Korean Entertainment Kpopstar

Vol 2 Chapter 134: New Year's Eve in New York (7)

After simply chatting in the waiting room for a while, Junxiu took them to his practice room for the rehearsal and dance together, where there were also Junxiu dancers. Liu Zaishi was shocked when he saw so many dancers following Junxiu: "Junxiu, why are there so many dancers?"

Junxiu smiled and nodded and said, "Well, the time for the two songs. So I cut "Jiang/South Ribbon'er" a bit and put half of the song "Ringa.Linga" in. I'm sorry, In Shige. Because when people all over the world think of Korean music, the first thing they think of is our 'Knives Dance', so this time I wanted to take the opportunity to let more people know about our Korean pop music."

Junsu is promoting Korean music on such a super large stage, which makes Liu Zaishi and others admire Junsu one more point. He has the opportunity to perform overseas and does not forget to promote the Korean music model. It deserves admiration. Even if the songs performed by Liu Zaishi and others with Junsu have been cut for some time, he still agrees with Junsu's approach. He kept waving his hands and said, "It's okay, it's okay, Junsu, you are promoting overseas. South Korea is a really good opportunity.”

Because the New Year's Eve live broadcast in Times Square has at least 1 billion viewers, Junsu has this opportunity not to promote himself more, but to promote Korean music. They have no opinion at all.

"Okay then, let's rehearse." After Junxiu's voice fell, the live music started. After Junxiu and the dance partner simply cooperated, it was time for Liu Zaishi and others to enter the stage. Junxiu and them simply cooperated. After a while, he suddenly said: "Brother Shi, here is your personal 'showtime' time."

Liu Zaishi looked at Junxiu in surprise: "Huh? My personal performance time?"

Junxiu nodded and said: "Yeah, because I have to sing here, the performance time here is reserved for you. The camera will float to you for a few seconds, you have to seize the opportunity, think about it. Look, the members of our domestic group all have a few seconds of personal time."

Liu Zaishi immediately danced his grasshopper dance, and then Junxiu said to Lu Hongzhe, "Next is yours."

Lu Hongzhe followed and danced his low-quality 'piling' dance. When his dance appeared, Taylor, who was standing beside him, laughed and screamed: "Wow~~Hahaha~~~"

HAHA, who was standing next to him, looked at the reaction of so many people at the scene and said with a smile: "This shoddy dance move can actually be eaten in the United States."

The music stopped here, Liu Zaishi and Lu Hongzhe exited the stage, and then the music changed from "Jiang/South Ribbon" to a strong dance song "Ling Kar Ling Kar", Junxiu and his dance partners were uniform. After the knife group dance was shown in front of Liu Zishi and others, all three of them exclaimed in amazement.

"Wow~~ It's really shocking to see this knife group dance so close. The formation is matched with neat movements, it's really amazing."

After the first dance was over, the staff here came to inform Junxiu of the official rehearsal.

Liu Zaishi and others also followed Junxiu out of the hotel, and Liu Zaishi flashed the lights on his clothes along the way, attracting the attention of many people.


Walking on the crowded street, the surrounding fans burst out with ardent screams at Junsu: "JS~~!! JS~~!!" Junsu still has so many fans in the United States who love him. When he was in Asia, it was the "RM" side's program group that filmed his popularity, and now when he is in the United States, "Infinite Challenge" recorded his popularity live.

Junxiu walked with Liu Zaishi and others in the protection circle, and Lu Hongzhe exclaimed in surprise: "Wow.. Now there are dozens of police officers protecting us. It's the first time to be protected by the police on stage. It's so handsome. Me too. It seems that being a person like Junsu can be protected by the New York police."

"These are not only to protect me, but all the big-name stars in the United States have come here. The New Year's Eve carnival, naturally, there are police to keep it going."

"Stage, stage, stage!!" Gradually, the whole stage was shown in front of them, and the stage was surrounded by countless people. At least 20,000 to 30,000 people participated in this carnival!

On the way to the stage, the cameras of Infinite Challenge recorded the screams of American fans at Junsu. When the abbreviation of 'JS', the handsome abbreviation, sounded in Times Square, it was a kind of pride and a shock, which made all three of them feel a rush of excitement.

Junxiu said in Liu Zaishi's ear: "Brother Shi, enjoy this stage well. We can't waste our energy on such a beautiful stage. When your solo is on, you must work hard. The audience off the stage will Cheers to you!"

"Junxiu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is really a great experience, really. Although I have the opportunity to be on such a stage with you, I really feel no regrets. The world stage, I've been there too!"

Junxiu nodded and said with a smile: "You will know how the world stage feels when you stand on the stage." Because the stage here is very high, you can see dense crowds and people of all skin colors, all you need to do is stand on the stage. Scream, and the enthusiastic audience under the stage will respond to you. This is the American fan, this is the most enthusiastic fan, and this is Junsu's favorite stage! !

Before the rehearsal started, Junxiu brought Liu Zaishi and others onto the stage, standing tall and looking at the crowded heads, HAHA couldn't help screaming at the fans: "Hello~~!!"

The fans below saw HAHA's waving hands, and they also responded to HAHA with a super enthusiastic scream: "Ah~~!!" HAHA also recorded the enthusiastic fans at the scene with her mobile phone.

Junxiu smiled and clapped at HAHA: "Brother~ the rehearsal is over, there are still people waiting behind."

After the rehearsal of Junsu's two songs, the famous American host 'Ryan' also took the initiative to come over to take a photo with Junsu, and Junsu also introduced Liu Zaishi: "The host of 'American Idol'."

With the American host taking the initiative to find Junsu to take a photo, Liu Zaishi really felt the charm of Junsu, a superstar.

Perhaps in Korea, he and Junsu have to meet in the show from time to time. Coupled with Junsu's easy-going nature, he doesn't feel so strong about the world star aura that Junsu exudes. It was not until today that a famous American host took the initiative to take a photo with Junxiu, and he really felt the top glory of Junxiu! !

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