior Ha Ji Won, she is the most serious and hardworking actor I have ever seen."

The agent said jokingly: "Aren't you worried? The drama on Sika's side is released at the same time as your drama. It's not a joke to know the popularity of Girls' Generation now."

However, Junxiu said with a smile, "Is the quality of a TV series related to the popularity of Girls' Generation? A TV series needs to have a wonderful script and a wonderful performance by the actors. TV series are the only ones in this circle that can not rely on popularity, but only rely on their strength. Good job."

If the popularity of idols is high and the quality of the songs is average, it may still make the songs become popular. But 'tv series' will not work, there is no wonderful story, no wonderful performance, just the popularity of the artist cannot support the ratings of the entire TV series. To put it bluntly, TV dramas are still a place to watch 'strength'. The strength of the screenwriter, the strength of the director, and the strength of the actors, all three are indispensable!

So there is nothing to worry about playing Junsu in a TV drama, because he is quite optimistic about the script this time. The plot of the story is great! Compared with the urban romance drama, his costume romance drama is more interesting.

The agent smiled and nodded: "The crew is also waiting for you to come back and hold a press conference. Now the news that you and Han Jiaren will join the TV series has been sent out, so many people are looking forward to your new drama for the new year."


On Junsu's way home, Shungui's urging phone has already called. She was on vacation with Sika today, so the two of them were at Junxiu's house waiting for him to come home. Maybe it was because they knew in advance that Junsu would return to China today, so Shungui and Sika deliberately took a break?

Girls' Generation's promotion period has passed. At this time, they are all busy running various variety shows to spread their personal charm. Generally speaking, variety shows will go to two or three people at most~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if they take one or two people in rotation every day for rest adjustment, there are still seven people left, and the seven people run three to four different The show is more than enough, and today is just resting with Sika and Sunkyu.

After Junxiu returned home, Sika and Shungui lay lazily on the sofa in the living room watching the show and shouted at their teammates in the show: "Oh, when did I do this, this Cui Xiuying is in the show. Nonsense?"

The two comfortably regarded Junxiu's house as their dormitory, and they didn't care that Junxiu came home at all, as if it was not them who called Junxiu earlier. Junxiu put down his backpack and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of mineral water and drink it: "What are you two getting angry about?"

"This Cui Xiuying is talking nonsense on the show, saying that Sika doesn't like to be clean, and that I'm acting like a baby when I call in private."

"I didn't see Xiuying talking nonsense. Sika was originally... um, it's not that she doesn't like to be clean, but she doesn't like to do laundry. Don't you have a washing machine in your dormitory? Just throw it in!"

"oppa~~" Sika sat up from the sofa in an instant and shouted at Junxiu with a puffed bun face very dissatisfied: "We have nine people in a dormitory, even if the nine people wear at least 18 T-shirts every day What. Don't talk about the jeans you wear in this weather, the washing machine can't hold it and can't wash so much!! If you don't know, don't talk nonsense, what I don't like to do laundry, because I don't have a place to do it, so I save every Zhou take it back and wash it."

When Sika retorted Junxiu's dissatisfaction, Li Shungui also stood on Sika's side and started to help: "That's right, do you think everyone is the same as you? He lived alone not long after his debut, and his clothes are no longer there. How can one more washing machine be enough! What do you think? Really..."

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