Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 132: New Year's Eve in New York (5)

Yoo Jae Suk is saying that HAHA has something to tell himself, which makes Junsu very puzzled. In other words, he has the most frequent contact with HAHA on weekdays, and the friendship between them doesn't need to be so twisted, right? So Junxiu looked at him strangely and said, "What? Just tell me if you have something to do?"

HAHA said very awkwardly: "That~~ Junsu, I don't know if you still remember a time, I, you, Brother Shi, Brother Hendon, we had dinner together, at that time... at Brother Shi, Tell me for me, you were there, and you heard it." HAHA didn't know how to speak, even in the face of Junxiu, whom he was very familiar with.

"What? I remember the last meal, what's the matter?" Junxiu shook his head depressedly, then turned to look at Liu Zaishi. He said on behalf of HAHA: "That time we ate, I don't know if you drank too much, so you agreed to write a song for HAHA in front of all of us. I don't know if you still remember? So this time The main problem when he came here was to ask you to sing."

How rare Junsu's songs are these days, this is something that everyone in Korea knows. Isn't there media coverage that Junxiu's songs are priced in 'billion' as the unit to calculate the copyright fee in the market. That's why HAHA is embarrassed to speak. After all, Junxiu's songs are very valuable, and he definitely won't be able to get so many copyright fees when he asks him to invite songs. So he hoped that he could take a friendship price. Of course, he didn't think about taking Junxiu's songs for nothing, even if they were such good friends.

Friendship becomes less pure once too much 'money' is involved. After all, HAHA was Junsu who took the initiative to help him during the toughest time. The current situation, to be honest, he is quite satisfied personally. It's just that Junxiu agreed to write a song for him last time.. It always tickles my heart if I don't make it clear. Even he knows that Junxiu's songs are very valuable, but no matter what, there must be a result, right?

Listening to Liu Zaishi's words, Junxiu smiled awkwardly and grabbed his head, and Liu Zaishi thought that Junxiu was in an embarrassing state, so he opened his mouth and said to HAHA: "You really are, Junxiu is so busy now, why? I have time to write a song for you, and now you like to sing reggae. Just leave Junsu alone."

HAHA immediately said to Junxiu: "I also know that you are very busy now, it is a TV series and a variety show, and you have to prepare songs for your children. Or else, we will write the songs, and you will write them when the time comes. A name will do!!"

A logo with 'JS' on the signature of the music can make it very valuable. The valuable place is because the songs created by Junxiu are worth paying to download and listen to! It's that simple! !

"Hey~~ don't bother Junxiu, he's so busy right now. Even if you want to talk about this, you'll have to wait until the end of his TV series, right?"

"No, no, isn't it just a song? Since you said you created it, I'll sign it. Let's just ~ I'll spend ten minutes creating a song for you on the spot. As for whether it works or not, you can decide for yourself. , Anyway, that's it. I created it at will!" After Junsu said this, HAHA instantly became excited, no matter if it was created by Junsu at will, but as long as the song is composed by Junsu, it will definitely get good results. achievement.

Junxiu turned to his security and told him to get Taylor's guitar for his own use.

After a few minutes, he came over with Taylor's guitar. Junxiu held the guitar and played it twice, instead of plucking the strings, but composing the music by percussion, because reggae-style songs are very good. I like to use drums. As for how to arrange the music in the later stage, HAHA can go back and watch it by himself. He just needs to get the main melody out.

Junsu tapped a melody and started humming 'Rosa, oh my love, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa,'

The melody of the song instantly made HAHA like it. He looked at Junxiu in surprise and said, "Oh, oh, oh, this.. this.. This song was made in less than five minutes?"

"Hey~~" Liu Zaishi also looked at Junxiu in astonishment: "It's really amazing, as expected of the No. 1 producer in Korea, such a song can be done in five minutes. And I think it's not bad."

Junxiu put down the guitar at this moment, then looked at HAHA and said: "Okay, it's almost the same. When the main theme is here, I will do it for you on the return flight, at most half an hour. I get off the plane. Send it to your email. I gave you the song, do you think it's pretty good?"

"Well, yes, yes, this song is a style that I personally like very much. Rosa, Rosa...." HAHA also sang this song along with the melody that Junsu sang before~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in HAHA After singing, Junxiu smiled and said to Liu Zaishi: "Let's shoot later, let's take a break." Liu Zaishi probably knew that Junxiu wanted to smoke, so it was definitely not acceptable to face the camera. So at this time, Liu Zaishi clapped at the camera and turned off the camera.

Junxiu and HAHA sat next to them and started smoking. Maybe the only smoking area in this hotel is the waiting room. While resting and smoking, HAHA asked about the song.

After a cigarette, Junxiu said that she had to go to the bathroom, but it took only two minutes before Junxiu left. Taylor appeared in the waiting room. Liu Zaishi and others lost their language instantly after seeing the tall and beautiful Taylor. They covered their mouths one by one and looked at Taylor with the flirtatious stage makeup.

Tyler nodded towards them and said with a smile, "Where did JS go?"

"JS, JS, oh, I went to the bathroom." Lu Hongzhe excitedly told Taylor about Junxiu's whereabouts in Korean. And Liu Zaishi immediately added: "WC. WC. Come back later."

Taylor nodded and smiled at the camera. She sat in the place where Junxiu was just now, while Liu Zaishi and others were so excited after seeing Taylor that they couldn't get close, and they hadn't sat down to rest yet. The three of them gathered together. Chatting in Korean in a rustling mess.

Just when they were nervous and embarrassed, Junxiu intervened and returned to the waiting room. After Tyler watched Junsu come back, she finally had a relaxed smile.

When Junxiu came back, Liu Zaishi finally said to Junxiu easily: "Junxiu, you're back, we were so nervous when Taylor came over, super nervous!!"

Junxiu smiled and translated to Taylor: "They said they were very nervous to see you. Haha~~"

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