Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 129: New Year's Eve in New York (2)

Both the program crew and Liu Jae-shik know that Junsu and Ha Dongxun have a very close relationship. Generally speaking, there is no problem with bringing him, but the program crew still asked Liu Jae-shik to make a phone call to let him know. After all, Junsu's There is no place for Ha Dong-hoon among the dance partners. There was no plan for him at the beginning, so if Ha Dongxun was going, Junsu had to agree.

Of course, after hearing the news that Haha was going with him, Junxiu agreed. Perhaps the best 'regulator' among the trio of Serenity Junsu, Yoo Jae Suk, and Noh Hong Chul in the program group is naturally Ha Dong Hoon, who has a very close relationship with Junsu. That's why the show team thought about letting him follow along.

Junsu just hung up Liu Zaishi's phone, and the phone rang again. This time the call was from KBS TV, because the middle of the TV station's number was a fixed number. Therefore, the landline number from this number section, the artist or the agent knows which TV station it is.

"Huh? Why did KBS suddenly call me?" Junxiu was very puzzled when he saw the call. Why did the TV station actually call his own private number? This shouldn't be the case. Generally speaking, if you have any job, you should practice as an agent first, and you shouldn't take the initiative to contact the artist. And Junxiu's private number is generally not provided to TV stations, unless it is a director who has a good relationship.

Junxiu answered the call from the TV station with doubt: "Hello."

"Hello, is it Junxiu xi? (Well) We are from the KBS "Changing Victory and Long Drive" program team! I am the main writer of the program, and my surname is Li."

""Long Victory"? Oh~~~ it's Taeyeon's talk show before, what's wrong?" Junxiu finally knew how the show team found out her private number, maybe it was provided by the guests, maybe it was Taeyeon, you must know that Taeyeon was the host of this show back then.

"That's it, today your student Li Zhien participated in the filming of our show, maybe we will call you later."

"Is that so, okay~ When is it? I'm on the set, so..." Junxiu wanted to say that he was shooting a TV series. If he didn't say a good time, he might not be able to receive calls from them. What about the phone.

After all, it was his student who went to that personal talk show. Junxiu, a teacher, had to answer a phone call. Junsu also knows the nature of that show, it's a show about interviews. So it's not bad to simply tell the story of myself and Li Zhien on the phone. Junsu rarely talks about it on the show, and of course Ji Eun has never participated in a personal talk show. How she and Junsu got started has not been made clear yet. Anyway, everyone only knows that she is a student of JS Junsu!

After the appointment was made, Junsu went on to film, and in the KBS studio, Lee Ji Eun was being interviewed by the program crew. At this time, they just talked about 'Li Zhien plastic surgery'.

Zhien said with a smile, "I haven't done it yet, but when I look back at how I looked when I debuted, I feel like it's done right now."

"You're taller than when you first debuted? Are you thinner?"

"Well, it's nearly two centimeters taller than when I debuted. And I lost 10KG. When I debuted, the teacher said every time he saw me, "You are so fat, you are really fat. Then I ordered my agent." People are not allowed to give me those carbohydrates. From then on, the food I eat every day is either salad or fruit. However, looking at myself in the mirror now, I really appreciate the teacher's language stimulation. "

After the topic was brought to Junxiu, the host smiled and asked to the audience: "Everyone knows who Ji Eun's teacher is, right?"

"Nei~~! JS Junsu!!"

"Yeah, IU's teacher is the world star JS Junsu!! Everyone only knows that IU is Junsu's student. How did she get Junsuxi's favor in the first place?"

"I don't know either. I remember that when I went to JS Entertainment to take the exam, I was brushed off. At that time, I always felt that one day I would definitely stand on the stage!"

"When you went to JS, you were brushed off?"

"Yeah, that's the first time JS has openly recruited trainees. There are a lot of people who have signed up, and many of them are excellent. The examination officially started in the morning, and it was already afternoon when it was my turn. Maybe the examiners were all Tired, I sang a song and asked me to go home and wait for news. As a result, I waited for a few days and there was no news, and I knew that I had been brushed off."

"Since you've been brushed off, how did you become Junxiu's student? You took the test the next year? We learned that Junxiu never participated in the trainee test, right? How did he discover you?"

"I'm not the second year~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm the first trainee."

"Didn't the first batch be brushed off?"

"Yeah, it was wiped out. I only found out after I joined the company and became a student of the teacher. Although I was wiped out at that time, the video records of the candidates' assessments were all seen by the teacher. He I saw my performance from the video record. On the third day after the assessment, the representative of our company came to my house and took me away. After I went to the company, I saw the teacher, and he asked me to follow He studied music together."

"Wow.. Junxiu was so busy back then, he still had to watch the video recording of the trainee assessment. This is also..."

"How can you possibly find a treasure like IU if you don't look?"

"Hahaha.. Yes, yes. Junsuxi really has a pair of unique eyes, he can actually choose you from so many trainees, and he still chooses you from the ones who are eliminated. This one It can be said that his 'discrimination ability' is very powerful."

"Now your grades have not disappointed your teacher."

"I don't know. Anyway, he never praised me. So far, every time I see the teacher, I feel nervous. Maybe it's because I used to be scolded often and have a psychological shadow? Hee hee~~"

Speaking of Junsu, that is definitely the person Li Zhien and his family are most grateful to. If he didn't let Min Hyuk go to her house to invite Lee Ji Eun, there would be no IU now! The great changes that have taken place in their family now are all given to Lee Ji Eun by Junsu.

Whether it is his musical guidance to Li Zhien or his musical help, in short, Li Zhien's family conditions have also changed because of her change on the stage. You must know that IU's debut was a failure! !

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